Professor emeritus, Institut für Biologie, Freie Universität Berlin.
Honorar-Kustos, Herbarium Mediterraneum, Università degli Studi, Palermo (Italien)
Vize-Präsident, International Foundation "Pro Herbario Mediterraneo"
Vorstand, Stiftung Herbarium Greuter
Nomenclatural Advisor to Flora of Norrth America
Geboren am 27. Februar 1938 in Genua (Italien) als Schweizer Staatsbürger. Schule in Bellinzona and Winterthur (Schweiz), Studium Universität Zürich (Dr. phil. II 1972). 1965-78 Hilfs-Konservator, dann Konsevator und Hauptkonservator, Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques, Ville de Genève (habil. Universität Genf, 1975); 1972-4 überdies wiss. Direktor, Goulandris Natural History Museum, Kifissia (Griechenland). Leitender Direktor, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, 1978-2008.
- Systemtik und Biogeographie der Gefässpflanzen des Mittelmeerebietes, speziell Griechenland, sowie der Karibik.
- Compositae, Caryophyllaceae, Turneraceae.
- Erfassen und beobachten der pflanzlichen Biodiversität.
- Bionomenklatur, speziell botanische Nomenklatur.
- Erfassen, bearbeiten und vernetzen botanischer Information.
- Verwalten botanischer Herbar- und Lebendsammlungen.
- Compositae of Europe, a synonymic checklist, im Rahmen des internationalen Projektes Euro+Med Plant Base.
- Caryophyllaceae und Turneraceae, Bearbeitung für die Flora de la República de Cuba.
- Pteridophyta des iranischen Hochlandes (mit W. Rechinger, Wien).
- Harmonisierung der biologischen Nomenklatur (gefördert von IUBS und IUMS).
Ehrungen und Preise
Mandate in wissenschaftlichen Gremien und Komitees
Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
247 | McNeill, J. & Greuter, W. 2016. (383–384) Proposals to clarify the status of “accidental binomials” in works in which the Linnaean system of binary nomenclature is not employed. – Taxon 65: 1193–1194. [doi: 10.12705/655.36] |
246 | McNeill, J., Barrie, F. R. & Greuter, W. 2016. (366–369) Two proposals on original material and two on superseding type selection. – Taxon 65: 1187–1189. [doi: 10.12705/655.34] |
245 | Gautier, L., Callmander, M. W., Al-Shehbaz, I. & Greuter, W. 2016. (365) Multiple-sheet specimens versus duplicates: A small amendment to Article 8.3. – Taxon 65: 1187. [doi: 10.12705/655.33] |
244 | Greuter, W. & Gandhi, K. N. 2016. (344–345) Two proposals to clarify Article 60.5 and provide for standardized spellings in cases involving the letters u / v and i / j. – Taxon 65: 914–915. [doi: 10.12705/654.45] |
243 |
Greuter, W. Wiersema, J. H. & Turland, N. J. 2016. (334–336) Proposals relating to the valid publication of new combinations, names at new rank, and replacement names (Article 41. – Taxon 65: 911–912. [doi: 10.12705/654.41]
242 |
Greuter, W. Wiersema, J. H. & Turland, N. J. 2016. (334–336) Proposals relating to the valid publication of new combinations, names at new rank, and replacement names (Article 41. – Taxon 65: 911–912. [doi: 10.12705/654.41]
241 | Greuter, W. Turland, N. J. & Wiersema, J. H. 2016. (321) A proposal relating to infraspecific names (Article 24). – Taxon 65: 905–906. [doi: 10.12705/654.36] |
240 | Greuter, W. 2016. (297–304) Proposals to better define “replacement names” (Article 6.11 and 7.5), and four other proposals on Article 6. – Taxon 65: 896–898. [doi: 10.12705/654.29] |
239 | Barkworth, M. E., Watson, M., Barrie, F. R., Belyaeva, I. V., Chung, R. C. K., Dašková, J., Davidse, G., Dönmez, A. A., Doweld, A. B., Dressler, S., Flann, C., Gandhi, K., Geltman, D., Glen, H. F., Greuter, W., Head, M. J., Jahn, R., Janarthanam, M. K., Katinas, L., Kirk, P. M., Klazenga, N., Kusber, W.-H., Kvaček, J., Malécot, V., Mann, D. G., Marhold, K., Nagamasu, H., Nicolson, N., Paton, A., Patterson, D. J., Price, M. J., Prud’homme van Reine, W. F., Schneider, C. W., Sennikov, A., Smith, G. F., Stevens, P. F., Yang, Z.-L., Zhang X.-C. & Zuccarello G. C. 2016: Report of the Special Committee on Registration of Algal and Plant Names (including fossils). – Taxon 65: 670-672. [doi: 10.12705/653.43] |
238 | Knapp, S., Turland, N. J., Barkworth, M. E., Barrie, F. R., Fortunato, R. H., Gandhi, K., Gereau, R. E., Greuter, W., Herendeen, P. S., Landrum, L. R., Mabberley, D. J., Marhold, K., May, T. W., Moore, G., Rico Arce, L., Smith, G. F., Thiele, K. & Zhang, L. 2016: Report of the Special Committee on By-laws for the Nomenclature Section. – Taxon 65: 665-669. [doi: 10.12705/653.42] |
237 | Knapp, S., Turland, N. J., Barkworth, M. E., Barrie, F. R., Fortunato, R. H., Gandhi, K., Gereau, R. E., Greuter, W., Herendeen, P. S., Landrum, L. R., Mabberley, D. J., Marhold, K., May, T. W., Moore, G., Rico Arce, L., Smith, G. F., Thiele, K. & Zhang, L. 2016: (286) Proposal to replace Division III of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. – Taxon 65: 661-664. [doi: 10.12705/653.41] |
236 | Barkworth, M. E., Watson, M., Barrie, F. R., Belyaeva, I. V., Chung, R. C. K., Dašková, J., Davidse, G., Dönmez, A. A., Doweld, A. B., Dressler, S., Flann, C., Gandhi, K., Geltman, D., Glen, H. F., Greuter, W., Head, M. J., Jahn, R., Janarthanam, M. K., Katinas, L., Kirk, P. M., Klazenga, N., Kusber, W.-H., Kvaček, J., Malécot, V., Mann, D. G., Marhold, K., Nagamasu, H., Nicolson, N., Paton, A., Patterson, D. J., Price, M. J., Prud’homme van Reine, W. F., Schneider, C. W., Sennikov, A., Smith, G. F., Stevens, P. F., Yang, Z.-L., Zhang X.-C. & Zuccarello G. C. 2016: (276–279) Proposals to provide for registration of new names and nomenclatural acts. – Taxon 65: 656-658. [doi: 10.12705/653.37] |
235 | Wiersema J. H., Greuter W. & McNeill J. 2016: (234–241) Some proposals to resolve problems relating to the conservation or rejection of names, suppression of works, and binding decisions. – Taxon 65: 642-646. [doi: 10.12705/653.26] |
234 | Holstein, N. & Greuter, W. 2016: (19) Proposal to add Der sichere Führer in der Obstkunde vol. 1‒4 by F.J. Dochnahl to the list of “Suppressed Works”. – Taxon 65: 401. [doi: 10.12705/652.31] |
233 | Greuter, W. & Holstein, N. 2016: Dochnahl’s pomological books and their relevance for botanical nomenclature. – Taxon 65: 337-342. [doi: 10.12705/652.10] |
232 | Domina, G., Greuter, W. & Raimondo, F. M. 2016: Types of names of taxa belonging to the Centaurea cineraria group (Compositae) described from Sicily. – Willdenowia 46: 23-26. [doi: 10.3372/wi.46.46102] |
231 | Greuter, W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. 2016: Revision of the Caribbean endemics currently placed in Nashia (Verbenaceae). – Willdenowia 46: 5-22. [doi: 10.3372/wi.46.46101] |
230 | Greuter, W. & Domina, G. 2015. Checklist of the vascular plants collected during the 12th “Iter Mediterraneum” in Tunisia, 24 March – 4 April 2014. – Bocconea 27(1): 21-61. |
229 |
Domina, G., Greuter, W., Elyes Kchouk, M., El Mokni, R., Smaoui, A.,
Vitek, E., Bazan, G., Escobar, P. & Raimondo, F. M. 2015. The 12th “Iter Mediterraneum” in Tunisia, 24 March – 4 April 2014. – Bocconea 27(1): 5-11.
