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Dr. Robert Lücking

Evolution und Biodiversität
Robert Lücking
+49 30 838 56 350
+49 30 838-4 56 350
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8


Leitung der Forschungsabteilung und des Bereichs Pilze (einschließlich Flechten)


Geboren 1964. Studium der Biologie an der Universität Ulm (Diplom 1990, Promotion 1994) und an der Universität Bayreuth (Habilitation 2002). 1995-1998 Postdoktorand an der Universität Ulm; 1998 Gastprofessor an der Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasilien (Lichenologie, Community Ecology); 1998-2001 Forschungs- und Lehrassistent an der Universität Bayreuth. 2001-2015 Collections Manager & Adjunct Curator (Lichens & Fungi) am Field Museum, Chicago; seit 2010 Affiliate Faculty an der George Mason University, Virginia; since 2013 Fulbright Specialist Roster; seit 2015 Research Associate am Field Museum, Chicago. 2015-2023 Kustos (Flechten, Pilze, Moose) im Herbarium Berolinense des Botanischen Gartens und Botanischen Museums Berlin der Freien Universität Berlin. Seit 2023 Leiter der Abteilung Evolution und Biodiversität am Botanischen Garten und Botanischen Museum Berlin der Freien Universität Berlin. Seit 2023 Privatdozent im Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie (BCP) der Freien Universität Berlin; seit 2022 Lehre des Moduls Integrative Taxonomy.


  • Taxonomie, Phylogenie, Systematik, Evolution, Ökologie, Biogeographie und Nutzanwendungen tropischer Flechten, mit Schwerpunkt auf Basidiolichenen, foliikolen (blattbewohnenden) Flechten, Gomphillaceae, Graphidaceae, Hygrophoraceae, Peltigeraceae, Pilocarpaceae, Pyrenulaceae und Trypetheliaceae.
  • Evolution und globale Biodiversität der Pilze einschließlich quantitativer Voraussagen; fossile Pilze und vergleichende molecular clock-Studien.
  • Phylogenetische Methoden (Kodierung variabler Regionen, gewichtetes Bootstrapping, Analyse von Homoplasien, Integration morphologischer und molekularer Daten wie z.B. Binning, Phylogenie-basierte Bestimmungstools).
  • Phylogenetische Artabgrenzung und Auswertung von next-generation sequencing metabarcoding-Daten, um die globale Pilzdiversität abzuschätzen.
  • Analyse der Qualität von Sequenz- und Biodiversitätsdaten in globalen Datenbanken und Portalen.

Mandate in wissenschaftlichen Gremien und Komitees

Editorial Board IMA Fungus
Editorial Board The Lichenologist
Editorial Board The Bryologist
Editorial Board Mycosphere
Editorial Board Glalia

Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften

International Association for Lichenology (IAL)
International Mycological Association
British Lichen Society (BLS)
American Bryological and Lichenological Society (ABLS)
Bryological-Lichenological Working Group of Central Europe (BLAM)
Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (GLAL)

weitere Aktivitäten

Mitgliedschaft in Wissenschaftlichen Beiräten und Komitees

  • International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF)

Mitarbeit in kustodialen Projekten

  • Akzession, Montage und Digitalisierung der Moossammlungen von Jan-Peter Frahm und der dazugehörigen Herbonauten-Missionen (120.000 Belege).
  • Integration der LICHCOL-Datenbank in das Virtuelle Herbarium der JACQ-Datenbank (180.000 Datensätze).
  • Digitalisierung und taxonomische Aufarbeitung historischer Belege der Gattung Sticta aus Deutschland.

Leitung oder Mitarbeit in Forschungsprojekten

  • DryLich - Aufbau eines Kompetenznetzwerks für die Flechtenbiota tropischer Trockenwälder (BMBF, Förderkennzeichen 01DN23013; Leitung: Dr. Robert Lücking; Mitarbeiterin: Dr. Bibiana Moncada).
  • ColBioDiv (BMBF, Förderkennzeichen 01DN13030, 01DN17006; Leitung: Prof. Dr. Thomas Borsch; Koordination: Dr. Grischa Brokamp).
  • Globale phylogenetische Revision der Flechtengattung Sticta ("Starting from Scratch with Sticta: Evolution, Diversification, and Conservation of a Megadiverse Flagship Lichen Genus"; National Science Foundation NSF-DEB 1354884; Leitung: Dr. Thorsten Lumbsch; Mitarbeiterin: Dr. Bibiana Moncada; bis 2018).
  • Visiting Researcher an der Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico CNPq PVE 314570 / 2014-4; Leitung: Prof. Dr. Marcela Cáceres; bis 2017).

Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)

