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Dr. Gerald Parolly

Biologische Sammlungen
Abteilungsleiter, Biologische Sammlungen
Gerald Parolly
+49 30 838 50117
+49 30 838-4 50117
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8


  • 1986–1991 Studies in biology (diploma), FU Berlin, with focus on botany, zoology and ecology.
  • 1992–1994 PhD study, FU Berlin. Thesis on high-mountain vegetation of the Taurus Mts., Turkey.
  • 1995–1997 Research assistant, BRYOSTRAT project, Peru (H. Kürschner, Systematische Botanik & Pflanzengeographie, FU Berlin/DFG).
  • 1997–1999 Free-lance consultant in landscape planning and project assistant, BGBM.
  • 1999–2001 Research grant [PONTAURUS: Sippendifferenzierung und Evolution in ausgewählten Vegetationseinheiten der Hochlagen arider und humider Gebirge in Vorderasien (Taurus und Pontisches Hochgebirge)], BGBM/DFG.
  • 2001–2004 Research assistant, DFG Research group "Functional aspects in a tropical rainforest in S Ecuador: Diversity, dynamic processes and potentials of use from an ecosystem viewpoint", subproject "Life strategies and adaptations of epiphytic bryophytes" (H. Kürschner, Systematische Botanik & Pflanzengeographie, FU Berlin/DFG).
  • 2001–2009 Associate Editor, Turkish Journal of Botany.
  • 2004–2006 Short Time Expert, EU-Twinning Project "Capacity Building in the Field of Environment for Turkey, Component 3 Nature".
  • 2001–2011 Lecturer, Beuth University of Applied Sciences.
  • 2006–2008 Lecturer, Institut für Biologie, Systematische Botanik & Pflanzengeographie, FU Berlin.
  • 2008–2010 Research assistant, PESI Project (W. Berendsohn), BGBM and Institut für Biologie, Systematische Botanik & Pflanzengeographie (H.H. Hilger).
  • Since 2011 Scientific curator, BGBM.


  • 2001–2011 Beuth Hochschule Berlin (University of Applied Sciences Berlin): Lectures and courses in Fundamental & Systematic Botany, Tropical Crops & Tropical Cropping, Indoor Horticulture, etc. Supervision or co-supervision of 10 diploma theses in the fields of tropical cropping, historical and modern plant production, horticultural plant-physiology and applied vegetation science.
  • Since 1991 Institut für Biologie, Systematische Botanik & Pflanzengeographie: Lectures and courses in Fundamental & Systematic Botany, vegetation sciences, scientific collection management, etc. 


  • Flora and vegetation of SW Asia (incl. Caucasus) and the Mediterranean Region, with a particular focus on the high mountain flora and vegetation.
  • Theoretical and applied phytosociology.
  • Life strategies of bryophytes and angiosperms.
  • Diversity, ecosociology, and evolution of tropical epiphytic and Mediterranean bryophytes.
  • Flora of Central Europe: Co-editorship (with J. G. Rohwer, Hamburg) of Schmeil-Fitschen (begr.), Die Flora Deutschlands und angrenzender Länder; ed. 96–.

Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften

Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik
Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Flora Deutschlands

Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)

  • Korotkova N., Parolly G., Khachatryan A., Ghulikyan L., Sargsyan H., Akopian J. A., Borsch T. & Grünstäudl M. 2018: Towards resolving the evolutionary history of Caucasian pears (Pyrus, Rosaceae) - Phylogenetic relationships, divergence times and leaf trait evolution. – J. Syst. Evol. 56(1): 35-47.
  • Kürschner, H., K. Batsatsashvili, G. Parolly (2013): Noteworthy additions to the bryophyte flora of Georgia. – Herzogia 26 (1): 213-216.
  • Kürschner, H., M. Kırmacı, A. Erdağ, K. Batsatsashvili & G. Parolly (2012): Ecology and life strategies of epiphytic bryophyte communities from the Arcto-Tertiary relict forest of the Black and Caspian Sea areas. – Nova Hedwigia 94: 31-65.
  • Mansion, G., G. Parolly, A. A. Crowl, E. Mavrodiev, N. Cellinese, M. Oganesian, K. Fraunhofer, G. Kamari, D. Phitos, R. Haberle, G. Akaydin, N. Ikinci, Th. Raus & Th. Borsch (2012): How to handle speciose clades? Mass taxon-sampling as a strategy towards illuminating the natural history of Campanula (Campanuloideae). – PLoS ONE 7 (11): e50076. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050076.