228 | Ferrer-Gallego P. P., Greuter W., Del Egido F. & Mateo G. 2015. Typification of the Linnaean name Hieracium cerinthoides (Compositae). – Willdenowia 45: 385–389. [doi: 10.3372/wi.45.45302] |
227 | Greuter W. & Karl R. 2015: Boraginaceae: Alkanna macrosiphon Boiss. & Heldr.; Anchusa pusilla Guşul. [in Raab-Straube E. von & Raus T. (ed.), Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 5]. – Willdenowia 45: 450. [doi: 10.3372/wi.45.45312] | |
226 | Troia A. & Greuter W. 2015. A conspectus of and key to Greek Isoetes (Isoetaceae), based on a reassessment of Haussknecht’s gatherings of 1885. – Willdenowia 45: 391-403. [doi: 10.3372/wi.45.45303]. | |
225 | Greuter W. 2015. Roxburgh’s Cynoglossum marifolium (Boraginaceae) – reassessment and typification of a long forgotten name [Occasional Papers from the Herbarium Greuter – No. 2]. – Fl. Medit. 25 (Special Issue): 157–166. [doi: 10.7320/FlMedit25SI.157]. | |
224 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. 2015: Enicostema (Gentianaceae) en Cuba y las otras Antillas Mayores. – Revista Jard. Bot. Nac. Univ. Habana 36: 1–8. | |
223 | Greuter W. 2015. Sind die Nomenklaturregeln wirklich so verwirrend und ungenau? Gedanken zur Ophrys subfusca-Kontroverse. – Ber. Arbeitskreis. Heimische Orchid. 32: 244–253. | |
222 | Greuter W. & Troia A. 2015. Disentangling Isoetes setacea and removing threats to Isoetes echinospora. – Taxon 64: 811–815. [doi: 10.12705/644.12] | |
221 | Ferrer-Gallego P. P., Greuter W., Parra-Sánchez L. A. & Boisset F. 2015. (045) Proposal to permit designation of a new neotype when a previously designated neotype has been lost or destroyed. – Taxon 64: 650. [doi: 10.12705/643.28] | |
Troia A. & Greuter W. 2015. Conspectus of Italian Selaginella (Selaginellaceae), with some typifications. – Pl. Biosyst. 149: 695–702. [doi: 10.1080/11263504.2015.1057265]. | |
Troia A. & Greuter W. 2015. A critical conspectus of Italian Lycopodiaceae. – Pl. Biosyst. 149: 677–693. [doi: 10.1080/11263504.2015.1057263]. | |
Gottschlich G., Raimondo F. M., Greuter W. & Di Gristina E. 2015. Hieracium barrelieri, a new hawkweed species from S Italy, with notes on Tenore’s Hieracium murorum var. barrelieri (Asteraceae). – Phytotaxa 208(1): 70–74. [doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.208.1.7]. | |
Hilger H. H., Greuter W. & Stier V. 2015. Taxa and names in Cynoglossum sensu lato (Boraginaceae, Cynoglosseae): an annotated, synonymic inventory, with links to the protologues and mention of original material. – Biodivers. Data J. 3(e4831): 1–23 + Suppl. Mat. 1–2. [doi: 10.3897/BDJ3.e4831]. | |
Troia A., Raimondo F. M. & Greuter W. 2015. Lycopodiidae for the “Flora critica d’Italia”: material and methods. – Biodivers. J. 6: 215–218. | |
Domina G., Bazan G., Campisi P. & Greuter W. 2015. Taxonomy and conservation in higher plants and bryophytes in the Mediterranean area. – Biodivers. J. 6: 197–204. | |
Greuter W. 2015. Notices of publications. – OPTIMA Newslett. 42: (1)-(21). [doi: 10.7320/OptNewslett42.2.1]. | |
Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. 2015. (2344) Proposal to conserve the name Bambusa vulgaris (Gramineae) with a conserved type. – Taxon 64: 171–173. [doi: 10.12705/641.10]. | |
Domina G., Greuter W., Mazzola P. & Raimondo F. M. 2014: Names of Italian vascular plants published by Michele Lojacono Pojero. – Fl. Medit. 24: 215-232.
211 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. 2014: A type for Gomphia (Ochnaceae) – once again. – Taxon 63 (accepted). | |
210 | Cecchi L., Greuter W. & Selvi F. 2014: (2322) Proposal to conserve the name Lycopsis pulla (Boraginaceae) with a conserved type. – Taxon 63 (in print). | |
209 | Renner S. S., Chomicki G. & Greuter W. 2014: (2313) Proposal to conserve the name Momordica lanata (Citrullus lanatus) (watermelon, Cucurbitaceae), with a conserved type, against Citrullus battich. – Taxon 63: 941–942. | |
208 | Domina G., Greuter W., Mazzola P. & Raimondo F. M. 2014: La ricerca dei tipi di Michele Lojacono Pojero nell’ “Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum”. – Museol. Sci., Mem. 11: 81–84. | |
207 | Greuter W. & Troia A. 2014: (2292) Proposal to conserve the name Palhinhaea against Lepidotis (Lycopodiaceae). – Taxon 63: 680–682. | |
206 | Akhani H., Greuter W. & Roalson E. H. 2014: Notes on the typification and nomenclature of Salsola and Kali (Chenopodiaceae). – Taxon 63: 647–650. | |
205 | Troia A. & Greuter W. 2014: A critical conspectus of Italian Isoetes (Isoetaceae). – Pl. Biosyst. 148: 13–20. | |
204 | Greuter W., Stier V. & Hilger H. H. 2014: (2280) Proposal to conserve the name Omphalodes verna against Omphalodes omphaloides (Boraginaceae). – Taxon 63: 435–436. | |
203 | Tison J.-M. & Greuter W. 2013: Hieracium eriomallum J.-M. Tison & Greuter, nom. nov. [in Raab-Straube E. von & Raus T., Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 1]. – Willdenowia 43: 154–155. | |
202 | Domina G., Greuter W., Marino P. & Schäfer P. A. 2013: Types of names of Orobanche taxa described from North Africa. – Pl. Biosyst. 147: 758-766. | |
201 | Mazzola P., Raimondo F. M., Greuter W. & Troia A. 2013: Typification of names in Draba sect. Aizopsis (Cruciferae, Arabideae) based on material from Italy. – Pl. Biosyst. 148: 483-491. | |
200 | Troìa A., Greuter W. & Raimondo F. M. 2012: Revised lectotypification of the name Calendula maritima (Asteraceae). – Phytotaxa 71: 48–51. | |
199 | Selvi F. & Greuter W. 2012: (2056) Proposal to conserve the name Myosotis sicula against M. gussonei. – Taxon 61: 467–468. | |
198 | Riefner R. E. jr. & Greuter W. 2012: Pallenis maritima (Asteraceae) new to California, with notes on recent introductions of salt-tolerant ornamental plants. – J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 6: 621–629. | |
197 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2012: Med-Checklist Notulae, 31. – Willdenowia 42: 287–295. | |
196 | Greuter W. & Raab-Straube E. von, 2012: Euro+Med Notulae, 6. – Willdenowia 42: 283–285. | |
195 | David J., Garrity G. M., Greuter W., Hawksworth D. L., Jahn R., Kirk P. M., McNeill J., Michel E., Knapp S., Patterson D. J., Tindall B. J., Todd J. A., Tol J. van & Turland N. J. 2012: Biological nomenclature terms for facilitating communication in the naming of organisms. – ZooKeys 192: 67–72. | |
194 | Greuter W. 2011: Armen Takhtajan and the Mediterranean area. – Takhtajania 1: 35. | |
193 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2011: Med-Checklist Notulae, 30. – Willdenowia 41: 311–328. | |
192 | Gholipour A. & Greuter W. 2011: A new genus for the fern flora of Iran: Cyrtomium. – Fern Gaz. 18: 336–341. | |
191 | Greuter W., Garrity G., Hawksworth D. L., Jahn R., Kirk P. M., Knapp S., McNeill J., Michel E., Patterson D. J., Pyle R. & Tindall B. J. 2011: Draft BioCode (2011): Principles and rules regulating the naming of organisms. – Bull. Zool. Nomenclature 68: 10–28. | |
190 | Greuter W., Garrity G., Hawksworth D. L., Jahn R., Kirk P. M., Knapp S., McNeill J., Michel E., Patterson D. J., Pyle R. & Tindall B. J. 2011: Draft BioCode (2011): Principles and rules regulating the naming of organisms. – Taxon 60: 201–212. | |