  • Niskanen, T., Lücking, R., Dahlberg, A., Gaya, E., Suz, L. M., Mikryukov, V., Liimatainen, K., Druzhinina, I., Westrip, J. R. S., Mueller, G. M., Kirk, P., Tedersoo, L. & Antonelli, A. 2023. Pushing the frontiers of biodiversity research: Unveiling the global diversity, distribution and conservation of fungi. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 48: 149–176. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-environ-112621-090937 
  • Lücking, R., Álvaro Alba, W. R., Moncada, B., Marín Canchala, N. L., Tunjano, S. S. & Cárdenas López, D. 2023. Lichens from the Colombian Amazon: 666 taxa including 28 new species and 157 new country records document an extraordinary diversity. The Bryologist 126: 242–303. https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-126.2.242
  • Lücking, R., Moncada, B. & Dal Forno, M. 2023. PhyloKey: A novel method to rapidly and reliably identify species in complex, species-rich genera, and an opportunity for 'non-molecular museomics'. The Lichenologist 55: 181–192. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0024282923000415
  • Mercado-Díaz, J. A., Lücking, R., Moncada, B., Campbell, K. C. St. E., Delnatte, C., Familia, L., Falcón-Hidalgo, B., Motito-Marín, A., Rivera-Queralta, Y. Widhelm, T. J. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2023. Species assemblages of insular Caribbean Sticta (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigerales) over ecological and evolutionary time scales. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 186: 107830. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107830
  • Moncada, B., Rincón-Murillo, D. & Lücking, R. 2023. Three new lobarioid lichens (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae) from Colombia, honoring Enrique Forero. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 47(184): 619–640. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.1978
  • Wilk, K. & Lücking, R. 2024. Quantitative integrative taxonomy informs species delimitation in Telo-schistaceae (lichenized Ascomycota): the genus Wetmoreana as a case study. IMA Fungus 15: 9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-024-00140-1
  • Aptroot, A. & Lücking, R. 2016. Editorial: A first collaborative attempt at a global revision of Trypetheliaceae (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes: Trypetheliales). The Lichenologist 48: 607-608. DOI:10.1017/S0024282916000517
  • Aptroot, A. & Lücking, R. 2016. A revisionary synopsis of the Trypetheliaceae (Ascomycota: Trype-the¬¬liales). The Lichenologist 48: 763-982. DOI:10.1017/S0024282916000487
  • Aptroot, A., Cáceres, M. E. S., Johnston, M. K. & Lücking, R. 2016. How diverse is the lichenized fungal family Trypetheliaceae (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes): a quantitative prediction of global species richness. The Lichenologist 48: 983-994. DOI:10.1017/S0024282916000463
  • Arcadia, L. & Lücking, R. 2016. (320) Proposal to amend Article 20.2. Taxon 65: 903-905.
  • Cáceres,M. E. S., Aptroot, A. & Lücking, R. 2016. Lichen fungi in the Atlantic rain forest of Northeast Brazil: the relationship of species richness with habitat diversity and conservation status. Brazilian Journal of Botany [online first]. DOI:10.1007/s40415-016-0323-6
  • Dal Forno, M., Lücking, R., Bungartz, F., Yánez-Ayabaca, A., Marcelli, M. P., Spielmann, A. A., Coca, L. F., Chaves, J. L., Aptroot, A., Sipman, H. J. M., Sikaroodi, M., Gillevet, P. & Lawrey, J. D. 2016. From one to six: unrecognized species diversity in the genus Acantholichen (lichenized Basidio-mycota: Hygrophoraceae). Mycologia 108: 38-55. DOI:10.3852/15-060
  • Díaz Escandón, D., Soto Medina, E., Lücking, R. & Silverstone Sopkin, P. 2015. Corticolous lichens as environmental indicators of natural sulphur emissions near the sulphur mine El Vinagre (Cauca, Colombia). The Lichenologist 47: 147-159. DOI:10.1017/S0024282915000535
  • Hawksworth, D. L., Hibbett, D. S., Kirk, P. M. & Lücking, R. 2016. (308–310) Proposals to permit DNA sequence data to serve as types of names of fungi. Taxon 65: 899-900.
  • Hyde, K. D., Hongsanan, S., Jeewon, R., Bhat, D. J., McKenzie, E. H. C., Jones, E. B. G., Phookamsak, R., Ariyawansa, H. A., Boonmee, S., Zhao, Q., Abdel-Aziz, F. A., Abdel-Wahab, M. A., Banmai, S., Chomnunti, P., Cui, B. K., Daranagama, D. A., Das, K., Dayarathne, M. C., de Silva, N. L., Dissanayake, A. J., Doilom, M., Ekanayaka, A. H., Gibertoni, T. B., Góes-Neto, A., Huang, S. K., Jayasiri, S. C., Jayawardena, R. S., Konta, S., Lee, H. B., Li, W. J., Lin, C. G., Liu, J. K., Lu, YZ., Luo, Z. L., Manawasinghe, I. S., Manimohan, P., Mapook, A., Niskanen, T., Norphanphoun, C., Papizadeh, M., Perera, R. H., Phukhamsakda, C., Richter, C., de Santiago, A. L. C. M. A., Drechsler-Santos, E. R., Senanayake, I. C., Tanaka, K., Tennakoon, T. M. D. S., Thambugala, K. M., Tian, Q., Tibpromma, S., Thongbai, B., Vizzini, A., Wanasinghe, D. N., Wijayawardene, N. N., Wu, H., Yang, J., Zeng, X. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, J. F., Bulgakov, T. S., Camporesi, E., Bahkali, A. H., Amoozegar, A. M., Araujo-Neta, L. S., Ammirati, J. F., Baghela, A., Bhatt, R. P., Bojantchev, S., Buyck, B., da Silva, G. A., de Lima, C. L. F., de Oliveira, R. J. V., de Souza, C. A. F., Dai, YC., Dima, B., Duong, T. T., Ercole, E., Mafalda-Freire, F., Ghosh, A., Hashimoto, A., Kamolhan, S., Kang, J. C., Karunarathna, S. C., Kirk, P. M., Kytövuori, I., Lantieri, A., Liimatainen, K., Liu, Z. Y., Liu, X. Z., Lücking, R., Medardi, G., Mortimer, P. E., Nguyen, T. T. T., Promputtha, I., Raj, K. N. A., Reck, M. A., Lumyong, S., Shahzadeh-Fazeli, S. A., Stadler, M., Soudi, M. R., Su, H. Y, Takahashi, T., Tangthirasunun, N., Uniyal, P., Wang, Y, Wen, T. C., Xu, J. C., Zhang, Z. K., Zhao, Y. C., Zhou, J. Z. & Zhu, L. 2016. (2016) Fungal diversity notes 367-490: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 80: 1-270. DOI:10.1007/s13225-016-0373-x
  • Kalb, J., Polyiam, W., Rivas Plata, E., Bawingan, P. A. Kalb, K. & Lücking, R. 2016. 'Missing links' alive? Novel taxa represent morphological transitions between distinctive phenotypes among extant Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales). Phytotaxa 268: 110-122. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.268.2.2
  • Leandro, E. L., Lücking, R. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2016. Three new species of Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota) from Atlantic Forest in Northeast Brazil. Phytotaxa 278: 163-170. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.278.2.6
  • Li, G. J., Hyde, K. D., Zhao, R. L., Hongsanan, S., Abdel-Aziz, F. A., Abdel-Wahab, M. A., Alvarado, P., Alves-Silva, G., Ammirati, J. F., Ariyawansa, H. A., Baghela, A., Bahkali, A. H., Beug, M., Bhat, D. J., Bojantchev, D., Boonpratuang, T., Bulgakov, T. S., Camporesi, E., Boro, M. C., Ceska, O., Chakraborty, D., Chen, J. J., Chethana, K. W. T., Chomnunti, P., Consiglio, G., Cui, B. K., Dai, D. Q., Dai, Y. C., Daranagama, D. A., Das, K., Dayarathne, M. C., Crop, E. D., De Oliveira, R. J. V., de Souza, C. A. F., de Souza, J. I., Dentinger, B. T. M., Dissanayake, A. J., Doilom, M., Drechsler-Santos, E. R., Ghobad-Nejhad, M., Gilmore, S. P., Góes-Neto, A., Gorczak, M., Haitjema, C. H., Hapuarachchi, K. K., Hashimoto, A., He, M. Q., Henske, J. K., Hirayama, K., Iribarren, M. J., Jayasiri, S. C., Jayawardena, R. S., Jeon, S. J., Jerônimo, G. H., Jesus, A. L., Jones, E. B. G., Kang, J. C., Karunarathna, S. C., Kirk, P. M., Konta, S., Kuhnert, E., Langer, E., Lee, H. S., Lee, H. B., Li, W. J., Li, X. H., Liimatainen, K., Lima, D. X., Lin, C. G., Liu, J. K., Liu, X. Z., Liu, Z. Y., Luangsa-ard, J. J., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H. T., Lumyong, S., Leaño, E. M., Marano, A. V., Matsumura, M., McKenzie, E. H. C., Mongkolsamrit, S., Mortimer, P. E., Nguyen, T. T. T., Niskanen, T., Norphanphoun, C., O’Malley, M. A., Parnmen, S., Paw?owska, J., Perera, R. H., Phookamsak, R., Phukhamsakda, C., Pires-Zottarelli, C. L. A., Raspé, O., Reck, M. A., Rocha, S. C. O., de Santiago, A. L. C. M. A., Senanayake, I. C., Setti, L., Shang, Q. J., Singh, S. K., Sir, E. B., Solomon, K. V., Song, J., Srikitikulchai, P., Stadler, M., Suetrong, S., Takahashi, H., Takahashi, T., Tanaka, K., Tang, L. P. & Thambugala, K. M. 2016. Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 78: 1-237. DOI:10.1007/s13225-016-0366-9
  • Lücking, R. & Timdal, E. 2016. New species of Dictyonema and Cyphellostereum (lichenized Basidio-mycota: Hygrophoraceae) from tropical Africa and the Indian Ocean, dedicated to the late Hildur Krog. Willdenowia 46: 191-199. DOI:10.3372/wi.46.46115
  • Lücking, R. & Tønsberg, T. 2016. Gyalideopsis pusilla (Gomphillaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes), a new species from southeastern North America. North American Fungi 11(7): 1-4. DOI:10.2509/naf2016.011.007
  • Lücking, R., Dal Forno, M., Moncada, B., Coca, L. F., Vargas-Mendoza, l. Y., Aptroot, A., Arias, L. J., Besal, B., Bungartz, F., Cabrera-Amaya, D. M., Cáceres, M. E. S., Chaves, J. L., Eliasaro, S., Gutiérrez, M. C., Hernández-M., J. E., Herrera-Campos, M. A., Holgado-Rojas, M. E., Jonitz, H., Kukwa, M., Lucheta, F., Madriñán, S., Marcelli, M. P., Martins, S. M. A., Mercado-Díaz, J. A., Molina, J. A., Morales, E. A., Nelson, P. R., Nugra, F., Ortega, F., Paredes, T., Patiño, A. L., Peláez-Pulido, R. N., Pérez-Pérez, R. E., Perlmutter, G. B., Rivas-Plata, M. E., Robayo, J., Rodríguez, C., Simijaca, D. F., Soto-Medina, E., Spielmann, A. A., Suárez-Corredor, A., Torres, J. M., Vargas, C. A., Yánez-Ayabaca, A., Weerakoon, G., Wilk. K., Celis-Pacheco, M., Diazgranados, M., Brokamp, G., Borsch, T., Gillevet, P. M., Sikaroodi, M. & Lawrey, J. D. 2016. Turbo-taxonomy to assemble a megadiverse lichen genus: seventy new species of Cora (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), honouring David Leslie Hawksworth's seventieth birthday. Fungal Diversity [online first]. DOI:10.1007/s13225-016-0374-9
  • Lücking, R., Gutiérrez, M. C. & Moncada, B. 2016. Neosergipea, a new name for the lichen fungus Sergipea, with an updated phylogeny and notes on the genus Dichosporidium (lichenized Asco-mycota: Arthoniales: Roccellaceae). The Lichenologist 48: 269-273. DOI:10.1017/S0024282916000207
  • Lücking, R., Hodkinson, B. P. & Leavitt, S. D. 2016. The 2016 classification of lichenized fungi in the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota – Approaching one thousand genera. The Bryologist (in press).
  • Lücking, R., Mangold, A. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2016. A worldwide key to species of the genera Myriotrema and Glaucotrema (lichenized Ascomycota: Graphidaceae), with a nomenclatural checklist of species published in Myriotrema. Herzogia 29: 493-513.
  • Lücking, R., Nelsen, M. P., Aptroot, A., Benatti, M. N., Binh, N. Q., Gueidan, C., Gutiérrez, M. C., Jungbluth, P., Lumbsch, H. T., Marcelli, M. P., Moncada, B., Naksuwankul, K., Orozco, T. Salazar-Allen, N. & Upreti, D. K. 2016. A potpourri of new species of Trypetheliaceae resulting from molecular phylogenetic studies. The Lichenologist 48: 639-660. DOI:10.1017/S0024282916000475
  • Lücking, R., Nelsen, M. P., Aptroot, A., Barillas de Klee, R., Bawingan, P. A., Benatti, M. N., Binh, N. Q., Bungartz, F., Cáceres, M. E. S., Canêz, L. S., Chaves, J.-L., Ertz, D., Esquivel, R. E., Ferraro, L. I., Grijalva, A., Gueidan, C., Hernández M., J. E., Knight, A., Lumbsch, H. T., Marcelli, M. P., Mercado-Díaz, J. A., Moncada, B., Morales, Naksuwankul, K., E. A., Orozco, T., Parnmen, S., Rivas Plata, E., Salazar-Allen, N., Spielmann, A. A. & Ventura, N. (2016) A phylogenetic frame-work for reassessing generic concepts and species delimitation in the lichenized family Trypetheliaceae (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes). The Lichenologist 48: 739-762. DOI:10.1017/S0024282916000505
  • Lücking, R., Villaseñor, J. L., Herrera-Campos, M. A., Pérez Pérez, R. E., Egan, R. S., Esslinger, T. L. & Nash, T. H. III. 2016. Phylogenetic structure of metacommunities in Mexican Parmeliaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Lecanorales). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 110: 27-54.
  • Medeiros, I. D., Kraichak, E., Lücking, R., Mangold, A. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2016. Assembling a taxo-nomic monograph of tribe Wirthiotremateae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae). Fieldiana, Life and Earth Sciences (in press).
  • Naksuwankul, K., Kraichak, E., Parnmen, S., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2016. Five new species of Graphidaceae (Ascomycota, Ostropales) from Thailand. MycoKeys 17: 47-63. DOI:10.3897/mycokeys.17.10512
  • Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Cáceres, M. E. S., Aptroot, A. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2016. Assessing the phylo¬genetic placement and redundancy of Aspidotheliaceae (Ascomycota), an orphaned family of lichen-forming fungi. Systematic Biology 15: 63-73. DOI:10.1080/14772000.2016.1203039
  • Ohmura, Y., Mizobuchi, A., Handa, S. & Lücking, R. 2016. Coenogonium moniliforme (Coenogonia-ceae, lichenized Ascomycota) new to Japan, with a characterization of the photobiont in culture and notes on its nomenclature. Journal of Japanese Botany 91: 74-78.
  • Ramírez Morán, N. A., León-Gómez, M. & Lücking, R. 2015. Uso de Biotipos de líquenes como indica¬dores de perturbación en dos fragmentos de  bosque andino, Reserva Biológica “Encenillo”, Colom¬bia. Caldasia 38: 31-52. DOI:10.15446/caldasia.v38n1.57821
  • Sanders, W. B., Pérez-Ortega, S., Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R. & de los Ríos, A. 2016. Heveochlorella (Trebouxiophyceae): a little-known genus of unicellular green algae outside the Trebouxiales emerges unexpectedly as a major clade of lichen photobionts in foliicolous communities. Journal of Phycology 52: 840-853. DOI:10.1111/jpy.12446
  • Smith, B. E., Johnston, M. K. & Lücking, R. 2016. From GenBank to GBIF: Phylogeny-based predictive niche modeling tests accuracy of taxonomic identifications in large occurrence data repositories. PLosONE 11(3): e0151232. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0151232
  • Sulzbacher, M. A., Wartchow, F., Ovrebo, C. L., Sousa, J. O., Baseia, I. G., Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2016. Sulzbacheromyces caatingae: notes on its systematic, morphology and distribution based in ITS barcoding sequences. The Lichenologist 48: 61-70. DOI:10.1017/S0024282915000420
  • Will-Wolf, S. & Lücking, R. 2016. Lichen Ecology. Oxford Bibliographies Online. Ecology. DOI:10.1093/OBO/9780199830060-0164
  • Ardila Rios, A. I., Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2015. Epiphyte homogenization and de-diversification on alien Eucalyptus versus native Quercus forest in the Colombian Andes: a case study using lirellate Graphidaceae lichens. Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 1239-1252. DOI:10.1007/s10531-014-0855-7
  • Ariyawansa, H. A., Hyde, K. D., Jayasiri, S. C., Buyck, B., Chethana, K. W. T., Dai, D. Q., Dai, Y. C., Daranagama, D. A., Jayawardena, R. S., Lücking, R., Ghobad-Nejhad, M., Niska¬nen, T., Tham-bugala, K. M., Voigt, K., Zhao, R. L., Li, G. -J., Doilom, M., Boonmee, S., Yang, Z. L., Cai, Q., Cui, Y. Y., Bahkali, A. H., Chen, J., Cui, B. K., Chen, J. J., Daya¬rathne, M. C., Dissanayake, A. J., Ekanayaka, A. H., Hashimoto, A., Hongsanan, S., Jones, E. B. G., Larsson, E., Li, W. J., Li, Q. -R., Liu, J. K., Luo, Z. L., Maharachchikumbura, S. S. N., Mapook, A., McKenzie, E. H. C., Nor-phan¬phoun, C., Konta, S., Pang, K. L., Perera, R. H., Phookamsak, R., Phukhamsakda, C., Pinruan, U., Randrianjohany, E., Singtripop, C., Tanaka, K., Tian, C. M., Tibpromma, S., Abdel-Wahab, M. A., Wanasinghe, D. N., Wijayawardene, N. N., Zhang, J. -F., Zhang, H., Abdel-Aziz, F. A., Wedin, M., Westberg, M., Ammirati, J. F., Bulgakov, T. S., Lima, D. X., Callaghan, T. M., Callac, P., Chang, C. -H., Coca, L. F., Dal Forno, M., Dollhofer, V., Fliegerová, K., Greiner, K., Griffith, G. W., Ho, H. -M., Hofstetter, V., Jeewon, R., Kang, J. C., Wen, T. -C., Kirk, P. M., Kytö-vuori, I., Lawrey, J. D., Xing, J., Li, H., Liu, Z. Y., Liu, X. Z., Liimatainen, K., Lumbsch, H. T., Matsumura, M., Moncada, B., Nuankaew, S., Parnmen, S., de Azevedo Santiago, A. L. C. M., Sommai, S., Song, Y., de Souza, C. A. F., de Souza-Motta, C. M., Su, H. Y., Suetrong, S., Wang, Y., Wei, S. -F., Wen, T. C., Yuan, H. S., Zhou, L. W., Réblová, M., Fournier, J., Camporesi, E., Luangsa-ard, J. J., Tasanathai, K., Khonsanit, A., Thanakitpipattana, D., Somrithipol, S., Diede-rich, P., Millanes, A. M., Common, R. S., Stadler, M., Yan, J. Y., Li, X., Lee, H. W., Nguyen, T. T. T., Lee, H. B., Battistin, E., Marsico, O., Vizzini, A., Vila, J., Ercole, E., Eberhardt, U., Simonini, G., Wen, H. -A., Chen, X. -H. 2015: Fungal diversity notes 111–252 - taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 75: 27-274. DOI:10.1007/s13225-015-0346-5
  • Barreto, A. X. L., Menezes, A. A., Souto, L. S., Aptroot, A., Lücking, R., dos Santos, V. M. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2015. Epiphytic microlichens as indicators of phytosociological differentiation between Caatinga and Brejos de Altitude. Acta Botanica Brasilica 29: 457-466. DOI:10.1590/0102-33062015abb0116
  • Breuss, O. & Lücking, R. 2015. Three new lichen species from Nicaragua, with keys to the known species of Eugeniella and Malmidea. The Lichenologist 47 9-20. DOI:10.1017/S0024282914000565
  • Buaruang, K., Scharnagl, K., Divakar, P. K., Leavitt, S. D., Crespo, A., Nash, T. H. III, Manoch, L., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2015. Molecular data support Pseudoparmelia as a distinct lineage related to Relicina and Relicinopsis (Ascomycota, Lecanorales). The Lichenologist 47: 43-49. DOI:10.1017/S0024282914000577
  • Kraichak, E., Divakar, P. K., Crespo, A., Leavitt, S. D., Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2015. A tale of two hyper-diversities: Diversification dynamics of the two largest families of liche-nized fungi. Scientific Reports 5: 10028. DOI:10.1038/srep10028
  • Kraichak, E., Lücking, R., Aptroot, A., Dornes, P., John, V., Lendemer, J., Nelsen, M. P., Neuwirth, G., Nutakki, A., Parnmen, S., Sohrabi, M., Tønsberg, T. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2015. Hidden diversity in the morphologically variable script lichen (Graphis scripta) complex (Ascomycota, Ostropales, Graphi¬daceae). Organisms, Diversity, and Evolution 15: 447-458. DOI:10.1007/s13127-015-0219-5
  • Kraichak, E., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2015. A unique trait as a key innovation in a hyper-diverse family of tropical lichen-forming fungi. International Journal of Plant Sciences 176: 597-606. DOI:10.1086/682061
  • Lücking, R. 2015. Thelotremoid Graphidaceae from the NYBG herbarium: New species, range exten-sions, and a forgotten lichen. Opuscula Philolichenum 14: 1-57.
  • Lücking, R. 2015. Erratum: Valid publications of two combinations invalidly published in Opuscula Philolichenum 14: 1-57. Opuscula Philolichenum 14: 58.
  • Lücking, R. & Pérez-Ortega, S. 2015. Four new species of Ocellularia (lichenized Ascomycota: Gra-phi¬daceae) from Cuba, with a revised taxonomy of the O. bahiana complex and a key to thelo-tremoid taxa with small, brown, (sub-)muriform ascospores. The Lichenologist 47: 305-322. DOI:10.1017/S0024282915000286
  • Lücking, R., Cáceres, M. E. S., Silva, N. G. & Alves, R. J. V. 2015. The genus Cora in the South At-lan¬tic and the Mascarenes: Two novel taxa and inferred biogeographic relationships. The Bryolo-gist 118: 293-303. DOI:10.1639/0007-2745-118.3.293
  • Lücking, R., Mangold, A., Rivas Plata, E., Parnmen, S., Kraichak, E. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2015. Morpho-logy-based phylogenetic binning to assess a taxonomic challenge: a case study in Graphidaceae (Ascomycota) requires a new generic name for the widespread Leptotrema wightii. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 436: 436-443. DOI:10.1111/boj.12327
  • Menezes, A. A., Barreto, A. X. L., Aptroot, A., Lücking, R. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2015. Liquens da Chapada do Araripe. In: Albuquerque, U. P. & Meiado, M. V. (eds.):  Sociobiodiversidade na Chapada do Araripe. NUPEEA, Brazil: 49-68.
  • Mercado-Díaz, J. A., Gould, W. A., González, G. & Lücking, R. 2015. Lichens in Puerto Rico: An Eco-system Approach. General Technical Report IITF-GTR-46. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • Moncada, B., Suárez, A., Lücking, R. 2015. Nueve nuevas especies del género Sticta (Ascomycota liquenizados: Lobariaceae) del morfotipo fuliginosa sensu lato de Colombia. Revista de la Acade-mia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 39: 50-66. DOI:10.18257/raccefyn.110
  • Pitakpong, A., Kraichak, E., Papong, K. B., Muangsan, N., Suwanwaree, P., Lumbsch, H. T. & Lücking, R. 2015. New species and records of the lichen genus Graphis (Graphidaceae, Asco-mycota) from Thailand. The Lichenologist 47: 335-342. DOI:10.1017/S0024282915000213
  • Perlmutter, G., Tucker, S., Rivas Plata, E., Clerc, P. & Lücking, R. 2015. Melaspilea demissa (Tuck.) Zahlbr. (lichenized Ascomycota), an often-overlooked microlichen in eastern North America, with a key to North American temperate species of Melaspilea. The Lichenologist 47: 167-182. DOI:10.1017/S0024282915000080
  • Sanders, W. B. & Lücking, R. 2015. Three new species of foliicolous Gomphillaceae (lichen-forming ascomycetes) from southern Florida. The Bryologist 118: 170-177. DOI:10.1639/0007-2745-118.2.170
  • Weerakoon, G., Jayala, U., Wijesundara, S., Karunaratne, V. & Lücking, R. 2015. Six new Graphida-ceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales) from Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka. Nova Hedwigia 101: 77-88. DOI:10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2015/0241
  • Weerakoon, G., Ngo, K. M., Lum, S., Lumbsch, H. T. & Lücking, R. 2015. On time or fashionably late for lichen discoveries in Singapore? Seven new species and nineteen new records of Graphida-ceae from the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, a highly urbanized tropical environment in Southeast Asia. The Lichenologist 47: 157-166. DOI:10.1017/S0024282915000043
Aptroot, A., Parnmen, S., Lücking, R., Baloch, E., Jungbluth, P., Cáceres, M. E. S. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014. Molecular phylogeny resolves a taxonomic misunderstanding and places Geisleria close to Absconditella s. str. (Ostropales: Stictidaceae). The Lichenologist 46: 115-128.
Barcenas Peña, A., Lücking, R., Miranda-González, R. & Herrera-Campos, M. A. 2014. Three new species of Graphis (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae) from Mexico, with updates to taxonomic key entries for 41 species described between 2009 and 2013. The Lichenologist 46: 69-82.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Aptroot, A., Parnmen, S. & Lücking, R. 2014. Remarkable diversity of the lichen family Graphidaceae in the Amazon rain forest of Rondônia, Brazil. Phytotaxa 189: 87-136.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Lima N., E. de L., Aptroot, A. & Lücking, R. 2014. Liquens brasileiros: novas descobertas evidenciam a riqueza no Norte e Nordeste do país. Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão (Nova Série) 35: 101-119.
Ferraro, L. I., Lücking, R., Aptroot, A. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2014. New Graphidaceae from northern Argentina. Phytotaxa 189: 137-146.
