Jörg Holetschek was born in 1976 in Saalfeld, Germany. At Ilmenau Technical University he studied Information Systems Engineering (Wirtschaftsinformatik) and graduated in 2002. As his thesis, in co-operation with a research team at the university, he developed a medical database for neurological disorders.
During his studies, he worked for several companies, setting up computer networks, developing database applications and enterprise software, and doing project management tasks. From 2003 to 2004, he worked at a private company developing enterprise resource planning software; one of his main fields was the optimization of the SQL Server database backend.
Since 2004, he has been working as a research assistant at the Botanical Museum and Botanic Garden Berlin-Dahlem, Dept. of Biodiversity. His main scientific activities are in the field of biological collection databasing; the design and implementation of networks for primary biodiversity data, including the development of standards, protocols and software implementations; the publishing of primary biodiversity databases; database design and optimization of large-scale databases and the setup of servers, portals and databases for the different networks. In his present position, he is the museum’s coordinator for biodiversity data networks and the CETAF node manager for Germany.
In addition, he’s been working on projects for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and the Australian Virtual Herbarium.
- Information Systems and Knowledge Processing
- Biodiversity Informatics
- Large-scale database systems
- Data visualisation, data mining
- Scalable OGC Webservices
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
- Holetschek J. & Berendsohn W.G. 2005: Freier Zugang zu den Informationen der Artenvielfalt - Wie werde ich Teil der Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)? In: Beiträge zur Entomologie, Vol. 55 (2): 433- 444.
- Holetschek J., Kelbert P., Müller A., Ciardelli P., Güntsch A. & Berendsohn W.G. 2009: International networking of large amounts of primary biodiversity data. Proceedings Informatik 2009 - Im Focus das Leben. Lecture Notes in Informatics, GI-Edition Vol. 26: 552-564.
- Contribution to Gilman E., Dunn D., Read A., Hyrenbach K.D. & Warner R. 2011: Designing criteria suites to identify discrete and networked sites of high value across manifestations of biodiversity. In Biodiversity and Conservation, Vol. 19 (doi:10.1007/s10531-011-0116-y).
- Gilman E., Chaloupka M., Read A., Dalzell P., Holetschek J. & Curtice C. 2012: Hawaii Longline Tuna Fishery Temporal Trends in Standardized Catch Rates and Length Distributions and Effects on Pelagic and Seamount Ecosystems. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
- Holetschek J., Dröge G., Güntsch A. & Berendsohn W.G. 2012: The ABCD of primary biodiversity data access. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology: Official Journal of the Societa Botanica Italiana, 146:4, 771-779, DOI:10.1080/11263504.2012.740085 (2012).
- Böttinger P., Michel A., Güntsch A., Schwirtz P., Holetschek J., Zippel E. & Berendsohn W.G. 2013: Natural History in a Cultural Context. Kultur und Informatik - Visual Worlds and Interactive Spaces: 219-224.
Holetschek J., Baumann G., Koch G. & Berendsohn W.G. 2016: Natural History in Europeana - Accessing Scientific
Collection Objects via LOD. In: Garoufallou, E., Subirats Coll, I., Stellato, A., Greenberg, J. (eds.): Metadata and Semantics Research. 10th International Conference, MTSR 2016, Göttingen, Germany, November 22-25, 2016, Proceedings, 223-234, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-49157-8.
Other publications
- Holetschek J., Güntsch A., Oancea C., Döring M. & Berendsohn W. G. 2006: Prototyping a Generic Slice Generation System for the GBIF Index. In: Belbin L., Rissoné A. and Weitzman A. (eds.): Proceedings of TDWG 2006: 51-52.
- Dröge G. & Holetschek J. 2007: Building the German DNA bank network using TDWG standards. In Weitzman A. and Belbin L. (eds.): Proceedings of TDWG 2007: 58-59.
- Holetschek J. & Berendsohn W.G. 2007: Aus der Schublade ins World Wide Web - Internet-Veröffentlichung von Sammlungsdaten über das GBIF-Netzwerk. In: GfBS-Newsletter 18/2007: 26-27.