  • Parolly, G., B. Nordt, W. Bleeker & K. Mummenhoff (2010): Heldreichia Boiss. (Brassicaceae) revisited: A morphological and molecular study. – Taxon 59: 187-202.
  • Parolly, G. & E. Zippel (2010): Phytogeographical composition of neotropical trunk-epiphytic bryophyte communities. Ecosociological studies in Ecuadorian bryophyte communities, VII. – Nova Hedwigia, Beih. 138: 241-256.
  • Raabe, U., Kit Tan, G. Iatróu, G. Vold & G. Parolly (2009): Polygala rausiana (Polygalaceae), a new species from the northern Peloponnese. – Willdenowia 39: 69-75.
  • Eren, Ö., G. Parolly, Th. Raus & H. Kürschner (2008): A new species of Polygala L. (Polygalaceae) from SW Anatolia. – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 151: 82-86.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (2008): Turkey: Syntrichia montana Nees var. calva (Durieu & Sagot ex Bruch & Schimp.) J. J. Amann. – [In: Blockeel, T. L. (ed.), New national and regional bryophyte records, 19]. – J. Bryology 30: 235.
  • Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (2008): Verbascum haraldi-adnani (Scrophulariaceae), a new chasmophyte from SW Anatolia, Turkey. – Willdenowia 38: 127-134.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (2008 [“2007”]): 04B Bryophyta: Mosses. Checklist Reserva Biológica San Francisco / Prov. Zamora-Chinchipe, S. Ecuador. – Ecotropical Monographs 4: 89-100.
  • Parolly, G. (2007a): Zuvanda exacoides (DC.) Askerova. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 246-247.
  • Parolly, G. (2007b): Chamaesyce J. Gray; Chamaesyce forskalii (J. Gray) Parolly, comb. nov. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 250-251.
  • Parolly, G. (2007c): Corydalis haussknechtii Lidén. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 258.
  • Eren, Ö. & G. Parolly (2007): Allium (sect. Allium) antalyense Eren, İ. Çinbilgel & Parolly, sp. nov. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 259-265.
  • Eren, Ö., M. Gökçeoğlu, H. Duman & G. Parolly (2007): Prangos heyniae H. Duman & M. F. Watson. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 244.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (2007): Life forms and life strategies in tropical trunk-epiphytic bryophytes - a case study from Ecuador. – Nova Hedwigia, Beih. 131 (Special Issue): 121-131.
  • Kürschner, H., G. Parolly, A. Erdağ & Ö. Eren (2007): Synanthropic bryophyte communities new to western Turkey - syntaxonomy, synecology and life syndromes. – Nova Hedwigia 84: 459-478.
  • Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (2007): Colchicum figlalii (Ö. Varol) Parolly & Eren, comb. nov. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 267.
  • Parolly, G. & B. Nordt (2007): Peucedanum longibracteolatum Parolly & Nordt. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 244.
  • Parolly, G. & Kit Tan (2007): Verbascum lindae (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from SW Anatolia, Turkey. – Willdenowia 37: 277-282.
  • Parolly, G. & R. Ulrich (2007): Chamaesyce nutans (Lag.) J. K. Small. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 251-252.
  • Parolly, G., A. Erdağ & B. Nordt (2007): Teucrium (sect. Teucrium) pseudaroanium Parolly, Erdağ & Nordt, sp. nov. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 252-258.
  • Parolly, G., H. Kürschner & Ö. Eren (2007a): Cephalaria gazipashensis subsp. pilifera Parolly & Eren, subsp. nov. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 247-250.
  • Parolly, G., H. Kürschner & Ö. Eren (2007b): Allium scabriflorum Boiss. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 265-267.
  • Parolly, G., Ö. Eren & B. Tarikahya (2007): Ranunculus peltatus Schrank. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 258.-259.
  • Parolly, G., Ş. Yıldırımlı & Ö. Eren (2007): Camelina hispida var. stiefelhagenii (Bornm.) Yıld.; Draba imeretica (Rupr.) Rupr. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 2]. – Willdenowia 37: 245-246.
  • Parolly, G. (2006): Lactuca glareosa Schott & Kotschy ex Boiss.; Noccaea sintenisii subsp. crassum (P. H. Davis) Parolly, comb. & stat. nov. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 825-826.
  • Aytaç, Z., B. Nordt & G. Parolly (2006): A new species of Noccaea (Brassicaceae) from South Anatolia, Turkey. – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 150: 409-416.