189 | Greuter W., Garrity G., Hawksworth D. L., Jahn R., Kirk P. M., Knapp S., McNeill J., Michel E., Patterson D. J., Pyle R. & Tindall B. J. 2011: Draft BioCode (2011): Principles and rules regulating the naming of organisms. New draft, revised in November 2010. – Bionomina 3: 26–44. | |
188 | Greuter W. & Raab-Straube E. von, 2011: Euro+Med Notulae, 5. – Willdenowia 41: 129–138. | |
187 | Telford I. R. H., Schaefer H., Greuter W. & Renner S. S. 2011: A new Australian species of Luffa (Cucurbitaceae) and typification of two Australian Cucumis names, all based on specimens collected by Ferdinand Mueller in 1856. – PhytoKeys 5: 21–29. | |
186 | Ferrufino Acosta L. & Greuter W. 2010: Typification of the name Smilax lanceolata L. – Taxon 59: 287–288. | |
185 | Flann C., Greuter W. & Hind D. J. N. 2010: Cassini’s Compositae genera: a nomenclatural and taxonomic assessment. – Taxon 59: 1206–1244. | |
184 | Greuter W. & Flann C. 2010: (1961–1963) Proposals to conserve Chrysopsis, nom. cons., against Diplopappus, Felicia, nom. cons., against Coelestina, Agathaea, and Charieis, and the name Fulcaldea against Turpinia, nom. rej. (Compositae). – Taxon 59: 1284–1285. | |
183 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. 2010. Notes on some endemic Cuban species of Ruelliinae (Acanthaceae), on their seeds, pollen morphology and hygroscopic features. – Willdenowia 40: 285–304. | |
182 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2010: Med-Checklist Notulae, 29. – Willdenowia 40: 189–204. | |
181 | Greuter W. 2009: Registration of names: the botanical experience. – Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 66(2): 110–114. | |
180 | Greuter W. & Raab-Straube E. von, 2009: Euro+Med Notulae, 4. – Willdenowia 39: 327–333. | |
180a | Aghababyan M., Greuter W., Mazzola P. & Raimondo F. M. 2009: On the taxonomy and nomenclature of Gnaphalium angustifolium Lam. and Helichrysum litoreum Guss. (Compositae). – Bocconea 23: 157-163. |
179 | Greuter W., Rankin R. & Palmarola A. 2009. Hygrophila urquiolae (Acanthaceae), a new wetland species from Cuba. – Willdenowia 39: 285–291. | |
178 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2009: Med-Checklist Notulae, 28. – Willdenowia 39: 335–345. | |
177 | Aghababyan M., Greuter W., Mazzola P. & Raimondo F. M. 2008: Typification of names of Compositae taxa described from Sicily by Michele Lojacono Pojero. – Fl. Medit. 18: 513–528. | |
176 | Greuter W. 2008: (1839–1842) Proposals to conserve the names Leysera against Asteropterus, Volutaria against Amberboa, Rhaponticum with a conserved type, and Rhaponticoides against Bielzia (Compositae).– Taxon 57: 1001. | |
175 | Greuter W. 2008: Damn Vaillant? A reply to Brummitt in Taxon 57: 663. 2008, and some alternative proposals, including adding all Steinwehr’s translations in Königl. Akad. Wiss. Paris Phys. Abh. 5–9. 1754–1760 to the “Opera utique oppressa”. – Taxon 57: 1015–1016. | |
174 | Greuter W. 2008: On the correct name of the Late Spider Orchid, and its appropriate spelling: Ophrys holosericea. – J. Eur. Orchid. 40: 657–662. | |
173 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. 2008. Bisgoeppertia (Gentianaceae) unravelled. Account of a small genus of the Greater Antilles. – Willdenowia 38: 177–185. | |
172 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2008: Med-Checklist Notulae, 27. – Willdenowia 38: 465–474. | |
171 | Bräutigam S. & Greuter W. 2007: A new treatment of Pilosella – for the Euro-Mediterranean flora [Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 24]. – Willdenowia 37: 123–137. | |
170 | Aghababyan M., Greuter W., Mazzola P. & Raimondo F. M. 2007: Typification of Sicilian Helichrysum (Compositae) revisited. – Taxon 56: 1285-1288. | |
169 | Greuter W. 2007: (1776) Proposal to conserve the name Melampodium ruderale against Eleutheranthera ovata (Compositae, Heliantheae). – Taxon 56: 607–608. | |
168 | Greuter W. & Raab-Straube E. von, 2007: Euro+Med Notulae, 3. – Willdenowia 37: 139–189. | |
167 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2007: Med-Checklist Notulae, 25. – Willdenowia 37: 205–213. | |
166 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2007: Med-Checklist Notulae, 26. – Willdenowia 37: 435–444. | |
165 | Greuter W., Gutermann W. & Talavera S. 2006: A preliminary conspectus of Scorzoneroides (Compositae, Cichorieae) with validation of the required new names. – Willdenowia 36: 689–692. | |
164 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2006: Med-Checklist Notulae, 24. – Willdenowia 36: 719–730. | |
163 | Domina G., Greuter W. & Mazzola P. 2005: A note on the type of Orobanche sanguinea C. Presl (Orobanchaceae), nom. cons. prop. – Taxon 54: 500–502. | |
162 | Greuter W., Aghababian M. & Wagenitz G. 2005: Vaillant on Compositae – systematic impact and nomenclatural consequences. – Taxon 54: 149–174. | |
161 | Greuter W., Aghababian M. & Wagenitz G. 2005: (1670–1675) Proposals to conserve the names Bellidiastrum, Berkheya, Euryops, Notobasis, Picnomon and Urospermum (Compositae) against six generic names of Vaillant. – Taxon 54: 196–198. | |
160 | Greuter W. & Raab-Straube E. von, 2005: Euro+Med Notulae, 1. – Willdenowia 35: 223–239. | |
159 | Greuter W. & Raab-Straube E. von, 2005: Euro+Med Notulae, 2. – Willdenowia 36: 707–714. | |
158 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2005: Med-Checklist Notulae, 23. – Willdenowia 35: 55–64. | |
157 | Amigues S. & Greuter W. 2004: L’aconit du mont Saint-Jean: solution d’une énigme historique de botanique crétoise. – Bot. Hron. 16: 5–11. | |
156 | Dinter I. & Greuter W. 2004: Silene rothmaleri (Caryophyllaceae), believed extinct, rediscovered at Cabo de São Vicente (Algarve, Portugal). – Willdenowia 34: 371–380. | |
155 | Greuter W. 2004: (1645) Proposal to conserve the name Ophrys speculum (Orchidaceae) with a conserved type. – Taxon 53: 1070–1071. | |
154 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2004: Med-Checklist Notulae, 22. – Willdenowia 34: 71–80. | |
153 | Kilian N. & Greuter W. 2004. Sonchus esperanzae, nom. nov. (Compositae, Cichorieae) [Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 12]. – Willdenowia 34: 65–66. | |
152 | Rankin Rodríguez R. & Greuter W. 2004: A study of differentiation patterns in Capparis sect. Breyniastrum in Cuba, with a nomenclatural and taxonomic survey of Cuban Capparis (Capparaceae) [Novitiae florae cubensis N° 15]. – Willdenowia 34: 259–276. | |
151 | Böhling N., Greuter W., Raus T., Snogerup B., Snogerup S. & Zuber D. 2003: Notes on the Cretan mistletoe, Viscum album subsp. creticum subsp. nova (Loranthaceae/Viscaceae). – Israel J. Pl. Sci. 50, Suppl.: 77–84. | |
150 | Greuter W. 2003: The Ancient Greek roots of biological sciences. – Fl. Medit. 12: 5–10. | |
149 | Greuter W. 2003: The Euro+Med treatment of Astereae (Compositae) – generic concepts and required new names [Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 2]. – Willdenowia 33: 45–47. | |
148 | Greuter W. 2003: The Euro+Med treatment of Cynareae (Compositae) – generic concepts and required new names [Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 3]. – Willdenowia 33: 49–61. | |