Hodkinson, B., Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2014. Lepidostromatales ordo novum, a unique, lichenized lineage within Basidiomycota (Agaricomycetes), with the description of two new genera, Ertzia and Sulzbacheromyces, and one new species, Lepidostroma winklerianum. Fungal Diversity 64: 165-179.
Kraichak, E., Parnmen, S., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014. Gintarasia and Xalocoa, two new genera to accommodate temperate to subtropical species in the predominantly tropical Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota). Australian Systematic Botany 26: 466-474.
Kraichak, E., Parnmen, S., Lücking, R., Rivas Plata, E., Aptroot, A., Cáceres, M. E. S., Ertz, D., Mangold, A., Mercado-Díaz, J.A., Papong, K., Van den Broeck, D., Weerakoon, G. & Lumbsch, H. T. (2014) Revisiting the phylogeny of Ocellularieae, the second largest tribe within Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales). Phytotaxa 189: 52-81.
Lodge, D. J., Padamsee, M., Matheny, P. B., Aime, M. C., Cantrell, S. A., Boertmann, D. M., Kovalenko, A., Moncalvo, J.-M., Vilgalys, R., Vizzini, A., Larsson, E., Lücking, R., Griffith, G. W., Smith, M., Norvell, L., Desjardin, D. E., Redhead, S., Ovrebo, C. L., Lickey, E. B., Ercole, E., Hughes, K. W., Courtecuisse, R., Young, A., Binder, M., Minnis, A., Lindner, D. L., Ortiz-Santana, B., Haight, J., Læssøe, T., Baroni, T. J., Geml, J. & Hattori, T. 2014. Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales). Fungal Diversity 64: 1-99.
Lücking, R. 2014. Three new species of thelotremoid Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales) from tropical Africa. Phytotaxa 189: 176-179.
Lücking, R. 2014. A key to species of the Ocellularia papillata, perforata and terebrata morphodemes (Ascomycota: Graphidaceae). Glalia 6(3): 1-35.
Lücking, R., Barrie, F. & Genney, D. 2014. Dictyonema coppinsii, a new name for the European species known as Dictyonema interruptum (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), with a validation of its photobiont Rhizonema (Cyanoprokaryota: Nostocales: Rhizonemataceae). The Lichenologist 46: 261-267.
Lücking, R., Dal-Forno, M., Sikaroodi, M., Gillevet, P. M., Bungartz, F., Moncada, B., Yánez-Ayabaca, A., Chaves, J. L., Coca, L. F. & Lawrey, J. D. 2014. A single macrolichen constitutes hundreds of unrecognized species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 111: 11091-11096.
Lücking, R., Grall, A. & Thüs, H. 2014. Typification of Thelephora pavonia Sw. and reinstatement of Cora ciferrii (Tomas.) comb. nov. The Lichenologist 46: 825-828.
Lücking, R., Johnston, M. K., Aptroot, A., Kraichak, E., Lendemer, J. C., Boonpragob, K., Cáceres, M. E. S., Ertz, D., Ferraro, L. I., Jia, Z.-F., Kalb, K., Mangold, A., Manoch, L., Mercado-Díaz, J.A ., Moncada, B., Mongkolsuk, P., Papong, K., Parnmen, S., Peláez, R. N., Poengsungnoen, V., Rivas Plata, E., Saipunkaew, W., Sipman, H. J. M., Sutjaritturakan, J., Van den Broeck, D., Von Konrat, M., Weerakoon, G. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014. One hundred and seventy five new species of Graphidaceae: closing the gap or a drop in the bucket? Phytotaxa 189: 7-38.
Lücking, R., Lawrey, J. D., Gillevet, P. M., Sikaroodi, M., Dal-Forno, M. & Berger, S. A. 2013. Multiple ITS haplotypes in the genome of the lichenized basidiomycete Cora inversa (Hygrophoraceae): fact or artifact? Journal of Molecular Evolution 78: 148-162.
Lumbsch, H. T., Kraichak, E., Parnmen, S., Rivas Plata, E., Aptroot, A., Cáceres, M. E. S., Ertz, S., Feuerstein, S. C., Mercado-Díaz, J. A., Staiger, B., Van den Broeck, D. & Lücking, R. 2014. New higher taxa in the lichen family Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales) based on a three-gene skeleton phylogeny. Phytotaxa 189: 39-51.
Lumbsch, H. T., Parnmen, S., Kraichak, E., Papong, K. P. & Lücking, R. 2014. High frequency of character transformations is phylogenetically structured within the lichenized fungal family Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales). Systematics and Biodiversity 12: 271-291.
Mangold, A., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H.T. 2014. New species of graphidoid and thelotremoid Graphidaceae from Australia. Phytotaxa 189: 180-185.
Mercado-Díaz, J. A., Lücking, R. & Parnmen, S. 2014. Two new genera and twelve new species of Graphidaceae from Puerto Rico: a case for higher endemism of lichenized fungi in islands of the Caribbean? Phytotaxa 189: 186-203.
Miadlikowska, J., Kauff, F., Högnabba, F., Oliver, J. C., Molnár, K., Fraker, E., Gaya, E., Hafellner, J., Hofstetter, V., Gueidan, C., Kukwa, M., Lücking, R., Björk, C., Sipman, H. J. M., Burgaz, A. R., Thell, A., Passo, A., Myllys, L., Goward, T., Fernández-Brime, S., Hestmark, G., Lendemer, J., Lumbsch, H. T., Schmull, M., Schoch, C., Sérusiaux, E., Maddison, D. R., Arnold, A. E., Lutzoni, F. & Stenroos, S. 2014. A multigene phylogenetic synthesis for the class Lecanoromycetes (Ascomycota): 1307 fungi representing 1139 infrageneric taxa, 312 genera and 66 families. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 79: 132-168.
Moncada, B., Aguirre, J. & Lücking, R. 2014. Ecogeografía del género Sticta (Ascomycota liquenizados: Lobariaceae) en Colombia. Revista de Biología Tropical 62: 257-272.
Moncada, B., Reidy, B. & Lücking, R. 2014. A phylogenetic revision of Hawaiian Pseudocyphellaria sensu lato (lichenized Ascomycota: Lobariaceae) reveals eight new species and a high degree of inferred endemism. The Bryologist 117: 119-160.
Moncada, B., Lücking, R. & Suárez, A. (2014). Molecular phylogeny of the genus Sticta (lichenized Ascomycota: Lobariaceae) in Colombia. Fungal Diversity 64: 205-231.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Andrew, C. J., Aptroot, A., Cáceres, M. E. S., Mercado-Diaz, J., Rivas Plata, E. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2013. Molecular phylogeny reveals the true colors of Myeloconidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales). Australian Journal of Botany 27: 38-47.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Aptroot, A., Andrew, C. J., Cáceres, M. E. S., Rivas Plata, E., Gueidan, C., Da Silva Canêz, L., Knight, A., Ludwig, L. R., Mercado-Díaz, J., Parnmen, S., & Lumbsch, H. T. 2013. Elucidating phylogenetic relationships and genus-level classification within the fungal family Trypetheliaceae (Dothideomycetes: Ascomycota). Taxon 63: 974-992.
Papong, K. B., Lücking, R., Kraichak, E., Parnmen, S., Von Konrat, M. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014. Twenty-three new species in the lichen family Graphidaceae from New Caledonia (Ostropales, Ascomycota). Phytotaxa 189: 204-231.
Papong, K. B., Mangold, A., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014. New species and new records of thelotremoid Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales) from Thailand. Phytotaxa 189: 232-244.
Peláez, R. N., Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2014. High diversity of Ocellularia (Ascomycota: Graphidaceae) in the Colombian Llanos, including two species new to science. Phytotaxa 189: 245-254.
Plaza, C., Diaz de Torres, L. E., Lücking, R., Vizcaya, M. & Medina, G. E. 2014. Antioxidant activity, total phenols and flavonoids of lichens from Venezuelan Andes. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 2: 138-147.
Poengsungnoen, V., Manoch, L., Mongkolsuk, P., Boonpragob, K., Parnmen, S., Lücking, R., Tehler, A. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014. Phylogenetic analysis reveals two morphologically unique new species in the genera Astrochapsa and Nitidochapsa (lichenized Ascomycota: Graphidaceae). Phytotaxa 189: 268-281.
Rivas Plata, E., Sipman, H. J. M. & Lücking, R. 2014. Five new thelotremoid Graphidaceae from the Philippines. Phytotaxa 189: 282-288.
Schmull, M., Dal-Forno, M., Lücking, R., Cao, S., Clardy, J. & Lawrey, J. D. 2014. Dictyonema huaorani (Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), a new lichenized basidiomycete from Amazonian Ecuador with presumed hallucinogenic properties. The Bryologist 117: 386-394.
Seavey, F., Seavey, J., Hernández, J. E. M. & Lücking, R. 2014. Three new Opegrapha species (Roccellaceae, Arthoniales) and several additions to the North American lichen mycota from Everglades National Park. The Bryologist 117: 62-71.
Van Den Broeck, D., Lücking, R. & Ertz, D. 2014. The foliicolous lichen biota of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the description of six new species. The Lichenologist 46: 141-158.
Van den Broeck, D., Lücking, R. & Ertz, D. 2014.Three new species of Graphidaceae from tropical Africa. Phytotaxa 189: 325-330.
Vargas, L. Y., Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2014. Five new species of Cora and Dictyonema (Basidiomycota: Hygrophoraceae) from Colombia: chipping away at cataloging hundreds of unrecognized taxa. Bryologist 117: 368-378.
Weerakoon, G., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014. Thirteen new species of Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales) from Sri Lanka. Phytotaxa 189: 331-347.
Wijayawardene, N. H., Crous, P. W., Kirk, P. M., Hawksworth, D. L., Boonmee, S., Braun, U., Dai, D.-Q., D'Souza, M. J., Diederich, P., Dissanayake, A., Doilom, M., Hongsanan, S., Jones, E. B. G., Groenewald, J. Z., Jayawardena, R., Lawrey, J. D., Liu, J.-K., Lücking, R., Madrid, H., Manamgoda, D. S., Muggia, L., Nelsen, M. P., Phookamsak, R., Suetrong, S., Tanaka, K., Thambugala, K. M., Wanasinghe, D. N., Wikee, S., Zhang, Y., Aptroot, A., Ariyawansa, H. A., Bahkali, A. H., Bhat, D. J., Gueidan, C., Chomnunti, P., De Hoog, G. S., Knudsen, K., Li, W.-J., McKenzie, E. H. C., Miller, A. N., Phillips, A. J. L., Piątek, M., Raja, H. A., Shivas, R. S., Slippers, B., Taylor, J. E., Tian, Q., Wang, Y., Woudenberg, J. H. C., Cai, L., Jaklitsch, W. M. & Hyde, K. D. 2014. Naming and outline of Dothideomycetes - 2014 including proposals for the protection or suppression of generic names. Fungal Diversity 69: 1-55.
Baloch, E., Lumbsch, H. T., Lücking, R. & Wedin, M. 2013. New combinations and names in Gyalecta for former Belonia and Pachyphiale (Ascomycota, Ostropales) species. The Lichenologist 45: 723-727.
Cáceres, M. E. S. & Lücking, R. 2013. Acanthothecis sarcographoides (Ascomycota: Graphidaceae), a morphologically unique, new lichen species from the Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 27: 472-475.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Aptroot, A., Nelsen, M. P. & Lücking, R. 2013. Pyrenula sanguinea (lichenized Ascomycota: Pyrenulaceae), a new species with unique, trypethelioid ascomata and complex pigment chemistry. The Bryologist 116: 350-357.
Dai, D. Q., Lücking, R., Nelsen, M. P. & Diederich, P. 2013. Naetrocymbaceae. Fungal Diversity 63: 183-186.
Dal-Forno, M., Lawrey, J. D., Sikaroodi, M., Bhattarai, S., Gillevet, P. M., Sulzbacher, M. & Lücking, R. 2013. Starting from scratch: evolution of the lichen thallus in the basidiolichen Dictyonema (Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae). Fungal Biology 117: 584-598.
Herrera-Campos, M. A., Lücking, R., Pérez-Pérez, R. E., Miranda-Gonzáles, R., Sánchez, Norberto, Bárcenas-Peña, A., Carrizosa, A., Zambrano, A., Ryan, B. D. & Nash, T. H. III. 2013. Biodiversidad de líquenes en México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 85: S82-S99.
Hyde, K. D., Jones, E. B. G, Liu, J.-K., Ariyawansha, H., Boehm, E., Boonmee, S., Braun, U., Chomnunti, P., Crous, P. W., Dai, D., Diederich, P., Dissanayake, A., Doilom, M., Doveri, F., Hongsanan, S., Jayawardena, R., Lawrey, J. D., Li, J.-M., Liu, Y.-X., Lücking, R., Monkai, J., Nelsen, M. P., Phookamsak, R., Muggia, L., Pang, K.-L., Senanayake, I., Shearer, C. A., Wijayawardene, N., Wu, H.-X., Thambugala, K. M., Suetrong, S., Tanaka, K., Wikee, S., Zhang, Y., Aguirre-Hudson, B., Alias, S. A., Aptroot, A., Bahkali, A. H., Bezerra, J. L., Bhat, J. D., Binder, M., Camporesi, E., Chukeatirote, E., De Hoog, S., Gueidan, C., Hawksworth, D. L., Hirayama, K., Kang, J. C., Knudsen, K., Li, W. J., Liu, Z.-Y., McKenzie, E. H. C., Miller, A. N., Nadeeshan, D., Phillips, A. J. L., Mapook, A. Raja, H. A., Tian, Q., Scheuer, C., Schumm, F., Taylor, J. Yacharoen, S., Tibpromma, S., Wang, Y., Yan, J & Zhang. M. 2013. Families of Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 63: 1-313.
Jayalal, U., Oh, S. O., Lücking, R., Joshi, S., Kim, J. A., Park, J.-S. & Hur, J.-S. 2013. Contributions to the foliicolous lichens flora of South Korea. Mycobiology 41: 202-209.
Kõljalg, U., Nilsson, R. H., Abarenkov, K., Tedersoo, L., Taylor, A. F. S., Bahram, M., Bates, S. T., Bruns, T. D., Bengtsson-Palme, J., Callaghan, T. M., Douglas, B., Drenkhan, T., Eberhardt, U., Dueñas, M., Grebenc, T., Griffith, G. W., Hartmann, M., Kirk, P. M., Kohout, P., Larsson, E., Lindahl, B. D., Lücking, R., Martín, M. P., Matheny, B., Nguyen, N. H., Niskanen, T., Oja, J., Peay, K. G., Peintner, U., Peterson, M., Oldmaa, K. P., Saag, L., Saar, R., Schüssler, A., Scott, J. A., Senés, C., Smith, M. E., Suija, A., Taylor, D. L., Telleria, M. T., Weiss, M. & Larsson, K. H. 2013. Towards a unified paradigm for sequence-based identification of fungi. Molecular Ecology 22: 5271-5277.
Lücking, R. 2013. Minksia chilena (C. W. Dodge) Redón & Follmann belongs in Graphidaceae and its correct name is Carbacanthographis chilensis (Zahlbr.) Lücking. The Lichenologist 45: 127-129.
Lücking, R. 2013. Platygrapha permutans Nyl. is an earlier name for Byssoloma rubrireagens Kalb & Vězda. The Lichenologist 45: 579-580.
Lücking, R. & Nelsen, M. P. 2013. Strigulaceae. Fungal Diversity 63: 238-242.
Lücking, R. & Sérusiaux, E. 2013. Phyllobathelium nudum Zahlbr. is a second species in the genus Phyllocratera (lichenized Ascomycota: Strigulaceae). The Lichenologist 45: 691-693.
Lücking, R., Breuss, O., Nelsen, M. P., Navarro, E., Aptroot, A., Chaves, J. L., Trest, M. & Will-Wolf, S. 2013. Porina squamulifera (lichenized Ascomycota: Porinaceae), a new species from tropical rainforest in Costa Rica with unique thallus morphology. Herzogia 26: 223-230.
Lücking, R., Dal-Forno, M., Lawrey, J. D., Bungartz, F., Holgado Rojas, M. E., Hernández M., J, E., Marcelli, M. P., Moncada, B., Morales, E. A., Nelsen, M. P., Paz, E., Salcedo, L., Spielmann, A. A., Wilk, K., Will-Wolf, S. & Yánez, A. 2013. Ten new species of lichenized Basidiomycota in the genera Dictyonema and Cora (Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), with a key to all accepted genera and species in the Dictyonema clade. Phytotaxa 139: 1-38.
Lücking, R., Nelsen, M. P. & Aptroot, A. 2013. Monoblastiaceae. Fungal Diversity 63: 157-161.
Lücking, R., Nelsen, M. P. & Aptroot, A. 2013. Trypetheliaceae. Fungal Diversity 63: 258-266.
Lücking, R., Tehler, A., Bungartz, F. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2013. Journey from the West: Did tropical Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales) evolve from a saxicolous ancestor along the American Pacific coast? American Journal of Botany 100: 844-856.
Mercado-Díaz, J. A., Gould, W. A., González, G. & Lücking, R. 2013. Four new species of Coenogonium (Ascomycota: Ostropales) from vulnerable forest ecosystems in Puerto Rico. The Bryologist 116: 373-381.
Moncada, B., Coca, L. F. & Lücking, R. 2013. Neotropical members of Sticta (lichenized Ascomycota: Lobariaceae) forming photosymbiodemes, with the description of seven new species. The Bryologist 116: 169-200.
Moncada, B., Lücking, R. & Coca, L. F. 2013. Six new apotheciate species of Sticta (lichenized Ascomycota: Lobariaceae) from the Colombian Andes. The Lichenologist 45: 635-656.
Moncada, B., Lücking, R. & Betancourt-Macuase, L. 2013. Phylogeny of the Lobariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigerales), with a reappraisal of the genus Lobariella. The Lichenologist 45: 203-263.
Nelsen, M. P. & Lücking, R. 2013. Arthopyreniaceae. Fungal Diversity 63: 38-42.
Parnmen, S., Cáceres, M. E. S., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2013. Myriochapsa and Nitidochapsa, two new genera in Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales) for chroodiscoid species in the Ocellularia clade. The Bryologist 116: 127-133.
Rivas Plata, E. & Lücking, R. 2013. High diversity of Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales) in Amazonian Perú. Fungal Diversity 58: 13-32.
Rivas Plata, E., Parnmen, S., Staiger, B., Mangold, A., Frisch, A., Weerakoon, G., Hernández M., J. E., Cáceres, M. E. S., Kalb, K., Sipman, H. J. M., Common, R. S., Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2013. A molecular phylogeny of Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Lecanoromycetes: Ostropales) including 428 species. MycoKeys 6: 55-94.
Suárez, A. & Lücking, R. 2013. Sticta viviana (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigerales: Lobariaceae), a new species from Colombian paramos. The Lichenologist 45: 153-157.
Tabaquero, A., Bawingan, P. A. & Lücking, R. 2013. Morpho- and chemotaxonomy of the Graphidaceae (sensu lato) lichens in the Kalahan Forest Reserve, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology 7: 22-38.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Rivas Plata, E. & Lücking, R. 2012. Malmographina, a new genus for Graphina malmei (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae). Lichenologist 44: 115-120.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Santos Viera, T., Santos De Jesus, L. & Lücking, R. 2012. New and interesting lichens from the Caxiuanã National Forest in the Brazilian Amazon. The Lichenologist 44: 807-812.
Gaya, E., Högnabba, F., Holguin, A., Molnar, K., Fernandez-Brime, S., Stenroos, S., Arup, U., Søchting, U., Van den Boom, P., Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M., & Lutzoni, F. 2012. Implementing a cumulative supermatrix approach for a comprehensive phylogenetic study of the Teloschistales (Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota). Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution 63: 374-387.
Lücking, R. 2012. Predicting species richness in tropical lichenized fungi with ‘modular’ combinations of character states. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2341-2360.
Lücking, R. & McCune, B. 2012. Graphis pergracilis new to North America, and a new name for Graphis britannica sensu Staiger auct. Evansia 29: 77-84.
Lücking, R., Hernández, J. E. M., Kalb, K. & Rivas Plata, E. 2012. Tres nuevas especies de Graphidaceae de Venezuela. Glalia 4(2): 1-7.
Lücking, R., Parnmen, S. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. Mangoldia, a new lichen genus in the family Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales). Phytotaxa 69: 1-5.
Lücking, R., Sutjaritturakan, J. & Kalb, K. 2012. Validation of three species names and description of a new species in the genus Graphis (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae). The Lichenologist 44: 391-394.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Andrew, C. J., Rivas Plata, E., Chaves, J. L., Cáceres, M. E. S. & Ventura, N. 2012. Dismantling Herpothallon: Herpothallon antillarum (Arthoniomycetes: Arthoniaceae) is a member of the genus Diorygma (Lecanoromycetes: Graphidaceae). The Bryologist 115: 313-321.
Parnmen, S., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. Phylogenetic classification at generic level in the absence of distinct phylogenetic patterns of phenotypical variation: a case study in Graphidaceae (Ascomycota). PLoS ONE 7(12): e51392. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051392.
Rincón-Espitia, A. & Lücking, R. 2012. New records of the genus Graphis (Graphidaceae) in Colombia. Tropical Bryology 33: 54-62.
Rivas Plata, E., Lumbsch, H. T. & Lücking, R. 2012. A new classification for the lichen family Graphidaceae s.lat. (Ascomycota: Lecanoromycetes: Ostropales). Fungal Diversity 52: 107-121.
Rivas Plata, E., Mason-Gamer, R., Ashley, M., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the Ocellularia-clade (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae). Taxon 61: 1161-1179.
Schmitt, I., Otte, J., Parnmen, S., Sadowska-Deś, A. D., Lücking, R. &  Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. A new circumscription of the genus Varicellaria (Pertusariales, Ascomycota). MycoKeys 4: 23-36.
Sipman, H. J. M., Lücking, R., Aptroot, A., Chaves, J. L., Kalb, K. & Umaña Tenorio, L. 2012. A first assessment of the Ticolichen biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica and adjacent areas: the thelotremoid Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales). Phytotaxa 55: 1-214.
Soto Medina, E., Lücking, R. & Bolaños Rojas, A. 2012. Especificidad de forófito y preferencias microambientales de los líquenes cortícolas en el bosque premontano de la finca Zíngara, Cali, Colombia. Revista de Biología Tropical 60: 843-856.
Sweetwood, G., Lücking, R., Nelsen, M. P. & Aptroot, A. 2012. Ascospore ontogeny and discharge in megalosporous Trypetheliaceae and Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes and Lecanoromycetes) suggest phylogenetic relationships and ecological constraints. The Lichenologist 44: 277-296.
Weerakoon, G., Rivas Plata, E., Lumbsch, H. T. & Lücking, R. 2012. Three new species of Chapsa (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae) from tropical Asia. The Lichenologist 44: 373-379.
Weerakoon, G., Wijeyaratne, S. C., Wolseley, P. A., Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. Six new species of Graphidaceae from Sri Lanka. The Bryologist 115: 74-83.
Wijeyaratne, S. C., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. Three new crustose lichen species from Sri Lanka. Nova Hedwigia 94: 367-372.
Yánez, A., Dal-Forno, M., Bungartz, F. Lücking, R. & Lawrey, J. D. 2012. A first assessment of Galápagos basidiolichens. Fungal Diversity 52: 225-244.
Berger, S. A., Stamatakis, A. & Lücking, R. 2011. Morphology-based phylogenetic binning of the lichen genera Allographa and Graphis via molecular site weight calibration. Taxon 60: 1450-1457.
Kalb, K., Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2011. The phylogenetic position of Malmidea, a new genus for the Lecidea piperis- and Lecanora granifera-groups (Lecanorales, Malmideaceae), inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences, with special reference to Thai species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 106: 137-163.
Lücking, R., Hodkinson, B. P., Stamatakis, A. & Cartwright, R. A. 2011. PICS-Ord: Unlimited coding of ambiguous regions by pairwise identity and cost scores ordination. Bioinformatics 12: 10.
Lücking, R., Niezgoda, C., Huhtinen, S., McCaffrey, J. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2011. Coccocarpia melloniorum (Ascomycota: Peltigerales), a new lichen discovered through the Global Plants Initiative project. The Bryologist 114: 702-707.
Lücking, R., Rivas Plata, E., Kalb, K., Common, R. S., Barcenas-Peña, A. & Duya, M. V. 2011. Halegrapha (Ascomycota: Graphidaceae), an enigmatic new genus of tropical lichenized fungi dedicated to Mason E. Hale Jr. The Lichenologist 43: 331-343.
Lücking, R., Rivas Plata, E., Mangold, A., Sipman, H. J. M., Aptroot, A., Miranda-Gonzáles, R., Kalb, K., Chaves, J. L., Ventura, N., Esquivel, R. E. 2011. Natural history of Nash's Pore Lichens, Trinathotrema (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Stictidaceae). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 106: 187-210.
Lücking, R., Schulz, K., Crespo, A., Nash, T. H. III & Lumbsch, H. T. 2011. The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) as a scientific resource and outreach medium applied to the lichen family Parmeliaceae (Ascomycota: Lecanorales). The Lichenologist 43: 503-510.