  • Aytaç, Z., G. Parolly & Ö. Eren (2006): Minuartia elmalia (Aytaç) Aytaç, Parolly & Ö. Eren, comb. & stat. nov. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 836.
  • Çinbilgel, İ., Ö. Eren, M. Gökçeoğlu & G. Parolly (2006): Aristolochia lycica Davis & Khan. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 824-825.
  • Eren, Ö., G. Parolly & Th. Raus (2006): Allium cyrilli Ten. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 840-841.
  • Eren, Ö., G. Parolly & H. Scholz (2006): Poaceae. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 841-842.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (2006a): Turkey: Eremonotus myriocarpus (Carrington) Lindb. & Kaal. ex Pearson – [In: Blockeel, T. L. (eds.), New national and regional bryophyte records, 12]. – J. Bryology 28: 69.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (2006b): Turkey: Warnstorfia sarmentosa (Wahlenb.) Hedenäs. – [In: Blockeel, T. L. (eds.), New national and regional bryophyte records, 13]. – J. Bryology 28: 154.
  • Kürschner, H., G. Parolly & A. Erdağ (2006): Life forms and life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes in Quercus vulcanica forests of Turkey. – Nova Hedwigia 82 (3-4): 331-347.
  • Parolly, G. & Kit Tan (2006): A new species of Hesperis (Brassicaceae) from SW Anatolia, Turkey. – Willdenowia 36: 851-856.
  • Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (2006a): Helichrysum chasmolycicum P. H. Davis. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 825.
  • Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (2006b): Arabis lycia Parolly & P. Hein; Barbarea brachycarpa Boiss.; Barbarea sicula C. Presl; Noccaea sintenisii (Hausskn. ex Bornm.) F. K. Mey. subsp. sintenisii. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 826-833.
  • Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (2006c): Arenaria dianthoides subsp. tuncbasi Eren & Parolly, subsp. nov.; Arenaria eliasiana Kit Tan & Sorger; Silene sumbuliana İ. G. Deniz & O. D. Düşen; Hypericum saxifragum subsp. eglandulosum Parolly & Eren, subsp. nov. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 834-837.
  • Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (2006d): Valeriana oligantha Boiss. & Bal. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 838.
  • Parolly, G., Ö. Eren, Z. Aytaç & H. Duman (2006): Arenaria angustifolia McNeill. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 833-834.
  • Parolly, G., Ö. Eren, B. Nordt, E. von Raab-Straube & Th. Raus (2006): Viola dirimliensis Blaxland. – [In: Parolly, G. & Ö. Eren (eds.), Contributions to the flora of Turkey, 1]. – Willdenowia 36: 838-840.
  • Wagenitz, G., F. H. Hellwig, G. Parolly & L. Martins (2006): Two new species of Centaurea (Compositae, Cardueae) from Turkey. – Willdenowia 36 (Special Issue): 423-435.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (2005): Ecosociological studies in Ecuadorian bryophyte communities III. Life forms, life strategies and ecomorphology of the submontane and montane epiphytic vegetation of S Ecuador. – Nova Hedwigia 80 (1): 89-113.
  • Parolly, G. & H. Kürschner (2005a): Ecosociological studies in Ecuadorian bryophyte communities. V. Syntaxonomy, life strategies and ecomorphology of the bryophyte vegetation on decaying wood and tree bases in S Ecuador. – Nova Hedwigia 81 (1-2): 1-36.
  • Parolly, G. & H. Kürschner (2005b): Ecosociological studies in Ecuadorian bryophyte communities. VI. Syntaxonomy, life strategies and ecomorphology of the Subandean woodlands and Polylepis forest in Central Ecuador. – Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 126 (2): 211-252.
  • Parolly, G. & B. Nordt (2005): A further new Peucedanum species (Apiaceae) from the Taurus Mts, Turkey. – Willdenowia 35: 97-105.
  • Parolly, G., Ö. Eren & B. Nordt (2005): Lomelosia solymica (Dipsacaceae), a new chasmophyte from the Western Taurus, Turkey. – Willdenowia 35: 107-115.
  • Erdağ, A., H. Kürschner & G. Parolly (2004): Orthotrichum leblebicii sp. nova and two further records of Orthotrichum for Turkey. – Nova Hedwigia 78: 517-526.