147 | Greuter W. 2003: The Euro+Med treatment of Cichorieae (Compositae) – generic concepts and required new names [Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 6]. – Willdenowia 33: 229–238. | |
146 | Greuter W. 2003: The Euro+Med treatment of Gnaphalieae and Inuleae (Compositae) – generic concepts and required new names [Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 7]. – Willdenowia 33: 239–244. | |
145 | Greuter W. 2003: The Euro+Med treatment of Senecioneae and the minor Compositae tribes – generic concepts and required new names, with an addendum to Cardueae [Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 8]. – Willdenowia 33: 245–250. | |
144 | Greuter W., Oberprieler C. & Vogt R. 2003. The Euro+Med treatment of Anthemideae (Compositae) – generic concepts and required new names [Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 1]. – Willdenowia 33: 37–43. | |
143 | Greuter W. 2002: (1514) Proposal to conserve Manilkara nom. cons. (Sapotaceae) against an additional name, Sapota. – Taxon 50: 1215–1216. | |
142 | Greuter W., Böhling N. & Jahn R. 2002: The Cerastium scaposum group (Caryophyllaceae): three annual taxa endemic to Crete (Greece), two of them new. – Willdenowia 32: 45–54. | |
141 | Greuter W., Koumpli-Sovantzi L. & Yannitsaros A. 2002. Eleocharis caduca (Cyperaceae): a redeemed species of Tropical African origin discovered in Crete (Greece). – Bot. Hron. 15: 17–30. | |
140 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2002: Med-Checklist Notulae, 21. – Willdenowia 32: 195–208. | |
139 | Greuter W., Wagenitz G., Agababian M. & Hellwig F. H. 2002: (1509) Proposal to conserve the name Centaurea (Compositae) with a conserved type. – Taxon 50: 1201–1205. | |
138 | Rankin Rodríguez R. & Greuter W. 2002: Humboldt, Willdenow, and Polygala (Polygalaceae). – Taxon 50: 1231–1247. | |
137 | Doweld A. & Greuter W. 2001: Nomenclatural notes on Ancistrocactus (Cactaceae). – Taxon 50: 875–877. | |
136 | Doweld A. & Greuter W. 2001: Nomenclatural notes on Notocactus and on Alwin Berger’s “Kakteen”. – Taxon 50: 879–885. | |
135 | Greuter W. 2001: (1493) Proposal to conserve the name Trichostigma against Villamillia (Phytolaccaceae). – Taxon 50: 933–935. | |
134 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2001: Med-Checklist Notulae, 20. – Willdenowia 31: 319–328. | |
133 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 2000: Med-Checklist Notulae, 19. – Willdenowia 30: 229–243. | |
132 | Rankin Rodríguez R. & Greuter W. 2000: Notes on Aristolochia linearifolia and A. stenophylla (Aristolochiaceae), a vicarious species pair from the Greater Antilles (Cuba and Hispaniola). – Willdenowia 30: 131–139. | |
131 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1999: Med-Checklist Notulae, 18. – Willdenowia 29: 51–67. | |
130 | Rankin Rodríguez R. & Greuter W. 1999: Charles Plumier’s drawings of American plants and the nomenclature of early Caribbean Aristolochia species (Aristolochiaceae). – Taxon 48: 677–688. | |
129 | Borgen L., Greuter W., Hawksworth D. L., Nicolson D. H. & Zimmer B. 1998: (88–95) Proposals to implement mandatory registration of new names. – Taxon 47: 899–901. | |
128 | Chaloner W. G., Greuter W., Nicolson D. H. & Traverse A. 1998: (97–100) Proposals regarding the nomenclature of fossil plants. – Taxon 47: 907–910. | |
127 | Fortunato R. H. & Greuter W. 1998: Neotypification of the name Clitoria lactescens (Leguminosae). – Taxon 47: 703–704. | |
126 | Greuter W. 1998: Save Asteriscus, sink Nauplius (Compositae). – Fl. Medit. 7: 41–48. | |
125 | Greuter W. 1998: Frans Antonie Stafleu (8 September 1921 – 16 December 1997). – Taxon 47: 3–36. | |
124 | Greuter W. 1998: Die Laudatio anlässlich des Festsymposiums zu Ehren von Professor Friedrich Ehrendorfer. – Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 134: 433–437. | |
123 | Greuter W. 1998: (86–87) Two proposals on Art. 15, and report of the Standing Committee on Lists of Names in Current Use. – Taxon 47: 895–898. | |
122 | Greuter W. 1998: (96) Proposal to spell out a new principle in the Code: a homage to Candolle. – Taxon 47: 905–906. | |
122 | Greuter W. 1998: (104–105) Two proposals on “errors of bibliographic citation”. – Taxon 47: 915–918. | |
120 | Greuter W. 1998: (150–162) Miscellaneous housekeeping proposals to amend the Code. – Taxon 47: 937–940. | |
119 | Greuter W., Hawksworth D. L., McNeill J., Mayo M. A., Minelli A., Sneath P. H. A., Tindall B. J., Trehane P. & Tubbs P. K. (ed.) 1998: Draft BioCode (1997): the prospective international rules for the scientific names of organisms. – Taxon 47: 127–150. | |
118 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1998: Med-Checklist Notulae, 17. – Willdenowia 28: 163–174. | |
117 | Borgen L., Greuter W., Hawksworth D. L., Nicolson D. H. & Zimmer B. 1997: Announcing a test and trial phase for the registration of new plant names (1998–1999). – Taxon 46: 811–814 [and elsewhere]. | |
116 | Pirker B. & Greuter W. 1997. Silene subg. Conoimorpha (Caryophyllaceae) in Greece. – Bocconea 5: 523–533. | |
115 | Zimmer B. & Greuter W. 1997: IAPT on the World Wide Web. – Taxon 46: 593. | |
114 | Greuter W. 1996: On a new BioCode, harmony, and expediency. – Taxon 45: 291–294. | |
113 | Greuter W. 1996: Proposal to conserve the name Cistus albanicus (Cistaceae). – Taxon 45: 715–716. | |
112 | Greuter W., Hawksworth D. L., McNeill J., Mayo M. A., Minelli A., Sneath P. H. A., Tindall B. J., Trehane P. & Tubbs P. K. (ed.) 1996: Draft BioCode: the prospective international rules for the scientific names of organisms. – Taxon 45: 349–372. | |
111 | Greuter W. & Nicolson D. H. 1996. Introductory comments on the Draft BioCode, from a botanical point of view. – Taxon 45: 343–348. | |
110 | Greuter W. & Scholz H. 1996: Phragmites in Crete, Cenchrus frutescens, and the nomenclature of the common reed (Gramineae). – Taxon 45: 521–523. | |
109 | Greuter W. 1995: (1146) Proposal to conserve the name Silene apetala Willd. (Caryophyllaceae) with a conserved type. – Taxon 44: 101–102. | |
108 | Greuter W. 1995: (1147) Proposal to conserve the name Silene gallica L. (Caryophyllaceae) against several synonyms of equal priority. – Taxon 44: 102–104. | |
107 | Greuter W. 1995. Studies in Greek Caryophylloideae: Agrostemma, Silene, and Vaccaria. – Willdenowia 25: 105–142. | |
106 | Greuter W. 1995. Silene (Caryophyllaceae) in Greece: a subgeneric and sectional classification. – Taxon 44: 543–581. | |
105 | Greuter W. & Nicolson D. H. 1995. Democracy and botanical nomenclature. – Taxon 44: 85–86. | |
104 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1995: Med-Checklist Notulae, 16. – Willdenowia 25: 171–176. | |
103 | Greuter W., Zimmer B. & Nicolson D. H. 1995. Procedures and timetable for proposals to amend the International code of botanical nomenclature. – Taxon 44: 249–250. | |
102 | Greuter W. 1994: (1085) Proposal to conserve the name Silene sieberi Fenzl with a conserved type. – Taxon 43: 127–128. | |