Lücking, R., Seavey, F., Common, R. S., Beeching, S. Q., Breuss, O., Buck, W. R., Crane, L., Hodges, M., Hodkinson, B. P., Lay, E., Lendemer, J. C., McMullin, R. T., Mercado-Díaz, J. A., Nelsen, M. P., Rivas Plata, E., Safranek, W., Sanders, W. B., Schaefer, H. P. Jr. & Seavey, J. 2011. The lichens of Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park, Florida: Proceedings from the 18th Tuckerman Workshop. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History, Biological Sciences 49: 127-186.
Lumbsch, H.T., Ahti, T., Altermann, S., Amo De Paz, G., Aptroot, A., Arup, U., Bárcenas Peña, A., Bawingan, P. A., Benatti, M.N., Betancourt, L., Björk, C. R., Boonpragob, K., Brand, M., Bungartz, F., Cáceres, M. E. S., Candan, M, Chaves, J. L., Clerc, P., Common, R., Coppins, B. J., Crespo, A., Dal Forno, M., Divakar, P. K., Duya, M. V., Elix, J.A., Elvebakk, A., Fankhauser, J. D., Farkas, E., Ferraro, L. I., Fischer, E., Galloway, D. J., Gaya, E., Giralt, M., Goward, T., Grube, M., Hafellner, J., Hernández M., J. E., Herrera Campos, M. A., Kalb, K., Kärnefelt, I., Kantvilas, G., Killmann, D., Kirika, P., Knudsen, K., Komposch, H., Kondratyuk, S., Lawrey, J. D., Mangold, A., Marcelli, M. P., Mccune, B., Ines Messuti, M., Michlig, A., Miranda González, R., Moncada, B., Naikatini, A., Nelsen, M. P., Øvstedal, D. O., Palice, Z., Papong, K., Parnmen, S., Pérez-Ortega, S., Printzen, C., Rico, V. J., Rivas Plata, E., Robayo, J., Rosabal, D., Ruprecht, U., Salazar Allen, N., Sancho, L., Santos De Jesus, L., Santos Vieira, T., Schultz, M., Seaward, M. R. D., Sérusiaux, E., Schmitt, I., Sipman, H. J. M., Sohrabi, M., Søchting, U., Zeuthen Søgaard, M., Sparrius, L. B., Spielmann, A., Spribille, T., Sutjaritturakan, J., Thammathaworn, A., Thell, A., Thor, G., Thüs, H., Timdal, E., Truong, C., Türk, R., Umaña Tenorio, L., Upreti, D. K., Van Den Boom, P., Vivas Rebuelta, M., Wedin, M., Will-Wolf, S., Wirth, V., Wirtz, N., Yahr, R., Yeshitela, K., Ziemmeck, F., Wheeler, T. & Lücking, R. 2011. One hundred new species of lichenized fungi: a signature of undiscovered global diversity. Phytotaxa 18: 1-127.
Lumbsch, H. T., Lücking, R., Divakar, P. K., Von Konrat, M. & Naikatini, A. 2011. New records of lichen-forming fungi from Fiji. Telopea 13: 275-404.
Mateus N., Lücking, R. & Aguirre-C., J. 2011. Contribuciones a la biota liquénica foliícola de Colombia. I. Nuevos registros del género Coenogonium (Ascomycota-Ostropales: Coenogoniaceae). Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias 35: 425-430.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Mbatchou, J. S., Andrew, C. J., Spielmann, A. A. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2011. New insights into relationships of lichen-forming Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 51: 155-162.
Nelsen, M.P., Rivas Plata, E., Andrew, C. J., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2011. Phylogenetic diversity of trentepohlialean algae associated with lichen-forming fungi. Journal of Phycology 47: 282-290.
Rincón-Espitia, A., Aguirre-C., J. & Lücking, R. 2011. Líquenes corticícolas en el Caribe Colombiano. Caldasia 33: 311-327.
Rivas Plata, E., Hernández, J. E., Lücking, R., Staiger, B., Kalb, K. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2011. Graphis is two genera - A remarkable case of parallel evolution in lichenized Ascomycota. Taxon 60: 99-107.
Thüs, H., Muggia, L., Pérez-Ortega, S., Favero-Longo, S. E., Joneson, S., O'Brien, H., Nelsen, M. P., Duque-Thüs, R., Grube, M., Friedl, T., Brodie, J., Andrew, C. J., Lücking, R., Lutzoni, F. & Gueidan, C. 2011. Revisiting photobiont diversity in the lichen family Verrucariaceae (Ascomycota). European Journal of Phycology 46: 399-415.
Baloch, E., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H. T. & Wedin, M. 2010. Major clades and phylogenetic relationships between lichenized and non-lichenized lineages in Ostropales (Ascomycota: Lecanoromycetes). Taxon 59: 1483-1494.
Bungartz, F., Lücking, R. & Aptroot, A. 2010. The lichen family Graphidaceae in the Galapagos Islands. Nova Hedwigia 90: 1-44.
Joshi, Y., Lücking, R., Yamamoto, Y., Wang X. Y., Koh Y. J. & Hur, J.-S. 2010. A new species of Graphis (lichenized Ascomycetes) from South Korea. Mycotaxon 113: 305-309.
Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H.T., von Konrat, M. & Naikatini, A. 2010. Graphis collinsiae (Ascomycota: Graphidaceae), a new lichen species from the Fiji Islands. The Bryologist 113: 356-359.
Lücking, R., Mata-Lorenzen, J. & Dauphin L., G. 2010. Epizoic liverworts, lichens and fungi growing on Costa Rican Shield Mantis (Mantodea: Choeradodis). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 46: 1-13.
Lumbsch, H. T., Divakar, P. K., Messuti, M. I., Mangold, A. & Lücking, R. 2010. A survey of thelotremoid lichens (Ascomycota: Ostropales) in subantarctic regions excluding Tasmania. The Lichenologist 42: 203-224.
Messuti, M. I., Codesal, P. L., Mangold, A., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2010. New or interesting Chapsa and Topeliopsis species (Ascomycota: Ostropales) from Argentina. Lichenologist 42: 191-195.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Rivas Plata, E. & Mbatchou, J. S. 2010. Heiomasia, a new genus in the lichen-forming family Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Lecanoromycetes: Ostropales) with disjunct distribution in Southeastern North America and Southeast Asia. The Bryologist 113: 742-751.
Nguyen, T. T., Joshi, Y., Lücking, R., Wang, X.-Y., Nguyen, A. D., Koh, Y.-J. & Hur, J.-S. 2010. Notes on Some New Records of Foliicolous Lichens from Vietnam. Taiwania 55: 402-406.
Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M., Mangold, A., Kalb, K. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2010. A world-wide key to the thelotremoid Graphidaceae, excuding the Ocellularia-Myriotrema-Stegobolus clade. Lichenologist 42: 187-189.
Kantvilas, K. & Lücking, R. 2009. Fellhaneropsis pallidonigrans, an overlooked name for a south-eastern Australian lichen. Muelleria 27: 171-173.
Lawrey, J. D., Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M., Chaves, J. L., Redhead, S. A., Bungartz, F., Sikaroodi, M. & Gillevet, P. M. 2009. High concentration of basidiolichens in a single family of agaricoid mushrooms (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae). Mycological Research: 113: 1154-1171.
Lücking, R. 2009. The taxonomy of the genus Graphis sensu Staiger (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae). The Lichenologist 41: 319-362.
Lücking, R. 2009. Taxonomy: a discipline on the brink of extinction. Archives des Sciences 62: 75-88.
Lücking, R., Archer, A. W. & Aptroot, A. 2009. A world-wide key to the genus Graphis (Ostropales: Graphidaceae). The Lichenologist 41: 363-452.
Lücking, R., Huhndorf, S., Pfister, D. H., Rivas Plata, E. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2009. Fungi evolved right on track. Mycologia 101: 810-822.
Lücking, R., Lawrey, J. D., Sikaroodi, M., Gillevet, P. M., Chaves, J. L., Sipman, H. J. M. & Bungartz, F. 2009. Do lichens 'evolve' photobionts like farmers 'evolve' crops? Evidence from a previously unrecognized lineage of filamentous cyanobacteria. American Journal of Botany 96: 1409-1418. (Journal Cover Article)
Lücking, R., Rivas Plata, E., Chaves, J. L., Umaña, L. & Sipman, H. J. M. 2009. How many tropical lichens are there... really? Bibliotheca Lichenologica 100: 399-418.
Lücking, R., Wirth, V. & Ahrens, M. 2009. Foliicolous lichens in the Black Forest, Southwest-Germany. Candollea 67: 23-31, 4 plates.
Lumbsch, H. T., Lücking, R., Pinas, R. & Tibell, L. 2009. Molecular data place Tylophoron as an additional calicioid genus in Arthoniales (Ascomycota). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 99: 285-296.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Grube, M., Mbatchou, J. S., Muggia, L., Rivas Plata, E. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2009. Unravelling the phylogenetic relationships of lichenised fungi in Dothideomyceta. Studies in Mycology 64: 135-144.
Neuwirth, G. & Lücking, R. 2009. A new species of Graphis (Graphidaceae) from Venezuela. The Lichenologist 41: 271-274.
Papong, K., Corush, J., Mangold, A., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H.T. 2009. Phylogenetic position of the foliicolous genus Chroodiscus (Ostropales, Ascomycota) inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences. Fungal Diversity 38: 147-153.
Papong, K., Lücking, R., Thammathaworn, A. & Boonpragob, K. 2009. Four new taxa of Chroodiscus (thelotremoid Graphidaceae) from Southeast Asia. The Bryologist 112: 152-163.
Schoch, C. L., Sung, G.-H., López-Giráldez, F., Townsend, J. P., Miadlikowska, J., Hofstetter, V., Robbertse, B., Matheny, P. B., Kauff, K., Wang, Z., Gueidan, C., Andrie, R. M., Trippe, K., Ciufetti, L. M., Wynns, A., Fraker, E., Hodkinson, B. P., Bonito, G., Yahr, R., Groenewald, J. Z., Arzanlou, M., de Hoog, G. S., Crous, P. W., Hewitt, D., Pfister, D. H., Peterson, K., Gryzenhout, M., Wingfield, M. J., Aptroot, A., Suh, S.-O., Blackwell, M., Hillis, D. M., Griffith, G. W., Castlebury, L. A., Rossman, A. Y., Lumbsch, H. T., Lücking, R., Büdel, B., Rauhut, A., Diederich, P., Ertz, D., Geiser, D. M., Hosaka, K., Inderbitzin, P., Kohlmeyer, J., Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, B., Mostert, L., O'Donnell, K., Sipman, H. J. M., Rogers, J. D., Shoemaker, R. A., Sugiyama, J., Summerbell, R. C., Untereiner, W., Johnston, P., Stenroos, S., Zuccaro, A., Dyer, P., Crittenden, P., Cole, M. S., Hansen, K., Trappe, J. M. , Lutzoni, F. & Spatafora, J. W. 2009. The Ascomycota Tree of Life: A phylum wide phylogeny clarifies the origin and evolution of fundamental reproductive and ecological Traits. Systematic Biology 58: 224-239.
Schoch, C. L., Crous, P. W., Groenewald, J. Z., Boehm, E. W. A., Burgess, T. I., De Gruyter, J., De Hoog, G. S., Dixon, L. J., Grube, M., Gueidan, C., Harada, Y., Hatakeyama, S., Hirayama, K., Hosoya, T., Huhndorf, S. M., Hyde, K. D., Jones, E. B. G., Kohlmeyer, J., Kruys, A., Li, Y. M., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H. T., Marvanova, L., Mbatchou, J. S., McVay, A. H., Miller, A. N., Mugambi, G. K., Muggia, L., Nelsen, M. P., Nelson, P., Owensby, C. A., Phillips, A. J. L., Phongpaichit, S., Pointing, S. B., Pujade-Renaud, V., Raja, H. A., Rivas Plata, E., Robbertse, B., Ruibal, C., Sakayaroj, J., Sano, T., Selbmann, L., Shearer, C. A., Shirouzu, T., Slippers, Bernard Suetrong, S., Tanaka, K., Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, B., Wingfield, Michael J., Wood, A. R., Woudenberg, J. H. C., Yonezawa, H., Zhang, Y. & Spatafora, J. W. 2009. A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes. Studies in Mycology 64: 1-15.
Aptroot, A., Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M., Umaña, L. & Chaves, J. L. 2008. Pyrenocarpous lichens with bitunicate asci. A first assessment of the lichen biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 97: 1-162.
Aptroot, A., Thor, G., Lücking, R., Elix, J. A. & Chaves, J. L. 2008. The lichen genus Herpothallon reinstated. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 99: 19-66.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Lücking, R. & Rambold, G. 2008. Effciency of sampling methods for accurate estimation of species richness of corticolous microlichens in the Atlantic rainforest of northeastern Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 1285-1301.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Lücking, R. & Rambold, G. 2008. Corticolous microlichens in northeastern Brazil: habitat differentiation between coastal Mata Atlântica, Caatinga and Brejos de Altitude. The Bryologist 111: 98-117.
Flakus, A. & Lücking, R. 2008. New species and additional records of foliicolous lichenized fungi from Bolivia. The Lichenologist 40: 423-436.
Lücking, R. 2008. Foliicolous lichens as model organisms to study tropical rainforest ecology: background, data, and protocols. Sauteria 15: 335-362.
Lücking, R. 2008. Foliicolous lichenized fungi. Flora Neotropica Monograph 103: 1-867.
Lücking, R. & Rivas Plata, E. 2008. Clave y guía ilustrada para géneros de Graphidaceae. Glalia 1: 1-41.
Lücking, R., Chaves, J. L., Sipman, H. J. M., Umaña, L. & Aptroot, A. 2008. A first assessment of the Ticolichen Biodiversity Inventory in Costa Rica: the genus Graphis, with notes on the genus Hemithecium (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae). Fieldiana (Botany), New Series 46: 1-131.
Lücking, R., Del Prado, R., Lumbsch, H. T., Will-Wolf, S., Aptroot, A., Sipman, H. J. M., Umaña, L. & Chaves, J. L. 2008. Phylogenetic patterns of morphological and chemical characters and reproductive mode in the Heterodermia obscurata group in Costa Rica (Ascomycota, Physciaceae). Systematics and Biodiversity 6: 31-41.
Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H. T., Di Stéfano, J. F., Lizano, D., Carranza, J., Bernecker, A., Chaves, J. L. & Umaña, L. 2008. Eremithallus costaricensis (Ascomycota: Lichinomycetes: Eremithallales), a new fungal lineage with a novel lichen symbiotic lifestyle discovered in an urban relict forest in Costa Rica. Symbiosis 46: 161-170.
Lücking, R., Papong, K., Thammathaworn, A. & Boonpragob, K. 2008. Historical biogeography and phenotype-phylogeny of Chroodiscus (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae). Journal of Biogeography 35: 2311-2327.
Lumbsch, H. T., Nelsen, M. P. & Lücking, R. 2008. The phylogenetic position of Haematommataceae (Lecanorales, Ascomycota), with notes on secondary chemistry and species delimitation. Nova Hedwigia 86: 105-114.
Mangold, A., Martín, M. A., Kalb, K., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2008. Molecular data show that Topeliopsis (Ascomycota, Thelotremataceae) is polyphyletic. The Lichenologist 40: 39-46.
Mangold, A., Martín, M. A., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2008. Molecular phylogeny suggests synonymy of Thelotremataceae within Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales). Taxon 57: 476-486.
Nelsen, M. P., Lumbsch, H. T., Lücking, R. & Elix, J. A. 2008. Further evidence for the polyphyly of Lepraria (Lecanorales: Stereocaulaceae). Nova Hedwigia 87: 361-371.
Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2008. When family matters: an analysis of Thelotremataceae (Lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales) as bioindicators of ecological continuity in tropical forests. Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 1319-1351.
Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H. T. & Chaves, J. L. 2008. Gyrotrema wirthii, a new species of Gyrotrema (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae) from Costa Rica. Sauteria 15: 417-420.
Sérusiaux, E., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2008. Sporopodium isidiatum (Pilocarpaceae), new from Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka, with a key to the world's Sporopodium lichen species. Mycotaxon 103: 255-262.
Sérusiaux, E., Lücking, R. & Sparrius, L. B. 2008. Opegrapha viridistellata (Roccellaceae), a new foliicolous lichen species from the Paleotropics. Mycotaxon 104: 223-227.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Lücking, R. & Rambold, G. 2007. Phorophyte specificity and environmental parameters versus stochasticity as determinants for species composition of corticolous crustose lichen communities in the Atlantic rain forest of northeastern Brazil. Mycological Progress 6: 117-136.
Ferraro, L. I. & Lücking, R. 2007. El género Asterothyrium (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Asterothyriaceae) en Argentina y áreas adyacentes de Paraguay y Brasil. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 28: 315-332.
Hibbett, D. S., Binder. M., Bischoff, J. F., Blackwell, M., Cannon, P. F., Eriksson, O. E., Huhndorf, S., James, T., Kirk, P. M., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H. T., Lutzoni, F., Matheny, P. B., McLaughlin, D. J., Powell, M. J., Redhead, S., Schoch, C. L., Spatafora, J. W., Stalpers, J. A., Vilgalys, R., Aime, M. C., Aptroot, A., Bauer, R., Begerow, D., Benny, G. L., Castlebury, L. A., Crous, P. W., Dai, Y.-C., Gams, W., Geiser, D. M., Griffith, G. W., Gueidan, C., Hawksworth, D. L., Hestmark, G., Hosaka, K., Humber, R. A., Hyde, K., Ironside, J. E., Kõljalg, U., Kurtzman, C. P., Larsson, K.-H., Lichtwardt, R., Longcore, J., Miadlikowska, J., Miller, A. Moncalvo, J.-M., Mozley-Standridge, S., Oberwinkler, F., Parmasto, E., Reeb, V., Rogers, J. D., Roux, C., Ryvarden, L., Sampaio, J. P., Schüssler, A., Sugiyama, J., Thorn, R. G., Tibell, L., Untereiner, W. A., Walker, C., Wang, Z., Weir, A., Weiss, M., White, M. M., Winka, K., Yao, Y.-J. & Zhang, N. 2007. A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi. Mycological Research 111: 509-547.
Lücking, R. 2007. Megalospora imshaugii sp. nov. and M. caraibica sp. nov. from Jamaica (Ascomycota: Teloschistales: Megalosporaceae) increase the number of American Megalospora species to ten. Fungal Diversity 27: 103-110.
Lücking, R. 2007. Kalbographa: Monografie einer unerkannten Flechtengattung. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 96: 185-192.
Lücking, R. 2007. The fungi Microstelium hyalinum and Acrospermum puiggarii are the same as the lichen Gomphillus ophiosporus (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae). The Bryologist 110: 475-479.
Lücking, R. & Hawksworth, D. L. 2007. Names for lichen-forming fungi introduced by Ciferri and Tomaselli are illegitimate and not available for use, except for three cases. Taxon 56: 1274-1284.
Lücking, R., Aptroot, A., Chaves, J. L., Sipman, H. J. M. & Umaña, L. 2007. A first assessment of the TICOLICHEN biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica: the genus Coccocarpia (Peltigerales: Coccocarpiaceae). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 95: 429-457.
Lücking, R., Buck, W. R. & Rivas Plata, E. 2007. The lichen family Gomphillaceae (Ostropales) in eastern North America, with notes on hyphophore development in Gomphillus and Gyalideopsis. The Bryologist 110: 622-672.
Lücking, R., Kalb, K., Staiger, B. & McNeill, J. 2007. Proposal to conserve the name Phaeographis, with a conserved type, against Creographa, Ectographis, Flegographa, Hymenodecton, Platygramma, and Pyrographa (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae), along with notes on the names Graphina and Phaeographina. Taxon 56: 1296-1299.
Lücking, R., Knudsen, K. & Fryday, A. M. 2007. Diploschistella. In Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. III. Nash III, T. H., Ryan, B. D., Gries, C. & Bungartz, F. (eds). Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe: 228-229.
Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M., Umaña, L., Chaves, J. L. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2007. Aptrootia (Dothideomycetes: Trypetheliaceae), a new genus of pyrenocarpous lichens for Thelenella terricola. The Lichenologist 39: 187-193.
Lumbsch, H. T., Schmitt, I., Lücking, R., Wiklund, E. & Wedin, M. 2007. The phylogenetic placement of Ostropales within Lecanoromycetes (Ascomycota) revisited. Mycological Research 111: 257-267.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Umaña, L., Trest, M. T., Will-Wolf, S., Chaves, J. L. & Gargas, A. 2007. Multiclavula ichthyiformis (Fungi: Basidiomycota: Cantharellales: Clavulinaceae), a remarkable new basidiolichen from Costa Rica. American Journal of Botany 94: 1289-1296.
Papong, K., Boonpragob, K. & Lücking, R. 2007. New species and new records of foliicolous lichens from Thailand. The Lichenologist 39: 47-56.
Sérusiaux, E. & Lücking, R. 2007. Gallaicolichen, a new genus of foliicolous lichen with unique diaspores. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 95: 509-516.
Sérusiaux, E., Coppins, B. J. & Lücking, R. 2007. Phylloblastia inexpectata (Verrucariaceae), a new species of foliicolous lichen from Western Europe and Madeira. The Lichenologist 39: 103-108.
Chaves, J. L., Umaña, L., Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M. & Aptroot, A. 2006. Una nueva especie de Heterodermia de Costa Rica y Venezuela, en honor al embajador de España en Costa Rica, Juan José Urtasun Erro. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 27: 335-339.
Del Prado, R., Schmitt, I., Kautz, S., Palice, Z., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2006. Molecular data place Trypetheliaceae in Dothideomycetes. Mycological Research 110: 511-520.
Jagadeesh Ram, T. A. M., Sinha, G. P. , Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2006. A new species of Chrysothrix (Arthoniales: Arthoniaceae) from India. The Lichenologist 38: 127-129.
James, T. Y., Kauff, F., Schoch, C., Matheny, P. B., Hofstetter, V., Cox, C. J., Celio, G., Guiedan, C., Fraker, E., Miadlikowska, J., Lumbsch, H. T., Rauhut, A., Reeb, V., Arnold, A. E., Amtoft, A. , Stajich, J. E., Hosaka, K., Sung, G.-H., Johnson, D., O'Rourke, B., Binder, M., Curtis, J. M., Slot, J. C., Wang, Z., Wilson, A. W., Schüssler, A., Longcore, J. E., O'Donnell, K., Mozley-Standridge, S., Porter, D., Letcher, P. M., Powell, M. J., Taylor, J. W., White, M. M., Griffith, G. W., Davies, D. R., Sugiyama, J., Rossman, A. Y., Rogers, J. D., Pfister, D. H., Hewitt, D., Hansen, K., Hambleton, S., Shoemaker, R. A., Kohlmeyer, J., Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, B., Spotts, R. A., Serdani, M., Crous, P. W., Hughes, K. W., Matsuura, K., Langer, E., Langer, G., Untereiner, W. A., Lücking, R., Büdel, B., Geiser, D. M., Aptroot, A., Buck, W. R., Cole, M. S., Diederich, P., Printzen, C., Schmitt, I., Schultz, M., Yahr, R., Zavarzin, A., Hibbett, D. S., Lutzoni, F., McLaughlin, D. J., Spatafora, J. W. & Vilgalys, R. 2006. Reconstructing the early evolution of Fungi using a six-gene phylogeny. Nature 443: 818-820.
Lücking, R. 2006. Foliicolous lichens from French Guiana (northeastern South America). Cryptogamie, Mycologie 27: 121-147.
Lücking, R. 2006. Proposal to conserve the name Strigula schizospora against S. gibberosa (Ascomycota: Pyrenulales: Strigulaceae). Taxon 55: 801-801.
Lücking, R., Aptroot, A., Umaña, L., Chaves, J. L., Sipman, H. J. M. & Nelsen, M. P. 2006. A first assessment of the Ticolichen biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica: the genus Gyalideopsis and its segregates (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae), with a world-wide key and name status checklist. The Lichenologist 38: 131-160.
Lücking, R., Thor, G., Aptroot, A., Kalb, K. & Elix, J. A. 2006. The Cryptothecia candida complex revisited. The Lichenologist 38: 235-240.
Miadlikowska, J., Kauff, F., Hofstetter, V., Fraker, E., Grube, M., Hafellner, J., Reeb, V., Hodkinson, B. P., Kukwa, M., Lücking, R., Hestmark, G., Otalora, M. G., Rauhut, A., Büdel, B., Scheidegger, C., Timdal, E., Stenroos, S., Brodo, I., Perlmutter, G. B., Ertz, D., Diederich, P., Lendemer, J. C., Tripp, E., Yahr, R., May, P., Gueidan, C., Arnold, A. E., Robertson, C. & Lutzoni, F. 2006. New insights into classification and evolution of the Lecanoromycetes (Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota) from phylogenetic analyses of three ribosomal RNA- and two protein-coding genes. Mycologia 98: 1088-1103.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Chaves, J. L., Sipman, H. J. M., Umaña, L. & Navarro, E. 2006. A first assessment of the Ticolichen biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica: the genus Haematomma (Lecanorales: Haematommataceae). The Lichenologist 38: 251-262.
Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R., Aptroot, A., Sipman, H. J. M., Umaña, L., Chaves, J. L. & Lizano, D. 2006. A first assessment of the Ticolichen biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica: the genus Coenogonium (Ostropales: Coenogoniaceae), with a world-wide key and checklist and a phenotype-based cladistic analysis. Fungal Diversity 23: 255-321.