  • Eren, Ö., M. Gökçeoğlu & G. Parolly (2004): The flora and vegetation of Bakırlı Dağı (Western Taurus Mts, Turkey), including annotations on critical taxa of the Taurus range. – Willdenowia 34: 463-503.
  • Eren, Ö., G. Parolly & Th. Raus (2004): Viola rauliniana Erben. – [In: Greuter, W. & Th. Raus (eds.), Med-Checklist Notulae, 22]. – Willdenowia 34: 77.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (2004): Phytomass and water storing capacity of epiphytic bryophyte communities in Andean rain forests. Ecosociological studies in Ecuadorian bryophyte communities IV. – Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 125: 489-504.
  • Parolly, G. (2004): The high mountain vegetation of Turkey - a state of the art report, including a first annotated conspectus of the major syntaxa. – Turk. J. Bot. 28: 39-63.
  • Parolly, G. & H. Kürschner (2004a): Ecosociological studies in Ecuadorian bryophyte communities. I. Syntaxonomy, life strategies and ecomorphology of the oreal epiphytic vegetation of S Ecuador. – Nova Hedwigia 78: 1-43.
  • Parolly, G. & H. Kürschner (2004b): Ecosociological studies in Ecuadorian bryophyte communities. II. Syntaxonomy of the submontane and montane epiphytic vegetation of S Ecuador. – Nova Hedwigia 79: 377-424.
  • Parolly, G., H. Kürschner, S. R. Gradstein & A. Schäfer-Verwimp (2004): Cryptogams of the Reserva Biológica San Francisco (Province Zamora-Chinchipe, Southern Ecuador). III. Bryophytes: Additions and new species. – Cryptogamie, Bryologie 25: 271-289.
  • Parolly, G. & B. Nordt (2004): Peucedanum isauricum (Apiaceae), a striking new species from S Anatolia. – Willdenowia 34: 135-144.
  • Parolly, G. & H. Scholz (2004): Oreopoa gen. novum, two other new grasses and further remarkable records from Turkey. – Willdenowia 34: 145-158.
  • Parolly, G. (2003): Towards common standards in phytosociological papers submitted to the Turkish Journal of Botany: A letter to the editor. – Turk. J. Bot. 27: 163-165.
  • Parolly, G. & N. Kilian (2003): Scorzonera karabelensis (Compositae), a new species from SW Anatolia, with a key to the subscapigerous Scorzonera species in Turkey. – Willdenowia 33: 327-335.
  • Nöske, N. M., S. R. Gradstein, H. Kürschner, G. Parolly & S. Torracchi (2003): Cryptogams of the Reserva Biológica San Francisco (Province Zamora-Chinchipe, Southern Ecuador). I. Bryophytes. – Cryptogamie, Bryologie 24: 15-32.
  • Parolly, G. & B. Nordt (2002): A new chasmophytic species of Potentilla (Rosaceae) from S Anatolia, including some taxonomic remarks on P. subg. Fragariastrum in the E Mediterranean. – Willdenowia 32: 73-84.
  • Kilian, N. & G. Parolly (2002): Scorzonera ulrichii Parolly & N. Kilian, spec. nova. – [In: Greuter, W. & Th. Raus (eds.), Med-Checklist Notulae, 21]. – Willdenowia 32: 198-200.
  • Parolly, G., Ö. Eren & H. Scholz (2002): Poa densa Troitsky. – [In: Greuter, W. & Th. Raus (eds.), Med-Checklist Notulae, 21]. – Willdenowia 32: 206-207.
  • Erdağ, A., H. Kürschner & G. Parolly (2001): Three new records to the bryophyte flora of Turkey. – Nova Hedwigia 73: 239-246.
  • Parolly, G. & B. Nordt (2001): Seseli hartvigii (Apiaceae) - a new name for S. ramosissimum Hartvig & Strid, and carpological and ecological notes on this species. – Willdenowia 31: 87-93.
  • Parolly, G. (2000): Notes on two neglected Turkish Asyneuma taxa (Campanulaceae). – Willdenowia 30: 67-75.
  • Parolly, G. & P. Hein (2000): Arabis lycia (Cruciferae), a new chasmophytic species from Turkey. – Willdenowia 30: 293-304.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (2000 [1999]): On the occurrence of Grimmia reflexidens Müll. Hal. in Turkey. – Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 44: 287-290.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1999a): Pantropical epiphytic rain forest bryophyte communities - coeno-syntaxonomy and floristic-historical implications. – Phytocoenologia 29: 1-52.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1999b): Syntaxonomy, synecology and life strategies of selected saxicolous bryophyte communities of West Anatolia and a first syntaxonomic conspectus for Turkey. – Nova Hedwigia 68: 365-391.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1999c): The Epipterygio-Riccietum frostii ass. nov.: ecology and life strategies of an ephemeral bryophyte community in western Turkey. – Lindbergia 24: 84-92.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1999d): On the occurrence of Isoëtes histrix in the Menderes Massif of western Turkey - a synecological study and the first record of an Isoëtion community for Turkey. – Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 121: 423-451.