101 | Greuter W. 1994: Extinctions in Mediterranean areas. – Philos. Trans., Ser. B, 344: 41–46. | |
100 | Nicolson D. H. & Greuter W. 1994. Guidelines for proposals to conserve or reject names. – Taxon 43: 109–112. | |
99 | Zimmer B. & Greuter W. 1994: (1093) Proposal to reject the name Asplenium ramosum L. (Pteridophyta). – Taxon 43: 303–304. | |
98 | Greuter W. 1993: (272) Proposal to eliminate redundant provisions from the Code. – Taxon 42: 172–173. | |
97 | Greuter W. 1993: Tokyo ante portas. – Taxon 42: 475–476. | |
96 | Greuter W. & Nicolson D. H. 1993. On the threshold to a new nomenclature? – Taxon 42: 925–927. | |
95 | Hoffmann L. & Greuter W. 1993. Validation of Prochloron didemni (Cyanophyta) and nomenclatural discussion of correlated names at the higher ranks. – Taxon 42: 641–645. | |
94 | Phitos D. & Greuter W. 1993: Saponaria jagelii, a new species from the island of Elafonisos (Peloponnisos, Greece). – Fl. Medit. 3: 277–278. | |
93 | Greuter W. 1992: (207–209) Three proposals regarding the conservation of names with conserved types (Art. 14.8). – Taxon 41: 773–775. | |
92 | Greuter W. 1992. (214–217) Four proposals mainly pertaining to the use of autonyms for subdivisions of families. – Taxon 41: 778–781. | |
91 | Greuter W. 1992: (218–219) Two proposals to avoid the retroactive effect of lectotype designations on the valid publication of names. – Taxon 41: 781–783. | |
90 | Perry G., Greuter W. & Wilson P. G. 1992: (165–166) Two proposals to amend Art. 57. – Taxon 41: 605–606. | |
89 | Greuter W. 1991. Draft lists of NCU: A call for cooperation and comments. – Taxon 40: 339–340. | |
88 | Greuter W. 1991. (20–41) Proposals to amend the Code, and report of Special Committee 6B: provisions for granting nomenclatural protection to listed names in current use. – Taxon 40: 669–677. | |
87 | Egli B., Gerstberger P., Greuter W. & Risse H. 1990: Horstrissea dolinicola, a new genus and species of umbels (Umbelliferae, Apiaceae). – Willdenowia 19: 389–399. | |
86 | Greuter W. 1989: Primula acaulis, Primula elatior and the “Flora anglica” of Linnaeus. [In Burdet H. M., ed., Med-Checklist notulae bibliographicae, 14 à 17.] – Candollea 44: 562–567. | |
85 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1989: Med-Checklist Notulae, 15. – Willdenowia 19: 27–48. | |
84 | Höner D. & Greuter W. 1988: Plant population dynamics and species turnover on small islands near Karpathos (South Aegean, Greece). – Vegetatio 77: 129–137. | |
83 | Greuter W. 1987: Some notes on Lesquereuxia (Scrophulariaceae). – Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 108: 251–257. | |
82 | Greuter W. 1987: Onobrychis aliacmonia (Leguminosae) – the unusual story of a rediscovery. – Pl. Syst. Evol. 155: 215–217. | |
81 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1987: Med-Checklist Notulae, 14. – Willdenowia 16: 439–452. | |
80 | Greuter W. 1986: The name of the Corsican hellebore. – Taxon 35: 708–709. | |
79 | Greuter W. 1986: (214) – (219) Proposals on registration of plant names, a new concept for the nomenclature of the future. – Taxon 35: 816–819. | |
78 | Greuter W. 1986: Proposal to reject Fumaria bulbosa. – Taxon 36: 169–173. | |
77 | Greuter W., McNeill J. & Brummitt R. K. 1986: (220) – (223) Proposals to treat names covered by Art. 69 under Art. 14. – Taxon 35: 819–821. | |
76 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1986. Med-Checklist Notulae, 12. – Willdenowia 15: 413–432. | |
75 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1986: Med-Checklist Notulae, 13. – Willdenowia 16: 103–116. | |
74 | Greuter W. 1985: The “Index Kewensis” as a source of validation of new specific names. [In Burdet H. M., ed., Med-Checklist notulae bibliographicae, 9 à 13.] – Candollea 40: 211–213. | |
73 | Greuter W., Matthäs U. & Risse H. 1985: Additions to the flora of Crete, 1973–1983 (1984) – II. – Willdenowia 14: 269–297. | |
72 | Greuter W., Matthäs U. & Risse H. 1985: Additions to the flora of Crete, 1973–1983 (1984) – III. – Willdenowia 15: 23–60. | |
71 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1985. Med-Checklist Notulae, 10. – Willdenowia 14: 299–308. | |
70 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1985. Med-Checklist Notulae, 11. – Willdenowia 15: 61–84. | |
69 | Perret P., Burdet H. M. & Greuter W. 1985: Coincya Rouy contre Hutera Porta: mise au point bibliographique. [In Burdet H. M., ed., Med-Checklist notulae bibliographicae, 9 à 13.] – Candollea 40: 213–214. | |
68 | Gabrielian E. C. & Greuter W. 1984: A revised catalogue of the Pteridophyta of the Armenian SSR. – Willdenowia 14: 145–158. | |
67 | Greuter W. 1984: Les Arum de la Crète. – Bot. Helv. 94: 15–22. | |
66 | Greuter W. 1984. Warning against misinterpreting the rule on “non-Linnean” works (Art. 23.6(c)). – Taxon 33: 493–495. | |
65 | Greuter W., Matthäs U. & Risse H. 1984: Additions to the flora of Crete, 1973–1983 – I. – Willdenowia 14: 27–36. | |
64 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1984. Med-Checklist Notulae, 8. – Willdenowia 13: 277–288. | |
63 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1984. Med-Checklist Notulae, 9. – Willdenowia 14: 37–54. | |
62 | Greuter W., Pleger R. & Raus T. 1983: The vascular flora of the Karpathos island group (Dodecanesos, Greece). A preliminary checklist. – Willdenowia 13: 43–78. | |
61 | Greuter W., Pleger R., Raus T., Zimmer B. & Greuter J. J. 1983: Asplenium bourgaei, a new addition to the flora of Europe. – Fern Gaz. 12: 271–274. | |
60 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1983. Med-Checklist Notulae, 7. – Willdenowia 13: 79–99. | |
59 | Burdet H. M. & Greuter W. 1982: Les activités botaniques (distributions d’exsiccata et publications) de Johann Christoph Schleicher. [In Burdet H. M., ed., Med-Checklist notulae bibliographicae, 3 à 5.] – Candollea 37: 590–595. | |
58 | Greuter W., Matthäs U. & Risse H. 1982: Notes on Cardaegean plants. 3. Medicago strasseri, a new leguminous shrub from Kriti. – Willdenowia 12: 201–206. | |
57 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1982. Med-Checklist Notulae, 4. – Willdenowia 11: 271–280. | |
56 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1982. Med-Checklist Notulae, 5. – Willdenowia 12: 33–46. | |
55 | Greuter W. & Raus T. 1982. Med-Checklist Notulae, 6. – Willdenowia 12: 183–199. | |
54 | Greuter W. & Strid A. 1982: Notes on Cardaegean plants. 2. A new species of Ranunculus sect. Ranunculus from the mountains of W Kriti. – Willdenowia 11: 267–269. | |
53 | Melzheimer V. & Greuter W. 1982: Quisquiliae floristicae graecae, 5. Silene intonsa (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from NW Greece. – Willdenowia 12: 29–31. | |
52 | Greuter W. 1981: Two proposals on Art. 45. – Taxon 30: 288–289. | |
51 | Greuter W. 1981. Med-Checklist notulae, 3. – Willdenowia 11: 23–43. | |
50 | Greuter W. & McNeill J. 1981: Proposal to permit conservation of species names. – Taxon 30: 288. | |
49 | Greuter W., McNeill J. & Nicolson D. H. 1981: Miscellaneous proposals to amend the Code. – Taxon 30: 258–260. | |
48 | Runemark H. & Greuter W. 1981: Notes on Cardaegean plants. 1. The Sedum litoreum group. – Willdenowia 11: 13–21. | |