- Kirchhoff A., Holetschek J, Hahn A., Kelbert P., Jahn R. & Berendsohn W.G. 2007: GBIF-Germany and the Botanical Node. 1st central european diatom meeting, 23-25 March 2007, Berlin-Dahlem.
- Holetschek J. & Döring M. 2008: Publishing Specimen & Observation Records Using BioCASe Technology. In: Gradstein S. R., Klatt S., Normann, F., Weigelt, P., Willmann, R. & Wilson, R. (eds): Systematics 2008 Programme and Abstracts, Göttingen 7-11 April 2008.
- Zippel E., Kusber W.-H., Kelbert P., Holetschek J., Güntsch A. & Berendsohn W.G. 2008: BioCASE – access to specimen and observation data for taxonomists. In: 10th Symposium of the International Organization of Plant Biosystematists, 2-4 July 2008, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia. Book of Abstracs: 122.
- Kusber W.-H., Zippel E., Kelbert P., Holetschek J., Güntsch A. & Berendsohn W.G. 2008: Europäische Beobachtungs-, Multimedia- und Belegdaten in Internetportalen (GBIF und BioCASE) für die limnologische Forschung: Stand, Potential, Qualitätssicherung . In: Abstracts Jahrestagung 2008 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie: 97.
- Holetschek J. 2008: How to Reduce Your Coffee Consumption – Performance Investigations on Large Occurrence Databases. In: Weitzman A, Belbin L. (eds.): Proceedings of TDWG 2008: 85-86.
- Kelbert P., Hoffmann N., Holetschek J., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G. 2008: The new EDIT specimen and observation explorer for taxonomists. In: Weitzman A., Belbin L. (eds.): Proceedings of TDWG 2008: 68-69.
- Kusber W.-H., Zippel E., Kelbert P., Holetschek J., Hahn A., Güntsch A. & Berendsohn W.G. 2009: From cleaning the valves to cleaning the data: Case studies using diatom biodiversity data on the Internet. In Cantonati M., Scalfi A. & Bertuzzi E. (eds.): 2nd Central Europan Diatom Meeting, Abstract Book, 12 June 2008 - 15 June 2008 Trento (Italy): 30.
- Zippel E., Kelbert P., Kusber W.-H., Holetschek J., Güntsch A. & Berendsohn W.G.: EDIT Specimen and Observation Explorer for Taxonomists. Eine Nützliche Komponente der taxonomischen EDIT-Arbeitsplattform im Internet. In: GfBS-Newsletter 21/2009: 18-21.
- Kusber W.-H., Zippel E., Kelbert P., Holetschek J., Güntsch A. & Berendsohn W.G. 2010: Verbesserung europäischer Biodiverstätsdaten im Rahmen der EU-SYNTHESYS Networking Activities. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (eds.): Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) und der deutschen und österreichischen Sektion der Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL) Oldenburg, 28. Sept. - 02. Okt. 2009: 495-500.
- Holetschek J.; Robertson T. & Ó Tuama É.: OGC Web Services for GBIF-Mediated Occurrence Data. In: Weitzman A (eds.): Proceedings of TDWG 2010: 45-46.
- Kusber W.-H., von Mering S., Holetschek J. 2013: Netzverfügbarkeit primärer Biodiversitätsdaten - Schritt für Schritt zur BioCASe-Anbindung limnologischer Datenquellen an das GBIF-Netzwerk. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) (ed.): Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2013 (Potsdam-Berlin), Hardegsen 2014 - S. 211-215.
- Güntsch A, Groom Q, Hyam R, Chagnoux S, Röpert D, Berendsohn W, Casino A, Droege G, Gerritsen W, Holetschek J, Marhold K, Mergen P, Rainer H, Smith V, Triebel D 2018: Standardised Globally Unique Specimen Identifiers. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2: e26658. https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.2.26658