  • Parolly, G. & E. von Raab-Straube (1999): Carex serotina Mérat subsp. serotina. – [In: Greuter, W. & Th. Raus (eds.), Med-Checklist Notulae, 18]. – Willdenowia 29: 64-65.
  • Kürschner, H., W. Frey & G. Parolly (1999): Patterns of life strategies and adaptative trends of life forms, life strategies and ecomorphological structures in tropical epiphytic bryophyte communities - a pantropical synopsis. – Nova Hedwigia 69: 73-99.
  • Parolly, G. (1998): Phytosociological studies on high mountain plant communities of the South Anatolian Taurus mountains. 1. Scree plant communities (Heldreichietea): A Synopsis. – Phytocoenologia 28: 233-284.
  • Hein, P., H. Kürschner & G. Parolly (1998): Phytosociological studies on high mountain plant communities of the Taurus mountains (Turkey). 2. Rock communities. – Phytocoenologia 28: 465-563.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1998a): Stammepiphytische Moosgesellschaften am Andenostabhang und im Amazonas-Tiefland von Nord-Peru. – Nova Hedwigia 66: 1-87.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1998b): Syntaxonomy of trunk-epiphytic bryophyte communities of tropical rain forests. A first pantropical approach. – Phytocoenologia 28: 357-425.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1998c): Lebensstrategien stammepiphytischer Moose am Andenostabhang und im Amazonas-Tiefland von Nord-Peru. – Nova Hedwigia 67: 1-22.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1998d): Lebensformen und Adaptationen zur Wasserleitung und Wasserspeicherung in epiphytischen Moosgesellschaften Nord-Perus (Amazonas-Tiefland, Cordillera Oriental, Cordillera Central). – Nova Hedwigia 67: 349-379.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1998e): Tortula brevissima Schiffn., a new record for the moss flora of Turkey. – Lindbergia 23: 110-112.
  • Kürschner, H., G. Parolly & E. von Raab-Straube (1998): Phytosociological studies on high mountain plant communities of the Taurus Mountains (Turkey). 3. Snow-patch and meltwater communities. – Feddes Repertorium 109: 581-616.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (1997): Additions to the bryophyte flora of the Durmitor National Park (Crna Gora) and a first conspectus of all records. – Willdenowia 27: 249-267.
  • Parolly, G. (1995a): Ergänzungen zur Flora von Montenegro. – Willdenowia 25: 57-74.
  • Parolly, G. (1995b): New taxa and noteworthy records from the Western and Middle Taurus Range, Turkey. – Willdenowia 25: 239-252.

Book chapters and monographs (published and in press)

  • Parolly, G. & J. G. Rohwer (eds., 2016): Schmeil, O. & J. Fitschen (begr.), Schmeil-Fitschen. Die Flora Deutschlands und angrenzender Länder; ed. 96. – Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim, 866 S. + 32 Farbtafeln.
  • Parolly, G. (2016a): Vorwort und Einleitung; Einige Bemerkungen zur Gliederung des Pflanzenreichs und zur Nomenklatur der Pflanzen; Bemerkungen zur Verbreitung und zur Häufigkeit der Pflanzen; Kurze Bemer­kungen zur Geschichte der mitteleuropäischen Flora; Kurzhinweise zum Sammeln und Bestimmen von Pflanzen. – [In: Parolly, G. & J. G. Rohwer (eds., 2016): Schmeil, O. & J. Fitschen (begr.), Schmeil-Fitschen. Die Flora Deutschlands und angrenzender Länder; ed. 96]. – Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim: 1-4; 34–42.
  • Parolly, G. (2016b): Brassicales. – [In: Parolly, G. & J. G. Rohwer (eds., 2016): Schmeil, O. & J. Fitschen (begr.), Schmeil-Fitschen. Die Flora Deutschlands und angrenzender Länder; ed. 96]. – Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim: 493–530.