Spatafora, J. W., Sung, G.-H., Johnson, D., O'Rourke, B., Serdani, M., Spotts, R., Lutzoni, F., Hofstetter, V., Miadlikowska, J., Reeb, V., Gueidan, C., Fraker, E., Lumbsch, H. T., Lücking, R., Schmitt, I., Hosaka, K., Aptroot, A., Roux, C., Miller, A., Geiser, D., Hafellner, J., Hestmark, G., Arnold, A. E., Büdel, B., Rauhut, A., Hewitt, D., Untereiner, W. A., Cole, M. S., Scheidegger, C., Schultz, M., Sipman, H. J. M. & Schoch, C. 2006. A five-gene phylogeny of Pezizomycotina. Mycologia 98: 1018-1028.
Ferraro, L. I. & Lücking, R. 2005. The genus Gomphillus (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae) in the Americas, with the new species Gomphillus pedersenii from Argentina. The Bryologist 108: 491-496.
Herrera-Campos, M. A., Huhndorf, S. & Lücking, R. 2005. The foliicolous lichen flora of Mexico IV: a new, foliicolous species of Pyrenothrix (Chaetothyriales: Pyrenotrichaceae). Mycologia 97: 356-361.
Lücking, R. & Bernecker-Lücking, A. 2005. Drip-tips do not impair the development of epiphyllous rain-forest lichen communities. Journal of Tropical Ecology 21: 171-177.
Lücking, R. & Sérusiaux, E. 2005. Gomphillus morchelloides (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae), a new lichen species from Chile and Papua New Guinea. The Bryologist 108: 487-490.
Lücking, R., Sérusiaux, E. & Vezda, A. 2005. Phylogeny and systematics of the lichen family Gomphillaceae (Ostropales) inferred from cladistic analysis of phenotype data. The Lichenologist 37: 123-170.
Lücking, R., Sérusiaux, E., Buck, W. R. & Ferraro, L. I. 2005. Gomphillus caribaeus belongs in the new genus Bryogomphus (Lecanorales: Pilocarpaceae). The Bryologist 108: 481-486.
Safranek, W. W. & Lücking, R. 2005. Gyalectidium floridense, a new foliicolous lichen from the southeastern United States. The Bryologist 108: 295-297.
Chaves, J. L., Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M., Umaña, L. & Navarro, E. 2004. A first assessment of the Ticolichen biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica: the genus Dictyonema (Polyporales: Atheliaceae). The Bryologist 107: 242-249.
Grube, M., Lücking, R. & Umaña, L. 2004. A new isidiate species of Arthonia (Ascomycota: Arthoniaceae) from Costa Rica. Mycologia 96: 1159-1162.
Herrera-Campos, M. A., Colín, P. M., Bárcenas Peña, A. & Lücking, R. 2004. The foliicolous lichen flora of Mexico. III. New species from Volcán San Martín Tuxtla (Sierra de Los Tuxtlas), Veracruz, with notes on Fellhanera santessonii. Phyton (Horn, Austria) 44: 167-183.
Herrera-Campos, M. A., Lücking, R., Pérez Pérez, R.-E., Campos, A., Colín, P. M. & Bárcenas Peña, A. 2004. The foliicolous lichen flora of Mexico. V. Biogeographical affinities, altitudinal preferences, and an updated checklist of 293 species. The Lichenologist 36: 309-327.
Lendemer, J. C. & Lücking, R. 2004. Gyalideopsis moodyae (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae), a new lichen species from eastern North America. The Bryologist 107: 234-236.
Lücking, R. 2004. A revised key to foliicolous Porinaceae (Ascomycota: Trichotheliales). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 88: 409-426.
Lücking, R. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2004. Corticolous species of Trichothelium (Ascomycota: Porinaceae). Mycological Research 108: 571-575.
Lücking, R., Stuart, B. L. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships of Gomphillaceae and Asterothyriaceae: evidence from a combined Bayesian analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial sequences. Mycologia 96: 283-294.
Lumbsch, H. T., Mangold, A., Lücking, R., García, M. A. & Martín, M. P. 2004. Phylogenetic position of the genera Nadvornikia and Pyrgillus (Ascomycota) based on molecular data. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 34: 9-17.
Lutzoni, F., Kauff, F., Cox, J. C., Mclaughlin, D., Celio, G., Dentinger, B., Padamsee, M., Hibbett, D., James, T. Y., Baloch, E., Grube, M., Reeb, V., Hofstetter, V., Shcoch, C., Arnold, A. E., Miadlikowska, J., Spatafora, J., Johnson, D., Hambleton, S., Crockett, M., Shoemaker, R., Sung, G.-H., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, T., O'donnell, K., Binder, M., Diederich, P., Ertz, D., Gueidan, C., Hansen, K., Harris, R. C., Hosaka, K., Lim, Y.-W., Matheny, B., Nishida, H., Pfister, D., Rogers, J., Rossman, A., Schmitt, I., Sipman, H., Stone, J., Sugiyama, J., Yahr, R. & Vilgalys, R. 2004. Assembling the fungal tree of life: progress, classification, and evolution of subcellular traits. American Journal of Botany 91: 1446-1480.
Aptroot, A. & Lücking, R. 2003. Phenotype-based phylogenetic analysis does not support generic separation of Gyalidea and Solorinella (Ostropales: Asterothyriaceae). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 86: 53-78.
Ferraro, L. I. & Lücking, R. 2003. Gyalectidium aurelii (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae), a new foliicolous lichen from the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 17: 619-622.
Herrera-Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2003. The foliicolous lichen flora of Mexico. II. New species from the montane forest in Oaxaca and Puebla. The Bryologist 106: 1-8.
Lücking, R. 2003. Takhtajan's floristic regions versus foliicolous lichen biogeography: a compatibility analysis. The Lichenologist 35: 33-54.
Lücking, R., Wirth, V., Ferraro, L. I. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2003. Foliicolous lichens from Valdivian temperate rainforest of Chile and Argentina: evidence of an austral element, with the description of seven new taxa. Global Ecology and Biogeography 12: 21-36.
Schubert, R., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2003. New species of foliicolous lichens from La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Costa Rica. Willdenowia 33: 459-465.
Sérusiaux, E. & Lücking, R. 2003. The lichen genus Caprettia Bat. & H. Maia (Monoblastiaceae). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 86: 161-176.
Aptroot, A. & Lücking, R. 2002. Proposal to conserve Gyalidea (lichenized fungi: Asterothyriaceae, Ostropales) against an additional name, Solorinella. Taxon 51: 565-565.
De Oliveira, L. F. C, Edwards, H. G. M., Feo-Manga, J. C., Seaward, M. R. D. & Lücking, R. 2002. FT-Raman spectroscopy of three foliicolous lichens from Costa Rican rain forests. The Lichenologist 34: 259-266.
Grube, M. & Lücking, R. 2002. Fine structures of foliicolous lichens and their lichenicolous fungi studied by epifluorescence. Symbiosis 32: 229-246.
Henssen, A. & Lücking, R. 2002. Morphology, anatomy, and ontogeny in the Asterothyriaceae (Ascomycetes: Ostropales), a greatly misunderstood group of lichenized fungi. Annales Botanici Fennici 39: 273-299.
Herrera-Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2002. The foliicolous lichen flora of Mexico. I. New species from Los Tuxtlas Tropical Biological Station, Veracruz. The Lichenologist 34: 211-222.
Lücking, R. 2002. Review of [McCarthy, P. M. (ed.) 2001. Flora of Australia, Vol. 58A, Lichens 3]. The Bryologist 105: 296-297.
Lücking, R. & Bernecker-Lücking, A. 2002. Distance, dynamics, and diversity in tropical rain forests: an experimental approach using lichens on artificial leaves. Ecotropica 8: 1-13.
Lücking, R. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2002. Liquens foliícolas: diversidade, taxonomia e biogeografia. Caxiuanã. Populações tradicionais, meio físico e diversidade Biológica. Lisboa, P. (ed.). Museo Goeldi, Belém: 445-471.
Lücking, R. & Grube, M. 2002. Facultative parasitism and reproductive strategies in Chroodiscus (Ascomycota, Ostropales). Stapfia 80: 267-292.
Lücking, R. & Kalb, K. 2002. New species and further additions to the foliicolous lichen flora of Kenya (East Africa), including the first lichenicolous Aulaxina (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 139: 171-180.
Lücking, R., Sérusiaux, E. & Santesson, R. 2002. Ceratopycnidium citricola is Byssoloma lueckingii. The Lichenologist 34: 270-272.
Sanders, W. B. & Lücking, R. 2002. Reproductive strategies, relichenization, and thallus development observed in situ in leaf-dwelling lichen communities. New Phytologist 155: 425-435.
Sérusiaux, E., Gómez-Bolea, A., Longán, A. & Lücking, R. 2002. Byssoloma llimonae sp. nov., from continental Spain, Madeira and the Canary Islands. The Lichenologist 34: 183-188.
Aptroot, A. & Lücking, R. 2001. The Sphaerella species described from Hymenophyllaceae (filmy ferns) belong to Strigula and Trichothelium (lichenized ascomycetes). Mycological Research 105: 510-512.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Diederich, P., Lücking, R. & Sérusiaux, E. 2001. Chiodecton epiphyllum is a lichenicolous fungus on Coenogonium flavicans and belongs in the genus Plectocarpon (Arthoniales: Roccellaceae). The Lichenologist 33: 503-506.
Ferraro, L. I., Lücking, R. & Sérusiaux, E. 2001. A world monograph of the lichen genus Gyalectidium (Gomphillaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 137: 311-345.
Grube, M. & Lücking, R. 2001. Ascogenous hyphae in foliicolous species of Arthonia and allied genera. Mycological Research 105: 1007-1013.
Lücking, R. 2001. Nuevos registros de líquenes foliícolas para la Estación Biológica La Selva (Costa Rica) y para el Neotrópico. Revista de Biología Tropical 49: 765-765.
Lücking, R. 2001. Lichens on leaves in tropical rain forests: life in a permanently ephemerous environment. Dissertationes Botanicae 346: 41-77.
Lücking, R. & Kalb, K. 2001. Echinoplaca vezdana (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae), a new lichenized fungus. Taxon 50: 837-840.
Lücking, R. & Kalb, K. 2001. New Caledonia, foliicolous lichens, and island biogeography. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 78: 247-273.
Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2001. New species or interesting records of foliicolous lichens. VI. Sporopodium aeruginascens (Lecanorales), with notes on the chemistry of Sporopodium. Mycotaxon 78: 23-27.
Lücking, R. & Matzer, M. 2001. High foliicolous lichen alpha-diversity on individual leaves in Costa Rica and Amazonian Ecuador. Biodiversity and Conservation 10: 2139-2152.
Lücking, R. & Santesson, R. 2001. New species or interesting records of foliicolous lichens. VIII. Two new taxa from tropical Africa, with a key to sorediate Fellhanera species. The Lichenologist 33: 111-116.
Lücking, R. & Santesson, R. 2001. On the identity of Pyrenotrichum 'atrocyaneum', P. 'mirum' and P. 'podosphaera', campylidia of lichenized Ascomycota (Lecanorales: Ectolechiaceae). The Bryologist 105: 57-62.
Lücking, R. & Sérusiaux, E. 2001. Lasioloma stephanellum comb. nov. (lichenized Ascomycetes, Ectolechiaceae). Mycotaxon 77: 301-303.
Lücking, R., Cáceres, M. E. S., Kalb, K. & Sérusiaux, E. 2001. Studies in Bacidia sensu lato (lichenized Ascomycetes: Lecanorales). II. Six new combinations in Fellhanera Vezda. The Lichenologist 33: 189-194.
Lücking, R., Streimann, H. & Elix, J. A. 2001. Further records of foliicolous lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Australasia, with an updated checklist for continental Australia. The Lichenologist 33: 195-210.
Sérusiaux, E. & Lücking, R. 2001. Aspidothelium gemmiferum sp. nov., from Papua New Guinea (lichenized Ascomycetes). Mycotaxon 79: 43-49.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Maia, L. C. & Lücking, R. 2000. Foliicolous lichens and their lichenicolous fungi in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil: diversity, ecogeography and conservation. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 75: 47-70.
Ferraro, L. I. & Lücking, R. 2000. Adiciones a la flora liquénica foliícola de Argentina, Paraguay Oriental y regiones limítrofes de Brasil. Tropical Bryology 19: 59-72.
Kalb, K., Lücking, R. & Sérusiaux, E. 2000. Studies in Bacidia sensu lato (lichenized Ascomycetes: Lecanorales). I. The genus Bapalmuia. Mycotaxon 75: 281-309.
Lücking, R. & Bernecker-Lücking, A. 2000. Lichen feeders and lichenicolous fungi: do they affect dispersal and diversity in tropical foliicolous lichen communities?. Ecotropica 6: 23-41.
Lücking, R. & Kalb, K. 2000. Foliikole Flechten aus Brasilien (vornehmlich Amazonien), inklusive einer Checkliste und Bemerkungen zu Coenogonium und Dimerella (Gyalectaceae). Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik 122: 1-61.
Lücking, R., Kalb, K., Sérusiaux, E. & Vezda, A. 2000. Proposals to reject the names Pyrenotrichum, Chlorocyphella and Cyrta (lichenised Fungi Imperfecti: form-class Coelomycetes). Taxon 49: 558-560.
Lücking, R., Sérusiaux, E. & Sipman, H. J. M. 2000. New species or interesting records of foliicolous lichens. VII. Calenia flava (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae). Tropical Bryology 19: 55-58.
Thor, G., Lücking, R. & Matsumoto, T. 2000. The foliicolous lichens of Japan. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 32: 1-72.
Cáceres, M. E. S. & Lücking, R. 1999. Three new species and one new combination of foliicolous lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Atlantic rain forest in Pernambuco state, Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 70: 217-226.
Etayo, J. & Lücking, R. 1999. Anisomeridium musaesporoides, a new foliicolous lichen from tropical America. The Lichenologist 31: 145-148.
Ferraro, L. I. & Lücking, R. 1999. New species of interesting records of foliicolous lichens. V. Two new species of Fellhanera (lichenized Ascomycotina: Pilocarpaceae) with 1-septate ascospores. Mycotaxon 73: 163-167.
Lücking, R. 1999. Addiciones y correcciones al conocimiento de la líquenoflora foliícola de Costa Rica. La familia Asterothyriaceae y el género Chroodiscus (Thelotremataceae), con un análisis filogenético. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 20: 193-224.
Lücking, R. 1999. Foliicolous lichens and their lichenicolous fungi from Ecuador, with a comparison of lowland and montane rainforest. Willdenowia 29: 299-335.
Lücking, R. 1999 Additions and corrections to the knowledge of the foliicolous lichen flora of Costa Rica. The family Gyalectaceae. The Lichenologist 31: 359-374.
Lücking, R. 1999 Ecology of foliicolous lichens at the Botarrama trail (Costa Rica), a neotropical rain forest. IV. Species associations, their salient features, and their dependence on environmental variables. The Lichenologist 31: 269-289.
Lücking, R. 1999. Ecology of foliicolous lichens at the Botarrama trail (Costa Rica), a neotropical rain forest. III. Phorophyte ranges and patterns of phorophyte preferences. Phyton (Horn, Austria) 38: 553-564.
Lücking, R. 1999. Ergänzungen und Verbesserungen zur Kenntnis der foliikolen Flechtenflora Costa Ricas. Die Familie Ectolechiaceae. Phyton (Horn, Austria) 39: 131-165.
Lücking, R. 1999. Líquenes foliícolas de la Estación Biológica La Selva, Costa Rica: Inventario, comunidades y comparación florística de tipos de vegetación. Revista de Biología Tropical 47: 287-308.
Lücking, R. 1999. Additions and corrections to the knowledge of the foliicolous lichen flora of Costa Rica, Central America. The genus Trichothelium (lichenized Ascomycetes: Trichotheliaceae). Nova Hedwigia 66: 359-374.
Lücking, R. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 1999. New species or interesting records of foliicolous lichens. IV. Porina pseudoapplanata (Lichenized Ascomycetes: Trichotheliaceae), a remarkable new species with Phyllophiale-type isidia. The Lichenologist 31: 349-358.
Lücking, R., Cáceres, M. E. S. & Maia, L. C. 1999. Revisão taxonômica e nomenclatural de liquens foliícolas e respectivos fungos liquenícolas registrados para o estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, por Batista e colaboradores. Acta Botanica Brasilica 13: 115-128.
Santesson, R. & Lücking, R. 1999. Additions to the foliicolous lichen flora of the Ivory Coast and Guinea (Tropical West Africa). Nordic Journal of Botany 19: 719-734.
Gottsberger, G., Freiberg, E., Lücking, A., Freiberg, M., Lücking, R. & Döring, J. 1998. COPAS, ein dreidimensionales Zugangssystem, in Verbindung mit einem interdisziplinären Konzept zur Erforschung der Baumkronen tropischer Wälder. Mitteilungen der Bundesanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft Hamburg 190: 325-330.
Lücking, A. & Lücking, R. 1998. Anpassungen und Konvergenzen in der Phyllosphäre am Beispiel epiphyller Moose, Flechten und Insekten. Mitteilungen der Bundesanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft Hamburg 190: 115-119.
Lücking, R. 1998. Ecology of foliicolous lichens at the Botarrama trail (Costa Rica), a neotropical rain forest. I. Species composition and ist ecogeographical implications. Biotropica 31: 553-564.
Lücking, R. 1998 Ecology of foliicolous lichens at the Botarrama trail (Costa Rica), a neotropical rain forest site. II. Patterns of diversity and area cover and their dependence on microclimate and phorophyte species. Ecotropica 4: 1-24.
Lücking, R. 1998. Additions and corrections to the knowledge of the foliicolous lichen flora of Costa Rica, Central America. The genus Fellhanera, with notes on Bacidia pauciseptata. Tropical Bryology 13: 375-417.
Lücking, R. 1998. Foliicolous lichens and their lichenicolous fungi collected during the Smithsonian International Cryptogamic Expedition to Guyana 1996. Tropical Bryology 15: 45-76.
Lücking, R. 1998. 'Plasticolous' lichens in a tropical rain forest at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. The Lichenologist 30: 287-301.
Lücking, R. 1998. Blattbewohnende Flechten und ihre Mikrohabitatpräferenzen in einem tropischen Regenwald in Costa Rica. Mitteilungen der Bundesanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft Hamburg 190: 110-114.
Lücking, R. & Sérusiaux, E. 1998. Gyalideopsis cochlearifera, a new pantropical, commensalistic species on foliicolous Gomphillaceae. The Lichenologist 30: 543-549.
Lücking, R. & Vezda, A. 1998. Taxonomic studies in foliicolous species of the genus Porina (lichenized Ascomycotina: Trichotheliaceae). II. The Porina epiphylla group. Willdenowia 28: 181-225.
Lücking, R., Becker, U. & Follmann, G. 1998. Foliikole Flechten aus dem Taï-Nationalpark, Elfenbeinküste (Tropisches Afrika). II. Ökologie und Biogeografie. Herzogia 13: 207-228.
Lücking, R., Sérusiaux, E., Maia, L. C. & Pereira, E. C. G. 1998. A revision of the names of foliicolous lichenized fungi published by Batista and co-workers between 1960 and 1975. The Lichenologist 30: 121-191.
Ferraro, L. I. & Lücking, R. 1997. New species or interesting records of foliicolous lichens. III. Arthonia crystallifera (Lichenized Ascomycetes: Arthoniaceae), with a world-wide key to the foliicolous Arthoniaceae. Phyton (Horn, Austria) 37: 61-70.
Lücking, R. 1997. Estado actual de investigaciones sobre líquenes foliícolas en la región neotrópica, con un análisis biogeográfico preliminar. Tropical Bryology 13: 87-114.
Lücking, R. 1997. Notes on Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. I-VI. Abstracta Botanica 21: 89-98.
Lücking, R. 1997. The use of foliicolous lichens as bioindicators in the tropics, with special reference to the microclimate. Abstracta Botanica 21: 99-116.
Lücking, R. 1997. Additions and corrections to the knowledge of the foliicolous lichen flora of Costa Rica, Central America. The family Gomphillaceae. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 65: 1-109.
Lücking, R. & Ferraro, L. I. 1997. New species or interesting records of foliicolous lichens. I. Trichothelium argenteum (Lichenized Ascomycetes: Trichotheliaceae). The Lichenologist 29: 217-220.
Lücking, R. & Malcolm, W. M. 1997. Additional lichen records from New Zealand. 22. Porina applanata. Australasian Lichenological Newsletter 40: 14-15.
Lücking, R. & Sérusiaux, E. 1997. Musaespora kalbii (Lichenized Ascomycetes: Melanommatales), a new foliicolous lichen with pantropical distribution. Nordic Journal of Botany 16: 661-668.
Lücking, R., Aptroot, A. & Thor, G. 1997. New species or interesting records of foliicolous lichens. II. Flavobathelium epiphyllum (Lichenized Ascomycetes: Melanommatales). The Lichenologist 29: 221-228.
Gradstein, S. R., Hietz, P., Lücking, R., Lücking, A., Sipman, H. J. M., Vester, H. F. M., Wolf, J. H. D. & Gardette, E. 1996. How to sample the epiphytic diversity of tropical rain forests. Ecotropica 2: 59-72.
Lücking, R. 1996. Taxonomic studies in foliicolous species of the genus Porina. I. The Porina rufula aggregate. Botanica Acta 109: 248-260.
Lücking, R. & Lücking, A. 1996. Foliicolous bryophytes and lichens. Ecotropica 2: 67-72.
Lücking, R. & Matzer, M. 1996. Ergänzungen und Verbesserungen zur Kenntnis der foliikolen Flechtenflora Costa Ricas. Die Familie Opegraphaceae (einschließlich der Gattung Mazosia). Nova Hedwigia 63: 109-144.
Becker, U. & Lücking, R. 1995. Foliikole Flechten aus dem Taï-Nationalpark, Elfenbeinküste (Tropisches Afrika). I. Neue Arten. Flechten Follmann. Contributions to Lichenology in Honour of Gerhard Follmann. Daniels, F. A., Schulz, M. & Peine, J. (eds). Geobotanical and Phytotaxonomical Study Group, Cologne: 161-173.
Elix, J. A., Lumbsch, H. T. & Lücking, R. 1995. The chemistry of foliicolous lichens 2. Constituents of some Byssoloma and Sporopodium species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 58: 81-96.
Lücking, R. 1995. Additions and corrections to the foliicolous lichen flora of Costa Rica. The family Arthoniaceae, with notes on the genus Stirtonia. The Lichenologist 27: 127-153.
Lücking, R. 1995. Foliikole Flechten auf Cecropiaceen im Kronendach eines tropischen Regenwaldes. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 58: 261-274.
Lücking, R. 1995. Biodiversity and conservation of foliicolous lichens in Costa Rica. Mitteilungen der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft 70: 63-92.
Lücking, R. 1995. Lista preliminar de líquenes foliícolas de las principales areas protegidas de Costa Rica. Brenesia 43-44: 39-46.
Lücking, R. & Lücking, A. 1995. Foliicolous lichens and bryophytes from Cocos Island, Costa Rica. A taxonomical and ecogeographical study. I. Lichens. Herzogia 11: 143-174.
Lücking, R. & Vezda, A. 1995. Proposal to conserve Badimia against Pseudogyalecta (Lichenized Ascomycotina). Taxon 44: 227-228.
Malcolm, W. M., Lücking, R. & Vezda, A. 1995. Additional lichen records from New Zealand. 17. Phylloporis viridis R. Lücking (Strigulaceae). Australasian Lichenological Newsletter 38: 13-16.
Vezda, A. & Lücking, R. 1995. A restudy of Pseudogyalecta verrucosa, its systematical affinities, and the nomenclatorical consequences. Mycotaxon 55: 501-506.
Lücking, R. 1994. A new species of Microtheliopsis from Costa Rica, Central America. Mycotaxon 51: 69-73.
Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H. T. & Elix, J. A. 1994. Chemistry, anatomy and morphology of foliicolous species of the genera Fellhanera and Badimia (Lichenized Ascomycotina: Lecanorales). Botanica Acta 107: 393-401.
Barillas, R., Lücking, R. & Winkler, S. 1993. Vergesellschaftungen foliikoler Flechten im Biotopo del Quetzal, Guatemala. Cryptogamie, Bryologie Lichénologie 14: 49-68.
Lücking, A. & Lücking, R. 1993. Passerina cyanea (Passeriformes, Emberizidae), nuevo informe ornitológico para la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical 41: 928-929.
Barillas, R. & Lücking, R. 1992. Líquenes foliícolas de Guatemala. Un estudio taxonómico preliminar. Cryptogamie, Bryologie Lichénologie 13: 297-317.
Lücking, R. 1992. Zur Verbreitungsökologie foliikoler Flechten in Costa Rica, Zentralamerika. Teil II. Herzogia 9: 81-112.
Lücking, R. 1992. Zur Verbreitungsökologie foliikoler Flechten in Costa Rica, Zentralamerika. Teil I. Nova Hedwigia 54: 309-353.
Lücking, R. 1992. Foliicolous Lichens - A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Lichen Flora of Costa Rica, Central America. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 104: 1-179.
Lücking, R. 1991. Neue Arten foliikoler Flechten aus Costa Rica, Zentralamerika. Nova Hedwigia 52: 267-304.