47 | Greuter W. 1980. Med-Checklist notulae, 1. – Willdenowia 10: 13–21. | |
46 | Greuter W. 1980. Med-Checklist notulae, 2. – Willdenowia 10: 227–232. | |
45 | Greuter W. & Scholz H. 1980: Agrostis merxmuelleri (Gramineae), eine neue Art aus dem griechisch-albanischen Grenzgebiet. – Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 16, Beih.: 23–27. | |
44 | Pignatti S. & Greuter W. 1980: Betonica hirsuta L. [In Pignatti S., Note critiche sulla flora italiana, VI.] – Giorn. Bot. Ital. 113: 360–361. | |
43 | Greuter W. 1979: The flora and phytogeography of Kastellorizo (Dhodhekanisos, Greece). 1. An annotated catalogue of the vascular plant taxa. – Willdenowia 8: 531–611. | |
42 | Greuter W. 1979: Quisquiliae floristicae graecae, 4. Lamyropsis carpini (Compositae), a new species from N.W. Greece. – Willdenowia 9: 57–66. | |
41 | Greuter W. & Papanicolaou C. 1979: A new species of Centaurea from Mt Pangaion. – Bot. Not. 132: 471–474. | |
40 | Melzheimer V. & Greuter W. 1979: über zwei bemerkenswerte Arten der Gattung Silene (Caryophyllaceae) aus Nord-Griechenland. – Willdenowia 8: 613–623. | |
39 | Greuter W. 1977: Chorological additions to the Greek flora. 1. Unpublished records mapped in “Atlas Florae Europaeae”, volume 3. – Candollea 32: 21–49. | |
38 | Fischer M. & Greuter W. 1976: Über zwei diploide, in Südwestanatolien endemische Arten aus dem Komplex der Veronica cymbalaria (Scrophulariaceae). – Pl. Syst. Evol. 125: 245–252. | |
37 | Greuter W. 1976: The flora of Psara (E. Aegean Islands, Greece) – an annotated catalogue. – Candollea 31: 191–242. | |
36 | Greuter W. 1975: Floristic report on the Cretan area. – Mem. Soc. Brot. 24: 131–171. | |
35 | Greuter W. 1975: Cistus albanicus Heywood, “neu” für Griechenland. – Ann. Mus. Goulandris 2: 35–47. | |
34 | Greuter W. 1975: Some notes on Bornmuellera in Greece, and an interspecific hybrid in the Alysseae (Cruciferae). – Candollea 30: 13–20. | |
33 | Greuter W. 1975: Quisquiliae floristicae graecae, 1–3. – Candollea 30: 323–330. | |
32 | Greuter W. & Pieper H. 1975: Notiz zur Flora und Biogeographie der landfernen südägäischen Klippe Avgo. – Candollea 30: 7–11. | |
31 | Brummitt R. K., Chater A. O. & Greuter W. 1974: A further attempt to clarify Art. 35. – Taxon 23: 859–861. | |
30 | Charpin A. & Greuter W. 1974: Notes sur l’oeuvre scientifique de deux éminents explorateurs du Proche-Orient: P. Mouterde et H. Pabot. – Saussurea 5: 61–65. | |
29 | Greuter W. 1974: Note sur deux variétés grecques d’Alyssum doerfleri (Cruciferae) et sur la classification de quelques espèces vivaces de ce genre. – Candollea 29: 135–146. | |
28 | Greuter W. 1974: Enallagma-Amphitecna-Dendrosicus, and Felicia: “impossible” nomenclatural cases? – Taxon 23: 664–665. | |
27 | Greuter W. 1974: Note sur deux espèces nouvelles pour la Corse. – Bull. Soc. Bot. France 121: 145–147. | |
26 | Greuter W. 1974: Proposals (121–126). – Taxon 23: 869–871. | |
25 | Greuter W. 1973: Additions to the flora of Crete, 1938–1972. – Ann. Mus. Goulandris 1: 15–83. | |
24 | Greuter W. & Dittrich M. 1973: Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Lamyropsis (Compositae): die Identität von Cirsium microcephalum Moris. – Ann. Mus. Goulandris 1: 85–98. | |
23 | Miège J. & Greuter W. 1973: Nombres chromosomiques de quelques plantes récoltées en Crète. – Ann. Mus. Goulandris 1: 105–111. | |
22 | Reichstein T., Lovis J. D., Greuter W. & Zaffran J. 1973: Die Asplenien der Insel Kreta. – Ann. Mus. Goulandris 1: 133–163. | |
22 | Chater A. O. & Greuter W. 1972: (199) Borago laxiflora. [In Heywood, V. H., ed., Flora europaea. Notulae systematicae ad floram europaeam spectantes No. 12. Short notes.] – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 65: 260–261. | |
20 | Greuter W. 1972: Melandryum elisabethae (Jan) Rohrb. [In Becherer A., ed., Fortschritte in der Systematik und Floristik der Schweizerflora (Gefäßpflanzen) in den Jahren 1970 und 1971.] – Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 82: 178–179. | |
19 | Greuter W. 1972: L’écueil à Silene holzmannii, en Crète, et son peuplement végétal. – Saussurea 3: 157–166. | |
18 | Greuter W. & Rechinger K. H. 1972: Verbascum spathulisepalum (Scrophulariaceae), eine neue Art aus Nordost-Griechenland. – Bot. Not. 125: 493–496. | |
17 | Breistroffer M., Charpin A. & Greuter W. 1970: Sur quelques plantes “steppo-continentales” rares ou critiques du sud-est de la France. – Candollea 25: 89–103. | |
16 | Garbari F. & Greuter W. 1970: On the taxonomy and typification of Muscari Miller (Liliaceae) and allied genera, and on the typification of generic names. – Taxon 19: 329–335. | |
15 | Greuter W. 1970: Zur Paläogeographie und Florengeschichte der südlichen Ägäis. – Feddes Repert. 81: 233–242. | |
14 | Greuter W. 1970: The taxonomic position of Lloydia graeca (Liliaceae) and related species. – Israel J. Bot. 19: 155–160. | |
13 | Greuter W. 1970: Contributio floristica austro-aegaea 15. – Candollea 25: 189–192. | |
12 | Greuter W. & Grau J. 1970: Zum Vorkommen von drei Unterarten der Myosotis refracta Boiss. auf Kreta. – Candollea 25: 89–103. | |
11 | Greuter W. & Mouterde P. 1970: Petrorhagia syriaca (Caryophyllaceae): une réhabilitation. – Candollea 25: 221–227. | |
10 | Greuter W. 1969: Notulae nomenclaturales et bibliographicae 5–6. – Candollea 23: 257–265. | |
9 | Greuter W. 1969: Contributio floristica austro-aegaea 14. – Candollea 24: 45–49. | |
8 | Greuter W. 1968: Notulae nomenclaturales et bibliographicae 1–4. – Candollea 23: 81–99. | |
7 | Greuter W. 1968: Une espèce de crocus découverte en Cyrénaique: Crocus boulosii. – Candollea 23: 45–49. | |
6 | Greuter W. 1968: Contributio floristica austro-aegaea 13. – Candollea 23: 143–150. | |
5 | Greuter W. 1968: Une espèce méconnue endémique des Iles Baléares: Euphorbia fontqueriana. – Collect. Bot. (Barcelona) 7: 531–537. | |
4 | Greuter W. 1968: Proposals 126–132. – Taxon 17: 456–457. | |
3 | Greuter W. 1967: Beiträge zur Flora der Südägäis, 8–9. – Bauhinia 3: 243–254. | |
2 | Greuter W. 1967: Contributiones floristicae austro-aegaeae 10–12. – Candollea 22: 233–253. | |
1 |
Greuter W. 1966: Beiträge zur Flora der Südägäis, 1–7. – Candollea 20: 167–218. |
Book chapters and monographs (published and in press)
129 | Rankin Rodríguez R. & Greuter W. 2016. Knowing to preserve – botanical exploration and the Flora de la República de Cuba. – Pp. 26–31 in: Grotz, K. & Fuentes Bazan, S. (ed.): Green treasure islands. Botanical discoveries in the Caribbean. – Berlin. ISBN 978-3-946292-07-4. |
128 | Rankin Rodríguez R. & Greuter W. 2016. Nur was man kennt, kann man auch schützen – botanische Forschung und die Flora de la República de Cuba. – Pp. 26–31 in: Grotz, K. & Fuentes Bazan, S. (ed.): Grüne Schatzinseln. Botanische Entdeckungen in der Karibik. – Berlin. ISBN 978-3-946292-07-4. |
127 | Domina, G., El Mokni, R., Greuter, W. & Raimondo, F. M. 2015. Results of the 12th “Iter Mediterraneum” in Tunisia, 24 March - 4 April 2014. – Bocconea 27(1) [77 pages]. ISBN 978-88-7915-026-2 (print), 978-88-7915-526-7 (online). |