  • Parolly, G. (2016c): Caryophyllales. – [In: Parolly, G. & J. G. Rohwer (eds., 2016): Schmeil, O. & J. Fitschen (begr.), Schmeil-Fitschen. Die Flora Deutschlands und angrenzender Länder; ed. 96]. – Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim: 533–586.
  • Parolly, G. (2016d): Dipsacales. – [In: Parolly, G. & J. G. Rohwer (eds., 2016): Schmeil, O. & J. Fitschen (begr.), Schmeil-Fitschen. Die Flora Deutschlands und angrenzender Länder; ed. 96]. – Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim: 785–795.
  • Parolly, G. (2016e): Asterales: Campanulaceae; Menyanthaceae. – [In: Parolly, G. & J. G. Rohwer (eds., 2016): Schmeil, O. & J. Fitschen (begr.), Schmeil-Fitschen. Die Flora Deutschlands und angrenzender Län­der; ed. 96]. – Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim: 655–705.
  • Parolly, G., E. von Raab-Straube & R. Vogt (2016): Asterales: Asteraceae; von G. Parolly bearb. Gattungen: Achillea L., Adenostyles Cass., Ageratum L., Ambrosia L., Anacyclus L., Anaphalis DC., Antennaria Gaertn., Anthemis L., Arnica L., Artemisia L., Aster L., Bellidiastrum Scop., Bellis L., Bidens L., Bombycilaena (DC.) Smoljan., Buphthalmum L., Calendula L., Carpesium L., Centaurea L., Chamaemelum Mill., Cotula L., Dit­trichia Greuter, Doronicum L., Erechtites Raf., Erigeron L., Eriophyllum L., Eupatorium L., Euthamia (Nutt.) Cass., Filago L., Galatella Cass., Galinsoga Ruiz & Pav., Gnaphalium L., Guizotia Cass., Helianthus L., Heli­chrysum Mill., Heliopsis Pers., Inula L., Iva L., Leontopodium Cass., Ligularia Cass., Petasites Mill., Pulica­ria Gaertn., Rudbeckia L., Santolina L., Senecio L., Sigesbeckia L., Silphium L., Solidago L., Symphyotri­chum Nees, Tanacetum L., Telekia Baumg., Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb., Tripolium Nees, Tussilago L., Verbesina L., Xanthium L., Xerochrysum Tzvelev. – [In: Parolly, G. & J. G. Rohwer (eds., 2016): Schmeil, O. & J. Fitschen (begr.), Schmeil-Fitschen. Die Flora Deutschlands und angrenzender Länder; ed. 96]. – Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim: 705–784.
  • Parolly, G. (2015): The high mountain flora and vegetation of the Western and Central Taurus Mts. (Turkey) in the times of climate change. – [In: Öztürk, M, K. R. Hakeem, I. Faridah-Hanum & R. Efe (eds.), Climate change impacts on high-altitude ecosystems]. – Springer: 99-133. ISBN: 978–3–319–12858–0.
  • Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (2014, eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea. – Berlin: BGBM Press, Botanischer Garten & Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4: 232 S.
  • Parolly, G. (2014a): Der Kaukasus. Eine Annäherung, oder: Wissen versetzt Berge / The Caucasus – An Approximation; or, knowledge moves mountains. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 16-21. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G. (2014b): Eine Dreiecksgeschichte: Englers Kaukasusgarten in Berlin-Dahlem / A threesome: Engler‘s Caucasus garden in Berlin-Dahlem. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 86-91. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G. (2014c): Katalog: Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer. 1.1. Einführung / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea. 1.1. Introduction. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 124-131. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G. (2014d): Katalog: 1.2. Erforschung der pflanzlichen Vielfalt / 1.2. The study of plant diversity. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 132-133. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G. (2014e): 1.2.4. Katalog: Die Welt in einem Garten: Englers Kaukasusrevier / 1.2.4. The world in a garden: Engler’s Causasus section. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 141-145. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G. (2014f): Katalog: 2.2.1. Reliktwälder: Ein Fenster in die Vergangenheit / 2.2.1. Relict forests – a window into the past. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 148. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G. (2014g): Katalog: 2.3.1. Landschaften mit essbarem Mehrwert: Offenwälder und Šibljak / 2.3.1. Landscapes with edible added value: open woodlands and shibljak. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 154-156. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G. (2014h): Katalog: 2.4. Lebensraumvielfalt im Schatten der Fünftausender / 2.4. Habitat diversity in the shadow of the five-thousanders. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 163. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G. (2014i): Katalog: 3.2.3. Pflanzenschätze für die Gärten der Welt / 3.2.3. Botanical treasures for the gardens of the world. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 179-180. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G. (2014j): Katalog: 4. Gartenabschnitt “Kaukasus und Südwestasien” / 4. Botanic Garden section “Caucasus and South-west Asia”. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 188-215. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Borsch, Th., N. Korotkova & G. Parolly (2014): Die “Kaukasus Biodiversitäts Initiative” des Botanischen Gartens & Botanischen Museums Berlin-Dahlem / The “Caucasus Plant Biodiversity Initiative“ of the Botanic Garden & Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 26-35. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Grotz, K., G. Parolly & A. Heidelberg (2014a): Katalog: 2.2.2. Reliktwälder: Gefährdung durch Fragmentierung / 2.2.2. Relict forests: threat of fragmentation. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 151. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Grotz, K., G. Parolly & A. Heidelberg (2014b): Katalog: 2.3.2. Offenwälder: Gefährdung durch illegalen Holzeinschlag und Aufforstung / 2.3.2. Relict forests: threat by illegal wood-cutting and uncontrolled afforestation. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 157. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Grotz, K., G. Parolly & A. Heidelberg (2014c): Katalog: 2.4.2. Hochgebirgsvegetation: Gefährdung durch Überweidung / 2.4.2. High-mountain vegetation: the threat of over-grazing. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 164-166. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Korotkova, N., K. Grotz & G. Parolly (2014): Katalog: 2. Gefährdete Schönheit / 2. Threatened beauty. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 146-147. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Lack, H. W. & G. Parolly (2014): Wie Pflanzen aus dem Kaukasusgebiet in mitteleuropäische Gärten kamen / How plants from the Caucasus region reached the gardens of Central Europe. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 92-97. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Parolly, G., Th. Dürbye, K. Grotz, M. Henkel & A.-D. Stevens (2014): Der Kaukasus in Berlin-Dahlem – die Umgestaltung der Kaukasusanlage / The Caucasus in Berlin-Dahlem – Re-designing the Caucasus section. – [In: Parolly, G., K. Grotz & H. W. Lack (eds.): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer / Caucasus. Plant Diversity between Black & Caspian Sea]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 114-121. ISBN: 978–3–921800–90–4.
  • Grotz, K., H. W. Lack & G. Parolly (2014): Kaukasus. Pflanzenvielfalt zwischen Schwarzem und Kaspischem Meer. – MuseumsJournal 2/2014: 78-79.
  • Parolly, G. (2013): Katalog: 5. Kaffeepfad / Coffee trail. 5.10. Waldmeister (Galium odoratum); 5.11. Eichelkaffee – Stieleiche (Quercus robur); 5.12. Echtes Labkraut (Galium verum); 5.13. Feigenkaffee – Echte Feige (Ficus carica); 5.14. Zichorienkaffee – Gemeine Wegwarte (Cichorium intybus); 5.15. Färberkrapp (Rubia tinctorum). – [In: Lack, H. W., K. Grotz & T. Gole (eds.), Kaffee. Ein globaler Erfolg. Coffee. A global success]. – Berlin: BGBM Press: 163-168. ISBN: 978-3-921800-78-4.
  • Kürschner, H. & G. Parolly (2012): The Central Anatolian Steppe. – [In: Werger, M. J. A. & van Staalduinen, M. A. (eds.), Eurasian Steppes. Ecological Problems and Livelihoods in a Changing World]. – Plant and Vegetation 6: 149-171.
  • Parolly, G. (2006): Doprinos Daniela Vinceka “Orchideenflora Montenegros” sjećanje ma moje botaničko sakupljačko iskustvo u Crnoj Gori. – [In: Bulić, Z., Hodžić, Z., Pulević, V., Vizi, O. & S. Vuksanović (eds.), Daniel Vincek - zbornik povodom 80 rođendana]. – Prirodnjački muzej Crne Gore / Republički zavod za zaštitu prirode Crne Gore, Podgorica: 41-50.
  • Parolly, G. (1995d): Die Steinschuttfluren (Heldreichietea) des Westlichen und Mittleren Taurus (Türkei). Pflanzensoziologische, floristische und ökologische Untersuchungen. – Diss. Bot. 247: 1-374.

Journals, not peer reviewed

  • Parolly, G. & K. Grotz (2011): Botanische Lehre vor 100 Jahren. Zwei Modelle aus der Frühzeit des Dahlemer Instituts für Pflanzenphysiologie. – MuseumsJournal 2/2011: 46-47.