Book chapters and monographs (published and in press)

  • Jaklitsch, W., Baral, H.-O., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2016. Syllabus of Plant Families. 13th ed. A. Engler’s Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. 1/2 Ascomycota. Borntraeger, Germany. ISBN 978-3-443-01089-8

Jaklitsch, W., Baral, H.-O., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2015. Syllabus of Plant Families. 13th ed. A. Engler’s Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. 1/2 Ascomycota. Borntraeger, Germany (in press).

Cáceres, M. E. S., Santos Viera, T., Santos De Jesus, L. & Lücking, R. 2014. Liquens corticícolas crostosos (Ascomycota liquenizados) da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã. In: Lisboa, P. L. B. (ed.) Caxiuanã. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil.

Lücking, R. & Rivas Plata, E. 2011. Líquenes. In Baiker, J. (editor). Guía ecoturística: Mancomunidad Saywite-Choquequirao-Ampay (Apurímac, Perú), pp. 738-752. Ecobona, Cuzco.

Herrera-Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2009. Líquenes. In Lot, A. & Cano-Santana, Z. (eds.). Biodiversidad del ecosistema del Pedregal de San Angel. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Lücking, R., Sérusiaux, E. & Vezda, A. 2009. Jamesiella. In The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. 2nd ed. Purvis, O. W., Coppins, B. J., Hawksworth, D. L., James, P. W. & Moore, D. M. (eds.). British Lichen Society.
Morales, E. A., Lücking, R. & Anze, R. 2009. Líquenes de Bolivia - Una Introducción. Serie Ecológica 1. Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Cáceres, M. E. S. & Lücking, R. 2006. Diversidade, biogeografía, ecología e utilização de liquens foliícolas. Biologia de Liquens. Xavier Filho, L., Legaz, M. E., Vicente Cordoba, C. & Pereira, E. C. (eds.). Âmbito Cultural Edições LDTA., Rio de Janeiro: 519-535.
Lücking, R. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2006. Taxonomía e sistemática dos liquens foliícolas. Biologia de Liquens. Xavier Filho, L., Legaz, M. E., Vicente Cordoba, C. & Pereira, E. C. (eds.). Âmbito Cultural Edições LDTA., Rio de Janeiro: 501-518.
Lücking, R. & Herrera-Campos, M. A. 2006. Sistemática e evolução dos liquens. Biologia de Liquens. Xavier Filho, L., Legaz, M. E., Vicente Cordoba, C. & Pereira, E. C. (eds.). Âmbito Cultural Edições LDTA., Rio de Janeiro: 451-468.
Lücking, R. 2004. Gyalectidium. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. II. Nash III, T. H., Ryan, B. D., Gries, C. & Bungartz, F. (eds). Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe: 115-116.
Lücking, R. 2004. Sporopodium. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. II. Nash III, T. H., Ryan, B. D., Gries, C. & Bungartz, F. (eds). Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe: 499-501.