126 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2015: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 21. Poaceae – I (Pharoideae a Chloridoideae). Tomo 1: texto. Tomo 2: láminas. – Königstein [VI + 214; VI + 270 pp.]. ISBN 978-3-87429-486-7. |
125 | Wiersema J. E. H., McNeill J. R., Turland N. J., Barrie F. R., Buck W. R., Demoulin V., Greuter W., Hawksworth D. L., Herendeen P. S., Knapp S., Marhold K., Prado J., Prud'Homme van Reine W. F. & Smith G. F. 2015. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. Appendices II-VIII. – Regnum Veg. 157 [XXX, 492 pages]. ISBN 978-3-87429-480-5. |
124 | Rankin Rodríguez R. & Greuter W. 2014: Papaveraceae. – In: Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.), Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 20(4). Königstein [18 pp.]. |
123 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2014: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 20. Myricaceae, Ochnaceae, Olacaceae, Papaveraceae, Sapindaceae. – Königstein [vi + 25 + 38 + 22 + 18 + 132 pp.]. |
122 | Greuter W. & Mazzola P. (transl.) 2014: Codice Internazionale di Nomenclatura per alghe, funghi e piante (Codice di Melbourne), adottato dal Diciottesimo Congresso Internazionale di Botanica, Melbourne, Australia, luglio 2011. Preparato e edito da J. McNeill, presidente, F. R. Barrie, W. R. Buck, V. Demoulin, W. Greuter, D. L. Hawksworth, P. S. Herendeen, S. Knapp, K. Marhold, J. Prado, W. F. Prud’homme van Reine, G. F. Smith, J. H. Wiersema, membri e N. J. Turland, Segretario del Comitato Editoriale. – Palermo [xxxii + 208 pp.]. | |
121 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2014: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 19. Buxaceae, Lauraceae, Theophrastaceae. – Königstein [viii + 124 + 86 + 54 pp.]. | |
120 | Domina G., Greuter W. & Raimondo F. M. (ed.) 2013: XIV OPTIMA Meeting, September, 9-15, Palermo. Abstracts. – Palermo. | |
119 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2013: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 18. Caesalpiniaceae. – Königstein [iv + 210 pp.]. | |
118 | McNeill J., Barrie F. R., Buck W. R., Demoulin V., Greuter W., Hawksworth D. L., Herendeen P. S., Knapp S., Marhold K., Prado J., Prud’homme van Reine W. F., Smith G. F., Wiersema J. H. & Turland N. J. 2012: International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. – Regnum Veg. 154 [xxx + 208 pp.]. | |
117 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (transl.) 2012: Código Internacional de Nomenclatura para algas, hongos y plantas (Código de Melbourne), adoptado por el decimoctavo Congreso Internacional de Botánica, Melbourne, Australia, julio de 2011. Preparado y editado por J. McNeill, Presidente, F. R. Barrie, W. R. Buck, V. Demoulin, W. Greuter, D. L. Hawksworth, P. S. Herendeen, S. Knapp, K. Marhold, J. Prado, W. F. Prud’homme van Reine, G. F. Smith, J. H. Wiersema, Miembros, y N. J. Turland, Secretario del Comité Editorial. – Madrid [xxxiv + 213 pp.]. | |
116 | Greuter W. & Raimondo F. M. 2012: The herbarium of Antoine Bras (1803–1883). – Pp. 261–270 in: Ekim T., Raimondo F. M., Greuter W. & Domina G. (ed.) 2012: Proceedings of the XIII OPTIMA Meeting, Antalya, 22-26 March 2010. – [Bocconea 24]. | |
115 | Greuter W. 2012: Results of the seventh “Iter Mediterraneum” in the Peloponnese, Greece, May to June 1995 (Occasional Papers from the Herbarium Greuter – N° 1). – Bocconea 25 [127 pp.]. | |
114 | Borsch T., Greuter W. & Rankin R. 2012: Untersuchung eines Hotspots der Biodiversität: “Flora de la República de Cuba”. Ein integriertes Mehrzweck-Forschungsprogramm zur Botanik. Investigating a biodiversity hotspot: “Flora de la República de Cuba”. An integrated multi-purpose research programme on botany. – Pp. 30–34, 35–37 in: Lack H. W. & Grotz K. (ed.): Floras Schätze: die Erfassung der Grünen Welt. Flora’s treasures: recording the green world. – Berlin. | |
113 | Ekim T., Raimondo F. M., Greuter W. & Domina G. (ed.) 2012: Proceedings of the XIII OPTIMA Meeting, Antalya, 22–26 March 2010. – Bocconea 24 [339 pp.]. | |
112 | Aghababyan M., Greuter W. & Raimondo F. M. 2012: Michele Lojacono-Pojero’s Centuriae in the herbaria and archives in Geneva. – Pp. 177–193 in: Ekim T., Raimondo F. M., Greuter W. & Domina G. (ed.) 2012: Proceedings of the XIII OPTIMA Meeting, Antalya, 22-26 March 2010. – [Bocconea 24]. | |
111 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2012: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 17. Poaceae – I (parte general y Panicoideae). Tomo 1: texto. Tomo 2: láminas. Ruggell [viii + 408; viii + 504 pp.]. | |
110 | Shi Z. & Greuter W. 2011: 2. Tribe Echinopeae; 3. Tribe Carlineae; [4. Tribe Cardueae] 2. Arctium group, 3. Onopordum group, 4. Subtribe Carduinae. – Pp. 33–41, 149–176 in: Wu Z-Y., Raven P. & Hong D.-Y. (ed.), Flora of China, 20–21. – St. Louis. | |
109 | Shi Z., Raab-Straube E. von, Greuter W. & Martins L. 2011: 4. Tribe Cardueae. – P. 42 in: Wu Z-Y., Raven P. & Hong D.-Y. (ed.), Flora of China, 20–21. – St. Louis. | |
108 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2010: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 16. Celastraceae, Clethraceae, Cyrillaceae, Icacinaceae, Smilacaceae. – Ruggell [xviii + 80 + 29 + 19 + 13 + 23 pp.]. | |
107 | Greuter W. 2010: Lectio magistralis: “Flora mediterranea: una in multo, multum in una”. – Pp. 19–30 in: Conferimento della Laurea specialistica ad honorem in Biologia ed Ecologia vegetale. Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo. | |
106 | Ferrufino Acosta L. & Greuter W. 2010: Smilacaceae. – In: Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.), Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 16(5). Ruggell [23 pp]. | |
105 | Rankin Rodríguez R. & Greuter W. 2009: Brassicaceae. – In: Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.), Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 15(4). Ruggell [51 pp]. | |
104 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2009: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 15. Alismataceae, Alstroemeriaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Brassicaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Cymodoceaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Limnocharitaceae, Nelumbonaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Thymelaeaceae. – Ruggell [iv + 24 + 7 + 35 + 51 + 8 + 10 + 24 + 13 + 8 + 8 + 26+ 16 + 39 pp.]. | |
103 | Khoshravesh R., Akhani H., Eskandari M. & Greuter W. 2009: Ferns and fern allies of Iran. – [Rostaniha 10, Suppl. 1; iv + 132 pp.]. | |
102 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2008: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 14. Lythraceae, Oleaceae, Rutaceae, Salicaceae. – Ruggell [iv + 52 + 46 + 134 + 12 pp.]. | |
101 | Kirschner J., Štepánek J. & Greuter W. 2008: 303 Taraxacum F. H. Wigg., Prim. Fl. Holsat.: 56. 1780. – Pp. 739–775 in: Greuter W., Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries, 2. Dicotyledones (Compositae). – Palermo, Genève & Berlin. | |
