Greenhouses - House O
Herbaceous lianas growing here in summer include Cucurbitaceae like Momordica charantia and Trichosanthes cucumerina. The sensitive plant Mimosa pudica dwells well in the hot and humid atmosphere and can be observed and touched here. Photo right: Pistia stratiotes.
One of the main attractions of the garden during the summer months are the two species of the giant waterlilies Victoria amazonica from the Amazon and Orinoco, and Victoria cruziana from the Parana River. Other Nymphaeaceae like Nymphaea gigantea, a large blue flowered water lily from Australia and New Guinea, Euryale ferox from tropical E-Asia, and a number of species and cultivars of waterlilies of the genus Nymphaea are also noteworthy. Photo left: Tropical water lilies.
Around the Victoria pond several woody or herbaceous lianas with showy flowers can be seen in summer: Thunbergia laurifolia (Acanthaceae), the yellow-flowered Allamanda cathartica (Apocynaceae), and Argyreia nervosa (Convolvulaceae) with beautiful leaves are quite attractive. On the contrary, the large-flowered Aristolochia grandiflora, and A. maxima (Aristolochiaceae) are quite repugnant once you are close enough to inhale the strong odour emitted by the flowers (in late summer), a means to attract flies as pollinators. At the entrance of the glasshouse complex, the first display catching the attention of the visitor are the aquariums. Some entirely or mostly submerged growing species of typical water plant families are shown here, particularly numerous in the genus Vallisneria (Hydrocharitaceae) and Echinodorus (Alismataceae). The Araceae are well represented by various species of Cryptocoryne. The finely pinnatisect leaves of Myriophyllum have surprising imitators in other families, particularly on the submerged stem parts of species of Limnophila and Hydrotriche (Scrophulariaceae). Aquatic representatives of further flowering plant families like Acanthaceae, Aponogetonaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Compositae, Cyperaceae, Lythraceae, and Onagraceae can be found here as well. B. Leuenberger |
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