Journals, not peer reviewed

  • Sohrabi, M., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014. One hundred and seventy five new species of Graphidaceae - A special issue of Phytotaxa. Phytotaxa 189: 5-6.
Gradstein, S. R. & Lücking, R. 1997. Synthesis of the symposium and priorities for future research. Abstracta Botanica 21: 207-214.
Farkas, E. E., Lücking, R. & Wirth, V. 2010. In memoriam Antonín Vezda (1920-2008). Acta Botanica Hungarica 52: 9-21.
Farkas, E. E., Lücking, R. & Wirth, V. 2010. A tribute to Antonín Vezda (1920-2008). The Lichenologist 42: 1-5.

Other publications

Editorial work

  • Moncada, B., Lücking, R. & Suárez, A. (eds.) 2012. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (GLAL X): Libro de Resúmenes. Glalia 4(4): 1-134.Gottsberger, G., Liede, S. & Lücking, R. (eds.) 2001. Life Forms and Dynamics in Tropical Forests. Dissertationes Botanicae 346: 1-216.
  • Lücking, A., Winkler, J. & Lücking, R. 1996. 10 Años del Convenio entre la Universidad de Costa Rica y la Universidad de Ulm 1987-1997. Universität Ulm, Ulm. 
  • Farkas, E. É., Lücking, R. & Wirth, V. (eds.) 1995. Scripta Lichenologica - Lichenological Papers Dedicated to Antonín Vezda. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 58: 1-501.
  • Lücking, R., Freiberg, M., Lücking, A., Freiberg, E. & Gottsberger, G. (eds.) 1995. Tropical Forest Canopies as an Environment for Arthropods and Epiphytes, with Special Reference to the Phyllosphere. Second International ESF Workshop on Tropical Canopy Research, 27-30 July 1995, Günzburg, Alemania. Final Scientific Report. 

Book reviews

Lücking, R. 2014. Book Review: Wirth, V., Hauck, M. & Schulz, M. 2013. Die Flechten Deutschlands, Band 1 and 2 (in German). 1244 pp., with 46 figures and 845 color photographs. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. [ISBN 978-3-8001-5903-1 (Print); 978-3-8001-8909-0 (electronic PDF)]. The Bryologist 117: 219-221.

Lücking, R. 2014. Book Review: Sussman, R. 2014. The Oldest Living Things in the World (with essays by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Carl Zimmer). 302 pp., with four graphics and 124 color photographs. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. [ISBN 978-0-226-05750-7 (cloth); 978-0-226-05764-4 (e-book)]. The Bryologist 117: 429-430.

Lücking, R. 2014. Book Review: Sharnoff, S. 2014. A Field Guide to California Lichens. 421 pp., with 530 color photographs. Yale University Press, New Haven and London. [ISBN 978-0-300-19500-2]. The Bryologist 117: 427-428.

Lücking, R. 2010. Book review: Singh, K. P. & Sinha, G. P. 2010. Indian Lichens - An Annotated Checklist. M/s Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Publishers, Uttarakhand, India. Nova Hedwigia 94: 543-545.

Lücking, R. 2010. Book review: Neotropical Hypotrachyna. Review of [Sipman, Harrie J., Elix, John A. & Nash III, Thomas H. 2009. Hypotrachyna (Parmeliaceae, Lichenized Fungi). Flora Neotropica Monograph 104. 176 pp. The New York Botanical Garden Press, New York]. The Bryologist 113: 434-435.

Lücking, R. 2007. Review of [Frisch, A., Kalb, K. & Grube, M. 2006. Contributions towards a new systeatics of the lichen family Thelotremataceae. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 92]. Nova Hedwigia 84: 549-552.

Lücking, R. 2013. Book review: H. Hertel: Gattungseponyme bei Flechten und lichenicolen Pilzen. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Band 107, 2012, 157 pp., J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung; ISBN: 978-3-443-58086-5. Nova Hedwigia 97: 272-274.

Lücking, R. 2003. Review of [Staiger, B. 2002. Die Flechtenfamilie Graphidaceae. Studien in Richtung einer natürlicheren Gliederung. Biliotheca Lichenologica 85]. The Bryologist 106: 345-347.

Lücking, R. 2002. Review of [Brodo, I. M., Sharnoff, S. D. & Sharnoff, S. 2001. Lichens of North America]. The Bryologist 105: 499-500.


Newsletter and popular science articles

Aptroot, A., Mercado-Díaz, J. A., Bárcenas-Peña, A., Cáceres, M. E. S., Coca, L. F., Dal-Forno, M., Cunha Feuerstein, S., Herrera-Campos, M. A., Joshi, S., Kirika, P. M., Kraichak, E., Lumbsch, H. T., Miranda-González, R., Moncada, B., Nelsen, M. P., Pérez P., R. E., Scharnagl, K., Soto Medina, E., Yánez, A., & Lücking, R. 2014. Rapid assessment of the diversity of "vehiculicolous" lichens on a thirty year old Ford Bronco truck in Puerto Rico. Fungi Magazine 7(2-3): 29-31.
Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014. Lichens: fungal farmers. Fungi Magazine 7(2-3): 7-12.
Lücking, R., Dal-Forno, M., Moncada, B., Chaves, J. L. & Lawrey, J. D. 2014. The enchanted jungle. Fungi Magazine 7(2-3): 29-31.
Lücking, R. 2013. The ten-phased life of a lichenologist. IAL Newsletter 46(2): 1-4.
Lücking, R. 2001. Evolution: Divergenz - Konvergenz. Spektrum 2001: 23.
Bernecker, A, Freiberg, E. & Lücking, R. 2000. Die Phyllosphäre - ein Mikrokosmos im tropischen Regenwald. Der verborgene Garten - Forschung und Arbeit im Botanischen Garten der Universität Ulm. Botanischer Garten der Universität Ulm und Abteilung für Systematische Botanik und Ökologie, Ulm. 
Lücking, R. & Lücking, A. 2000. Mikrokosmos i tropeskogen. Naturen 124: 145-150.
  • Gottsberger, G., Freiberg, M., Freiberg, E., Lücking, R., Lücking, A. & Stevens, A.-D. 1997. Lebensraum tropische Baumkronen. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 50: 379-385.
Lücking, R. & Lücking, A. 1999. Der Mikrokosmos im tropischen Wald. Forschung (DFG) 1999: 18-23.
Lücking, R. & Lücking, A. 1999. The microcosmos in the tropical forest. German Research (DFG) 1999: 18-23.
Gottsberger, G., Freiberg, E., Lücking, A., Freiberg, M., Lücking, R. & Döring, J. 1995. Baumkronen tropischer Wälder - Interdisziplinäre Ansätze zum Verständnis der Diversität und Funktion eines wenig erforschten Lebensraums. Ulmensien 10: 51-96.


Lücking, R. 2000. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. IX (nos. 201-225). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Bayreuth. 
Lücking, R. 2000. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. VII (nos. 151-175). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Bayreuth. 
Lücking, R. 2000. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. VIII (nos. 176-200). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Bayreuth. 
Lücking, R. 2000. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. X (nos. 226-250). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Bayreuth. 
Lücking, R. 1995. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. III (nos. 51-75). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Ulm. 
Lücking, R. 1995. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. IV (nos. 76-100). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Ulm. 
Lücking, R. 1995. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. V (nos. 101-125). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Ulm.
Lücking, R. 1995. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. VI (nos. 126-150). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Ulm.
Lücking, R. 1993. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. I (nos. 1-25). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Ulm. 


Lücking, R. 1993. Schedae ad Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fasc. II (nos. 26-50). Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Universität Ulm.