  • Lack, H.-W. & G. Parolly (2008): Almrausch und Enzian in Berlin. Höhenstufen und Lebensräume der Alpen. – MuseumsJournal 22 (4): 50-51.
  • Parolly, G. & H. Kürschner (2008 [“2007”]): Die rezente Waldvegetation des Karasis Dağı. Vorläufige Untersuchungen zum Naturraumpotential und zum Gesellschaftsinventar. – Istanbuler Mitt. 57: 390-395.
  • Parolly, G. (1992): Die Orchideenflora Montenegros. Ein Beitrag zum OPTIMA-Projekt "Kartierung der mediterranen Orchideen" (Orchidaceae). – Mitt. Bl. Arbeitskr. Heim. Orch. Baden-Württ. 24: 141-391.
  • Parolly, G. (1988): Die Donauhänge bei Passau. Ein Naturschutzgebiet von überregionaler Bedeutung. – Nationalpark, Umwelt, Natur 58: 28-32.
  • Parolly, G. (1987a): Zwei bemerkenswerte Libellenbeobachtungen in Niederbayern. – Mitt. Zool. Ges. Braunau 5: 13-15.
  • Parolly, G. (1987b): Natur in Niederbayern. Pflanzen, Tiere, Lebensräume. – Morsak Verlag, Grafenau, 154 S.

Other publications

  • Parolly, G., J. Barby & V. Kәrimov (2013): The conservation of Calligonum bakuense - a workshop report. – Conference program and abstract book, Environmental changes and conservation of plant diversity, Baku, 21-23 April 2013: 35.
  • Braun, B., G. Mansion, M. Oganesian, G. Parolly & T. Borsch (2011): First inference of the evolutionary history of Campanula (Campanulaceae) in the Caucasus: An exemplar study based on trnK/matK/petD sequence data. – Programme and Abstracts, BioSystematics Berlin 2011: 70. – [Poster].
  • Mansion, G., G. Parolly, T. Raus, R. Hand, B. Braun, M. Oganesian, M. Agababian, G. Akaydın, N. Ikinci, G. Kamari, S. Narimisa, D. Phitos, N. Cellinese, R. Haberle & T. Borsch (2011): An extensive phylogeny as a first step towards a better understanding of the natural history and systematics of the species-rich flowering plant lineage Campanula s.l. (blue bells). – Programme and Abstracts, BioSystematics Berlin 2011: 240. – [Talk by G. Mansion].
  • Parolly, G. (2010): Phytogeographical relationships between Irano-Turanian and Mediterranean floras in rocky habitats of the E Mediterranean. – Proceedings XIII OPTIMA Meeting, March 22-26 2010, Antalya/Türkiye: 31. – [Invited lecture].
  • Behrendsohn, W., M. J. Costello, Y. de Jong, A. Güntsch, G. Parolly & E. von Raab-Straube (2010): Euro+Med PlantBase – recent progress within the Pan-European Species-Directories infrastructure (PESI). – Proceedings XIII OPTIMA Meeting, March 22-26 2010, Antalya/Türkiye: 175. – [Poster].
  • Eren, Ö. & G. Parolly (2003): The subalpine vegetation of the Olympos Beydağları National Park (Antalya/Turkey), with remarks on its phytodiversity. – Verh. Ges. Ökologie 33: 507.
  • Parolly, G. (2002): The high mountain vegetation of Turkey - a state of the art report. – 6th Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium, 10-14 June 2002, Van - Turkey. Program & Abstract: 12-13. – [Invited lecture].
  • Eren, Ö., M. Gökçeoğlu & G. Parolly (2002): The vegetation of Bakırlı Mountain (Antalya/Turkey). – 6th Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium, 10-14 June 2002, Van - Turkey. Program & Abstract: 62. – [Poster].
  • Parolly, G. & H. Kürschner (2002): Approaches towards a classification of tropical epiphytic bryophyte communities. – 15. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (gtö), 20.-23. Februar, Göttingen. Tagungsband: 59. – [Invited lecture].
  • Parolly, G. (1995c): Heldreichietea Quézel ex Parolly: A new synsystematic-syntaxonomic survey of the nearly unknown scree plant communities of the Western and Middle Taurus Mountains (Toroslar, Turkey). – 4th Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium, 21-28 May 1995, İzmir - Turkey. Programme & Abstracts: 58-59. – [Invited lecture].