Congress abstracts

Bárcenas-Peña, A., Herrera-Campos, M. A., Miranda-González, R. & Lücking, R. 2012. Comparison of the diversity of Graphis species in different vegetation types in Mexico. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2B-P21.
Cáceres, M. E. S., De Jesus, L. S., Vieira, T. S., Andrade, A. D., Goes, D. D. & Lücking, R. 2012. Lichens from the Brazilian Amazon: new taxa and interesting records. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2B-P27.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Leite, A. B., Menezes, A. A., Otsuka, A. Y., Dos Santos, V. M., Kalb, K. & Lücking, R. 2012. Mangrove and restinga lichens from northeastern Brazil. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2B-P28.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Mendonca, C. O., Mota, D. A., Dos Santos, M. O. & Lücking, R. 2012. Lichens from Serra de Itabaiana National Park, an Atlantic rainforest relict in Sergipe, Brazil. The 7th IAL Sympo¬sium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thai¬land). Book of Abstracts: 2B-P29.
Dal Forno, M., Lücking, R., Bungartz, F., Yánez, A. & Lawrey, J. L. 2012. Genus and species concepts in Dictyonema s. l. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3A-P7.
Gaya, E., Högnabba, F., Ramírez-Mejía, M., Holguín, A., Molnar, K., Fernández-Brime, S., Stenroos, S., Arup, U., Søchting, U., Van Den Boom, P., Lücking, R., Vargas, R., Sipman, H. J. M. & Lutzoni, F. 2012. Systematics and evolution within the order Teloschistales and family Teloschistaceae (Asco¬mycota, Fungi) with a multi-locus supermatrix approach. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 4A-O1.
Gueidan, C., Thüs, H., Muggia, L., Perez-Ortega, S., Favero-Longo, S., Joneson, S., O'Brien, H., Nelsen, M. P., Duque-Thüs, R., Grube, M., Friedl, T., Brodie, J., Andrew, C. J., Lücking, R. & Lutzoni, F. 2012. Evolution of photobiont associations in the family Verrucariaceae. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 1I-O6.
Hernández, J. E. M. & Lücking, R. 2012. Revision of the family Graphidaceae s.l. for Venezuela, preli¬mi¬nary results. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2A-1-P7.
Kalb, K., Lücking, R. & Rivas Plata, E. 2012. How many genera are hidden within Buellia sensu lato? The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3A-P2.
Lisangan-Tabaquero, A. L., Bawingan, P. A. & Lücking, R. 2012. Morpho-chemotaxonomy of the Graphi¬daceae (sensu lato) lichens in the Kalahan Forest Reserve of Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines. The 7th IAL Sym¬posium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2A-1-O4.
Lücking, R. 2012. New approaches to incorporate ambiguously aligned sequence portions and morpho¬logical data into phylogenetic analysis. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosys¬tems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3A-O7.
Lücking, R. 2012. What morphology cannot tell? Impact of molecular phylogeny on our understanding of the classification of lichenized fungi. Sexto Encontro do Grupo Brasileiro de Liquenólogos (VI EGBL), September 2012, Botucatú (Brasil). Resumos: 4.
Lücking, R. & Rivas Plata, E. 2012. Predicting species richness in tropical Graphidaceae based on pat¬terns of evolution and character correlation. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2A-1-P3.
Lücking, R., Berger, S., Stamatakis, A., Rivas Plata, E. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2012. Penotype-based phylo¬genetic binning - A quick tutorial. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2A-1-P4.
Lücking, R., Kalb, K. & Essene, A. 2012. The power of ITS: using megaphylogenies of barcoding genes to reveal inconsistencies in taxonomic identifications of genbank submissions. The 7th IAL Sympo¬sium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thai¬land). Book of Abstracts: 3B-1-O2.
Ludwig, L. R. & Lücking, R. 2012. Rediscovery of a forgotten lichen genus with unique conidiomata from New Zealand. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 4I-P7.
Lumbsch, H. T. & Lücking, R. 2012. ATM - Assembling a taxonomic monograph: the lichen family Gra¬phidaceae. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2A-1-P1.
Miranda-González, R., Lücking, R., Mora-Ardila, F., Barcenas-Peña, A. & Herrera- Campos, M. A. 2012. Microlichen community structure as a way to comprehend tropical dry forest regeneration. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3B-2-P13.
Moncada, B. & Lücking R. 2012. Type and nomenclatural studies in neotropical species of the genus Sticta (Lobariaceae). The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3A-P19.
Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2012. The Sticta weigelii complex (Lobariaceae): tropical taxa add another level of complexity. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3A-P20.
Moncada, B., Ardila, I., Betancourt, L., Coca, L., Gutierrez, M., Mateus, N., Peñaloza, G., Ramírez, N., Rincón-Espitia, A., Romero, L., Silano, S., Simijaca, D., Soto, E., Suárez, A. & Lücking, R. 2012. Microlichens of Colombia: a first approach including new records. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2B-P23.
Moncada, B., Betancourt, L. & Lücking, R. 2012. Diversity and phylogeny of the genus Lobariella (Loba¬riaceae). The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3A-P18.
Moncada, B., Lücking, R., Parnmen, S. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. Sticta fuliginosa (Lobariaceae): species or morphotype? The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3A-P17.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Andrew, C. J. & Ree R. 2012. On time or 'fashionably' late? The comparative dating of lichen-associated eukaryotic algae and their fungal symbionts. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 4B-O1.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Aptroot, A., Andrew, C. J., Lumbsch, H. T. & Ree, R. 2012. Character state evolution in the lichen-forming lineage Trypetheliales (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota). The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2I-P7.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H. T. & Ree, R. 2012. Diversification of lichen-forming Ascomyce¬tes. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3A-O2.
Parnmen, S., Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R., Bawingan, P. A., Lisangan-Tabaquero, A., Kalb, K., Sipman, H. J. M. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. The lichen family Graphidaceae in the Philippines. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2A-1-P2.
Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. A new classification for the family Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Lecanoromycetes: Ostropales). The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2A-1-P6.
Rivas Plata, E., Parnmen, S., Staiger, B., Mangold, A., Frisch, A., Weerakoon, G. S., Hernández, J. E. M., Cáceres, M. E. S., Kalb, K., Sipman, H. J. M., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. A megaphylogeny of the lichen family Gaphidaceae. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 2A-1-P5.
Ardila, A. I., Lücking, R. & Moncada, B. 2011. Estudio florístico de los géneros lirelados de la familia Gra¬phi¬daceae (Ascomycetes Liquenizados) en un bosque nativo y un bosque introducido del Parque Natu¬ral Chicaque, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Lique¬nólo¬gos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 49.
Bárcenas-Peña, A., Herrera-Campos, M. A., Miranda-Gonzáles, R. & Lücking, R. 2011. Comparación de la diversidad de Graphis en distintos tipos de vegetación en México. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 61.
Betancourt, L., Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2011. Estudio de los líquenes en dos comunidades de Diplo¬stephium en los páramos de Sumapaz y El Verjón, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 62.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Rivas Plata, E. & Lücking, R. 2011. Malmographina, un nuevo género para Graphina malmei (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae). Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 53.
Dal Forno, M., Lücking, R., Bungartz, F., Yánez, A. & Lawrey, J. D. 2011. Conceptos de géneros y espe¬cies en Dictyonema sensu lato. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 32.
Kalb, K., Lücking, R. & Rivas Plata, E. 2011. Cuantos géneros existen dentro del género Buellia sensu lato?. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 54.
Lücking, R. 2011. Avances de la liquenología en el Neótropico: diversidad, sistemática y conservación. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 64.
Lücking, R. 2011. Predicción de la riqueza de especies en Graphidaceas tropicales, basada en patrones de ecología y de correlación de caracteres. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Lique¬nólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 55.
Lücking, R., Berger, S., Stamatakis, A., Rivas Plata, E. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2011. Encajamiento filoge¬né¬tico usando morfología - un tutorial rápido. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Lique¬nó¬lo¬gos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 55.
Martínez-Colín, P., Herrera-Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2011. Estudio ecológico de los líquenes folií¬co¬las de la Estación de Biología Tropical Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 71.
Mateus, L. N., Aguirre-C., J. & Lücking, R. 2011. Composición y riqueza de los líquenes foliícolas de la Estación Ambiental de Tutunendo (Chocó Biogeográfico). Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoameri¬cano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 49.
Mateus, L. N., Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2011. Líquenes foliícolas de cafetales, estudio de caso en un cafetal del municipio de Río de Oro, Cesar, Colombia. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 48.
Miranda-Gonzáles, R., Lücking, R., Mora-Ardila, F., Bárcenas-Peña, A. & Herrera-Campos, M. A. 2011. Estructura de comunidades de microlíquenes en la regeneración del bosque tropical seco. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colom¬bia). Resúmenes: 63.
Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2011. El complejo de Sticta weigelii (Lobariaceae): Taxones tropicales agre¬gan otro nivel de complejidad. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 52.
Moncada, B. & Lücking, R. 2011. Estudio de tipos nomenclaturales en especies neotropicales del género Sticta (Lobariaceae). Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 53.
Moncada, B., Betancourt, L. & Lücking, R. 2011. Diversidad y filogenia del género Lobariella (Lobaria¬ceae). Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 44.
Moncada, B., Lücking, R., Parnmen, S., Lumbsch, H. T. & Suárez, A. 2011. Sticta fuliginosa (Lobaria¬ceae): Especie o morfotipo?. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 52.
Nelsen, M. P., Lücking, R., Aptroot, A. & Andrew, C. J. 2011. Una nueva clasificación para la familia Trypetheliaceae (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes). Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 51.
Ramírez N. A. M. & Lücking, R. 2011. Evaluación de las comunidades liquénicas en dos bosques con diferente historia de uso, de la Reserva Biologica "Encenillo", Colombia. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 71.
Rivas Plata, E., Hernández, J. E. M., Lücking, R., Staiger, B., Kalb, K. & Cáceres, M. E. S. 2011. Graphis y Allographa – Un caso excepcional de evolución en paralelo en los Ascomycota liquenizados. Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 31.
Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2011. Una nueva clasificación para la familia Graphida¬ceae (Ascomycota Liquenizados: Ostropales). Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colombia). Resúmenes: 50.
Soto-Medina, E., Lücking, R. & Bolaños, A. C. 2011. Patrones de comunidades de líquenes cortícolas en cinco especies de forófitos en el bosque premontano de la Finca Zíngara (Cali, Colombia). Décimo Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (Glal X), Noviembre 2011, Bogotá (Colom¬bia). Resúmenes: 70.
Lücking, R. 2010. Phylogeny in Physciaceae. Anais da Quinta Reunião Brasileira de Estudos Liquenológicos (5a REBEL), Julho 2010, Caraça (Brasil). Libro de Anais: 9.
Hernández, J. E. M., Lücking, R., Rivas Plata, E., Cohen, M. R., Herrera, M., Lucena, L., Molero, R., Soto, J., Suárez, E., Escárate, E., Fernández, J., Mardones, M., Morales, T. & Yajure, Y. 2009. Registros de microlíquenes en el Parque Nacional El Ávila, resultados del taller Microlíquenes Epífitos del Neotrópico. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Holgado, M., Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R., Aréstegui, A., Rado, I., Gonzales, J., Luizar, C., Mantilla, J., Aguilar, E., Arenas, C., Chiclla, A., Cruz, D., Cuba, A., Cuba, I., Delgado, J., Diaz, F., Farfan, J, Garcia, L, Gutierrez, Y., Huallparimachi, G., Huaman, V., Huamantupa, I., Huanta, N., Huaraca, L., Jihuallanca, M., Mamani, J., Pallqui, N., Pelaez, Y., Paucarmayta, D., Paz, E., Perez, K., Quispe, G., Ramos, D., Rojas, M., Rondon, K., Ronquillo, J., Saji, M., Salcedo, L., Secca, J., Tito, J., Uscamayta, A. & Vargas, J. 2009. Liquenobiota del bosque montano de Piscacucho, Cusco-Perú. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Lizano, D., Carranza, J. & Lücking, R. 2009. Plantaciones arbóreas monoespecíficas afectan la estructura y diversidad de comunidades de líquenes: un estudio de caso en Costa Rica. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Lücking, R. 2009. Microlíquenes epifïticos neotropicales: un proyecto para el avance de la liquenología tropical en latinoamérica. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Lücking, R. & Lawrey, J. D. 2009. Basidiolíquenes en el Neotrópico: diversidad, afinidades filogenéticas y ecología. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Lücking, R., Rivas Plata, E., Flakus, A., Rodríguez, P., Stanton, D. & Vargas, R. 2009. Guía de líquenes de Bolivia: resultados del segundo Taller de Liquenología Tropical en Bolivia. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Martínez Colín, P., Herrera-Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2009. Formación de comunidades de líquenes foliícolas según el micrositio y especies de forófitos en la Selva Alta Perenifolia de Veracruz, México. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Miranda, R., Lücking, R., Barcenas Peña, A. & Herrera-Campos, M. A. 2009. Efecto de la fenología foliar del forófito en la composición de la comunidad de líquenes en selva baja caducifolia, México. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Nelsen, M. P., Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2009. Aclarando las relaciones filogenéticas entre algas eucarióticas liquenizadas. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Pérez, R. E. P., Herrera-Campos, M. A., Esslinger, T. L., Egan, R. S., Lücking, R. & Nash, T. H. III. 2009. México: Centro de diversidad de la familia Parmeliaceae. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Rodriguez, P., Flakus, A., Kukwa, M., Lücking, R., Rivas Plata, E., Vargas, R. & Stanton, D. 2009. Catálogo preliminar de líquenes y hongos liquenícolas de Bolivia. IX Encuentro del Grupo de Liquenólogos Latinoamericanos (GLAL 9), Noviembre 2009, Corrientes (Argentina). Resúmenes.
Schmitt, I., Wedin, M., Baloch, E., Parnmen, S., Papong, K., Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R., Healy, R. A. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2012. Punctuational evolution and recently accelerated diversification: insights into the evolution of Ostropomycetidae. The 7th IAL Symposium "Lichens: From Genome to Ecosystems in a Changing World", January 2012, Bangkok (Thailand). Book of Abstracts: 3A-O3.
Baloch, E., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H. T. & Wedin, M. 2008. The major clades and phylogenetic position of the Ostropales. IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 4.
Bárcenas Peña, A., Herrera Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2008. Altitudinal foliicolous lichen species composition in the tropical rain forests of Veracruz, Mexico. IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 4.
Divakar, P. K., Crespo, A., Kauff, F., Del Prado, R., Perez-Ortega, S., Amo De Paz, G., Ferencova, Z., Blanco, O., Arguello, A., Millanes, A., Molina, M. C., Normore, M. P., Wedin, M., Aptroot, A., Bun¬gartz, F., Calvelo, S., Candan, M., Cole, M., Elix, J. A., Ertz, D., Goffinet, B., Knight, A., Lendemer, J., Lindblom, L., Lücking, R., Lutzoni, F., Mattsson, J.-E., Messuti, M. I., Perlmutter, G., Rico, V. J., Spribille, T., Steffen, U. P., Sweat, K., Thell, A., Thor, G., Urbanavichus, G. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2008. New systematics and generic circumscription of parmelioid lichens inferred from multigene analysis provided by PARSYS-08. IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 14.
Hernández, J. E. M., Bourg, A., Rosabal, D., Komposch, H., Rivas Plata, E. & Lücking, R. 2008. Micro¬habitat and substrate preferences of the families Porinaceae and Pyrenulaceae (Lichenized Asco¬mycota) in primary and secondary premontane rainforest in Las Cruces, Costa Rica. IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 28.
Lawrey, J. D., Lücking, R., Ertz, D., Sipman, H. J. M. & Bungartz, F. 2008. Phylogenetic and ecological diversity of lichenized basidiomycetes. IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 40.
Lücking, R. 2008. How many tropical lichens are there – really? IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 42.
Lücking, R., Pérez, R. E. P. & Herrera-Campos, M. A. 2008. Preliminary studies on microlichens from tropical forests in Mexico. IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 42.
Lücking, R., Rivas Plata, E., Mangold, A. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2008. TaxaBLAST: A simple yet effective method to identify taxa in species-rich, complex taxonomic groups. IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 42.
Papong, K., Thammathaworn, A., Boonpragob, K. & Lücking, R. 2008. Taxonomy and ecology of folii¬colous lichens in Thailand. IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 52.
Rivas Plata, E., Lumbsch, H. T. & Lücking, R. 2008. How reliable are morphological data in predicting molecular phylogenies? A test using the lichen family Graphidaceae. IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, July 2008, Asilomar (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 59.
Bárcenas Peña, A., Herrera Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2007. Los líquenes foliícolas como indicadores de la zonación altitudinal en los Volcanes San Martín Tuxtla y Santa Marta, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México. VIII Encuentro del Grupo Latinoameri¬cano de Liquenólogos, Noviembre 2007, Lima (Peru). Libro de Resúmenes: 77.
Bourg, A., Rosabal, D., Komposch, H., Hernández, J. E. M., Rivas Plata, E. & Lücking, R. 2007. Prefe¬rencia de (micro-)habitat de líquenes de las familias Porinaceae y Pyrenulaceae en bosque lluvioso premontano primario y secundario en Las Cruces, Costa Rica. VIII Encuentro del Grupo Latinoameri¬cano de Liquenólogos, Noviembre 2007, Lima (Peru). Libro de Resúmenes: 64.
Font, O., Ramírez, I., Wilk, K., Chaves, J. L., Rivas Plata, E. & Lücking, R. 2007. Diversidad y composi¬ción de líquenes en bosque lluvioso premontano primario y secundario en Las Cruces, Costa Rica. VIII Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos, Noviembre 2007, Lima (Peru). Libro de Resúmenes: 44.
Lücking, R. & Rivas Plata, E. 2007. Líquenes del Neotrópico: Conocimiento actual y estimación de diver¬sidad. VIII Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos, Noviembre 2007, Lima (Peru). Libro de Resúmenes: 43.
Papong, K., Lücking, R., Thammathaworn, A. & Boonpragob, K. 2007. Biogeografía histórica y filogenia del género Chroodiscus (Ascomycota: thelotremoid Graphidaceae). VIII Encuentro del Grupo Latino¬ameri¬cano de Liquenólogos, Noviembre 2007, Lima (Peru). Libro de Resúmenes: 70.
Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2007. Cuando la familia importa: Un análisis de Thelo¬tremataceae (Ascomicetes liquenizados: Ostropales) como bioindicadores de continuidad ecológica en bosques lluviosos tropicales. VIII Encuentro del Grupo Latino¬ameri-cano de Liquenólogos, Noviembre 2007, Lima (Peru). Libro de Resúmenes: 81.
Bárcenas Peña, A., Herrera Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2005. Los líquenes foliícolas como indicadores de la zonación altitudinal en el Volcán San Martín Tuxtla, Veracruz, México. VII Encontro de Grupo Latino Americano de Liquenólogos, GLAL 7, November 2005, Curitiba (Brasil). Resumos: 32.
Cáceres, M. E. S., Rambold, G. & Lücking, R. 2005. Diversidade e ecologia de liquens foliícolas e cortí¬colas crustosos dos remanescentes de Mata Atlântica de nordeste de Brasil. VII Encontro de Grupo Latino Americano de Liquenólogos, GLAL 7, November 2005, Curitiba (Brasil). Resumos: 39.
Lücking, R. 2005. El uso de líquenes como bioindicadores en bosques tropicales. VII Encontro de Grupo Latino Americano de Liquenólogos, GLAL 7, November 2005, Curitiba (Brasil). Resumos: 39.
Rivas Plata, E. & Lücking, R. 2005. Estudio morfológico del género Coenogonium: Analisis filogenético basado en el fenotipo. VII Encontro de Grupo Latino Americano de Liquenólogos, GLAL 7, November 2005, Curitiba (Brasil). Resumos: 39.
Rivas Plata, E., Pavlich, M. & Lücking, R. 2005. Estudio sistemático de líquenes de las regiones de Sierra y Ceja de Selva de Perú. VII Encontro de Grupo Latino Americano de Liquenólogos, GLAL 7, Novem¬ber 2005, Curitiba (Brasil). Resumos: 39.
Lücking, R. 2004. From phylogeny to classification: what to do with paraphyletic grades, and is the phylo¬code a valid alternative?. The 5th IAL Symposium, Lichens in Focus, August 2004, Tartu (Estonia). Book of Abstracts: 6.
Lücking, R. 2004. Rainforest lichens as models of community formation and indicators of microclimatic zonation and ecological continuity. The 5th IAL Symposium, Lichens in Focus, August 2004, Tartu (Estonia). Book of Abstracts: 68.
Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M. & Umaña Tenorio, L. 2004. Ticolichen - The Costa Rican lichen biodiversity inventory as a model for lichen inventories in the tropics. The 5th IAL Symposium, Lichens in Focus, August 2004, Tartu (Estonia). Book of Abstracts: 32.
Bárcenas Peña, A., Herrera Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2003. Los líquenes foliícolas como indicadores de la zonación altitudinal en el Volcán San Martín Tuxtla. VI Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (GLAL-6: "Diversidad Liquénica de Latinoamérica: Nuevos Enfoques para su Conocimiento y Conservación), Noviembre 2003, México. Resúmenes: 39.
Herrera-Campos, M. A., Lücking, R. & Pérez, R. E. P. 2003. Líquenes costrosos de bosques húmedos del sur de México. VI Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (GLAL-6: "Diversidad Liquénica de Latinoamérica: Nuevos Enfoques para su Conocimiento y Conservación), Noviembre 2003, México. Resúmenes: 16.
Lücking, R. 2003. Líquenes como modelos para estudiar aspectos ecológicos de bosques tropicales. VI Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (GLAL-6: "Diversidad Liquénica de Latino¬américa: Nuevos Enfoques para su Conocimiento y Conservación), Noviembre 2003, México. Resúmenes: 24.
Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M. & Umaña Tenorio, L. 2003. El proyecto TICOLICHEN: Un modelo para inventarios de líquenes tropicales. VI Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (GLAL-6: "Diversidad Liquénica de Latinoamérica: Nuevos Enfoques para su Conocimiento y Conservación), Noviembre 2003, México. Resúmenes: 18.
Martínez-Colín, P., Herrera-Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2003. Relación de los líquenes foliícolas con especies de forófitos y factores microclimáticos en la Estación de Biología Tropical "Los Tuxtlas", Veracruz, México. VI Encuentro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (GLAL-6: "Diversidad Liquénica de Latinoamérica: Nuevos Enfoques para su Conocimiento y Conservación), Noviembre 2003, México. Resúmenes: 39.
Grube, M., Baloch, E. & Lücking, R. 2002. Specificity of fungal-algal interactions on leaves. The 7th Inter¬national Mycological Congress, August 2002, Oslo (Norway). Book of Abstracts: 101.
Lücking, R. 2002. Biogeography and conservation of Brazilian ecosystems: what can we learn from lichens? The A. Watson Armour III Spring Symposium - Brazilian Ecosystems: History, Management and Preservation, May 2002, Chicago (U.S.A.). Abstracts: 13-14.
Lücking, R. 2002. Foliicolous lichens: evolution and ecology of an unusual growth habit. The 7th Interna¬tio¬nal Mycological Congress, August 2002, Oslo (Norway). Book of Abstracts: 91.
Lücking, R., Sipman, H. J. M. & Umaña Tenorio, L. 2002. Biodiversidad de hongos liquenizados en Costa Rica: una extrapolación ecogeográfica. IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Micología, May 2002, Xalapa (Mexico). Nanacatepec - Estudios Sobre Los Hongos Latinoamericanos: 72.
Herrera-Campos, M. A. & Lücking, R. 2001. Foliicolous lichens in a tropical rainforest of Mexico: a first assessment from Las Tuxtlas, Veracruz. Reunión del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos GLAL-5, November 2001, Olmoé (Chile). Libro de Resúmenes: 55.
Lücking, R. 2001. Biodiversity, evolution, and ecogeography of the lichen families Asterothyriaceae and Gomphillaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales). Reunión del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos GLAL-5, November 2001, Olmoé (Chile). Libro de Resúmenes: 35.
Lücking, R. 2000. Evolutionary divergence and convergence in phenotype characters of the lichen family Gomphillaceae: a phylogenetic approach. 4. IAL Symposium, September 2000, Barcelona (Spain). Abstracts: 13.
Lücking, R. 2000. The Foliicolous Lichen Homepage: foliicolous lichens on-line. 4. IAL Symposium, September 2000, Barcelona (Spain). Abstracts: 121.
Lücking, R. 1999. Generic concepts in lichenology: decucing objective criteria from evolutionary princip¬les. 16. International Botanical Congress, August 1999, St. Louis (U.S.A.). Abstracts. 
Lücking, R. 1999. Lichens on leaves in tropical rain forests: strategies for survival in an ephemerous en¬viron¬ment. 16. International Botanical Congress, August 1999, St. Louis (U.S.A.). Abstracts. 
Lücking, R. & Lücking, A. 1999. Interaktionen zwischen Kryptogamen und Invertebraten in der Phyllo¬sphäre tropischer Regenwälder. 12. Jahrestagung der gtö, February 1999, Ulm (Germany). Abstracts: 34.
Lücking, R. 1998. Factors influencing the diversity and distribution of foliicolous, lichenized fungi in tropical rain forests. Sixth International Mycological Congress (IMC 6), August 1998, Jerusalem (Israel). Abstracts: 7.
Lücking, R. 1998. Cladistics vs. evolution: why should paraphyly be unnatural?. Workshop Progress in Molecular Studies of Lichens, August 1998, Graz (Austria). Abstracts: 17.
Lücking, R. 1998. Foliicolous lichens in the canopy of tropical rain forests: Adaptations to an ephemerous substrate in an extreme environment. Sixth International Mycological Congress (IMC 6), August 1998, Jerusalem (Israel). Abstracts: 178.
Henssen, A. & Lücking, R. 1996. Morphology, anatomy, and ontogeny of the Asterothyriaceae, a greatly misunderstood group of lichenized ascomycetes. IAL 3 - The Third Symposium, Progress and Prob¬lems in Lichenology in the Nineties, September 1996, Salzburg (Austria). Abstracts: 4.
Lücking, R. & Sérusiaux, E. 1996. Foliicolous lichens described by Batista and co-workers: The species behind the names. IAL 3 - The Third Symposium. Progress and Problems in Lichenology in the Nine¬ties, September 1996, Salzburg (Austria). Abstracts: 115.
Lücking, R., Freiberg, M., Stevens, A.-D., Lücking, A., Freiberg, E. & Gottsberger, G. 1996. The biological station Ferreira Penna (Brazil, Para: Caxiuanã Forest Reserve) as a site for establishing COPAS, an innovative access system for tropical canopy research. 3rd Brazilian-German Workshop for Exchange in Environmental Science and Technologies, October 1996, Ulm (Germany). 
Gottsberger, G., Freiberg, E., Lücking, A., Freiberg, M., Lücking, R. & Döring, J. 1995. COPAS, ein drei¬dimensionales Zugangssystem, in Verbindung mit einem interdisziplinären Konzept zur Erforschung der Baumkronen tropischer Wälder. 8. Jahrestagung der gtö, February 1995, Hamburg (Germany). Posterabstracts: 12.
Lücking, A. & Lücking, R. 1995. Anpassungen und Konvergenzen in der Phyllosphäre am Beispiel von epiphyllen Flechten, Moosen und Insekten. 8. Jahrestagung der gtö, February 1995, Hamburg (Ger¬many). Posterabstracts: 31.
Lücking, R. 1995. El estado actual de los estudios sobre hongos liquenizados foliícolas en la región neo¬tropica. I Congreso Venezolano de Micología, Reunión del Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos GLAL-2, Simposio Estado Actual de las Investigaciones Liquenológicas en América Latina, October 1995, Mérida (Venezuela). Revista Forestal Venezolana: 8.
Lücking, R. 1995. Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati - An exsiccate on foliicolous lichens. 1st IAB & IAL Sympo¬sium on Foliicolous Cryptogams, August-September 1995, Eger (Hungary). Abstracts: 12.
Lücking, R. 1995. The possible use of foliicolous lichens as bioindicators for tropical rain forests. 1st IAB & IAL Symposium on Foliicolous Cryptogams, August-September 1995, Eger (Hungary). Abstracts: 13.
Lücking, R. 1995. The possible use of foliicolous lichens as bioindicators for tropical rain forests. 1st IAB & IAL Symposium on Foliicolous Cryptogams, August-September 1995, Eger (Hungary). Abstracts: 13.
Lücking, R. 1995. Cryptogams in the phyllosphere: diversity, ecology, and interactions. Tropical Forest Canopies as Environment for Arthropods and Epiphytes, Special Reference to the Phyllosphere. Second International ESF Workshop on Tropical Canopy Research, 27-30 July 1995, Günzburg, Alemania. Lücking, R., Freiberg, M., Lücking, A, Freiberg, E. & Gottsberger, G. (eds.). Final Scientific Report: 19-23.
Lücking, R. 1995. Blattbewohnende Flechten und ihre Mikrohabitatpräferenzen in einem tropischen Regen¬wald in Costa Rica. 8. Jahrestagung der gtö, February 1995, Hamburg (Germany). Posterabstracts: 32.
Lücking, R. & Lücking, A. 1995. Biogeographie und Vegetationsökologie der Kokosinsel (Costa Rica), unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der blattbewohnenden Flechten. 12. Symposium Morphologie, Anatomie, Systematik, March 1995, Mainz (Germany). Abstracts.