100 | Bräutigam S. & Greuter W. 2008: 299-96 Pilosella Vaill. in Königl. Akad. Wiss. Paris Phys. Abh. 5: 703. 1754. – Pp. 559–674 in: Greuter, W., Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries, 2. Dicotyledones (Compositae). – Palermo, Genève & Berlin. | |
99 | Greuter W. 2008: Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries, 2. Dicotyledones (Compositae). – Palermo, Genève & Berlin [cclxxxvii + 798 pp.]. | |
98 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2007: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 13. Malvaceae. – Ruggell [iv + 228 pp.]. | |
97 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2007: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 12. Orchidaceae I–II. – Ruggell [iv + 114 + 152 pp.]. | |
96 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2006: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 11. Azollaceae, Dicksoniaceae, Equisetaceae, Isoetaceae, Lophosoriaceae, Marsileaceae, Oleandraceae, Ophioglossaceae, Osmundaceae, Plagiogyriaceae, Psilotaceae, Salviniaceae, Thelypteridaceae. – Ruggell [iv + 7 + 8 + 7 + 8 + 6 + 12 + 8 + 16 + 10 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 124 pp.]. | |
95 | Greuter W. 2005: Linnean nomenclature and our nomenclatural Codes: how many do we need? – Pp. 119–125 in: Hedberg I. (ed.), Species Plantarum 250 years. Proceedings of the Species Plantarum Symposium held in Uppsala August 22 - 24, 2003 – [Symb. Bot. Upsal. 33(3)]. | |
94 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2005: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 10. Capparaceae, Cleomaceae, Dilleniaceae, Goetzeaceae, Meliaceae, Moringaceae, Myrsinaceae, Proteaceae, Symplocaceae. – Ruggell [iv + 24 + 24 + 25 + 14 + 44 + 7 + 44 + 12 + 20 pp.]. | |
93 | Greuter W., Naumann C. M., Steininger F., Breyer R., Häuser C. L. & Haas F. (ed.) 2005: Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungssammlungen in Deutschland: Schatzkammern des Leben und der Erde. – [Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 47, 83 pp.]. | |
92 | Greuter W. 2004: Recent developments in international biological nomenclature. – Pp. 17–26 in: Güner A., Ghazanfar S. A., Koyuncu M. & Adıgüzel N. (ed.), Plant life of South-West Asia. Proceedings of the VIth Symposium. Van, Turkey, 10th–14th June 2002. – [Turk. J. Bot. 28(1–2)]. | |
91 | Greuter W. 2004: The Botanic Garden in Dahlem today: a centennial jewel. – Pp. 14–15 in: Zippel E., Greuter W. & Stevens A.-D.: Botanic Garden Berlin-Dahlem, 100 years at its Dahlem location, 325 years in Berlin. Programme and abstracts of the international scientific symposium “Botanic Gardens: Awareness for Biodiversity” on Friday 4th to Sunday 6th June 2004. – Berlin. | |
90 | Zippel E., Greuter W. & Stevens A.-D. (ed.) 2004: Botanic Garden Berlin-Dahlem, 100 years at its Dahlem location, 325 years in Berlin. Programme and abstracts of the international scientific symposium “Botanic Gardens: Awareness for Biodiversity” on Friday 4th to Sunday 6th June 2004. – Berlin [69 pp.]. | |
89 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2004: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 9. Aquifoliaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Piperaceae. – Ruggell [iv + 33 + 48 + 94 pp]. | |
88 | Greuter W. (ed.) 2003: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 8. Aspleniaceae, Cyatheaceae, Cycadaceae, Zamiaceae. – Ruggell [iv + 65 + 64 + 8+ 22 pp]. | |
87 | Greuter W. (ed.) 2003: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 7. Polygalaceae, Styracaceae, Verbenaceae. – Ruggell [iv + 52 + 9 + 126 pp]. | |
86 | Castroviejo S., Greuter W., Heywood V. H., Jury S. L., Marhold K., Uotila P. & Valdés B. (ed.) 2003: Synonymic catalogue of the vascular plants of Europe. [Preliminary edition with restricted circulation.] – Palermo [2 vol., xxx + 830 pp.]. – Also as CD. | |
85 | Greuter W. 2003: Nomenclature in the electronic era: chances, challenges, risks. – Pp. 665–672 in: Legakis A., Polymeni R. & Thessalou-Legaki M. (ed.), The new panorama of animal evolution. Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Zoology, Athens 2000. – Sofia & Moscow. | |
84 | Greuter W. 2002: Phytolaccaceae. – In: Greuter W. (ed.), Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 6(3). Königstein [37 pp]. | |
83 | Böhling N., Greuter W. & Raus T. 2002: Zeigerwerte der Gefäßpflanzen der Südägäis (Griechenland). Indicator values of the vascular plants in the Southern Aegean (Greece). – [Braun-Blanquetia 32; 106 pp.]. | |
82 | Greuter W. (ed.) 2002: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 6. Gentianaceae, Juglandaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Sapotaceae. – Königstein [xviii + 40 + 11 + 37 + 59 pp]. | |
81 | Greuter W. 2001: Diversity of Mediterranean island floras. – Pp. 55–64 in: Mazzola P., Moret J. & Raimondo F. M. (ed.), Proceedings of the IX OPTIMA Meeting, Paris, 11–17 May 1998. – [Bocconea 13]. | |
80 | Greuter W. 2001: Source data for floristics and flora writing in the Balkans: an overview. – Pp. 25–32 in: Özhatay N. (ed.), Plants of the Balkan Peninsula: into the next millennium. The proceedings of the 2nd Balkan Botanical Congress held in Istanbul, Turkey, 14–18 May 2000. Volume 1. Istanbul. | |
79 | Basileiou A., Mbambalonas D. & Greuter W. 2001: Analusê tês blastêsês kai tôn edafikôn suntheêkôn stê limnothalassa tês Epanômês. Pp. 89–95 in: Kamarê G., Psaras G. & Kônstantinidês Th. (ed.), Ellênikê Botanikê Etaireia. 8° Epistêmoniko Sunedrio, 5–8 Oktôbriou 2000, Patra. Praktika. – Patras. | |
78 | Greuter W. 2000: Botanical nomenclature today and tomorrow. – Pp. 135–141 in: Nordenstam B., El-Ghazaly G. & Kassas M. (ed.), Plant systematics for the 21st Century. Proceedings from a symposium held at the Wenner-Gren Centre, Stockholm, in September 1998. [Wenner-Gren Int. Ser., 77.]. London. | |
77 | Alziar G., Greuter W., Raimondo F. M. & Valdés B. (ed.) 2000: Results of the Fourth “Iter Mediterraneum” in Cyprus, April 1991. – [Bocconea 11; 169 pp.]. | |
76 | Greuter W. (ed.) 2000: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 5. Flacourtiaceae, Haemodoraceae, Haloragaceae, Marcgraviaceae, Mayacaceae, Najadaceae, Plantaginaceae, Podostemaceae, Ruppiaceae, Xyridaceae. – Königstein [iv + 76 + 12 + 11 + 14 + 8 + 13 + 12 + 10 + 6 + 27 pp]. | |
75 | Greuter W. (ed.) 2000: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 4. Hymenophyllaceae. – Königstein [iv + 96 pp]. | |
74 | Greuter W. (ed.) 2000: Flora de la República de Cuba, serie A, plantas vasculares. Fascículo 3. Begoniaceae, Chloranthaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Sterculiaceae, Tiliaceae. – Königstein [iv + 27 + 12 + 12 + 68 + 38 pp]. | |
73 | Kamari G. & Greuter W. 2000: Phitosia, a new genus for Crepis crocifolia (Compositae, Cichorieae), a local endemic of Mount Taigetos (Greece). – Pp. 11–36 in: Greuter W., Georgiadis T., Constantinidis T. & Kamari G. (ed.), [Festschrift] Dedicated to Dimitrios Phitos on the occasion of his 70th birthday. – [Bot. Hron. 13]. | |
72 | Böhling N., Greuter W. & Raus T. 2000: Trifolium phitosianum (Leguminosae), a new annual clover species from Crete. – Pp. 37–44 in: Greuter W., Georgiadis T., Constantinidis T. & Kamari G. (ed.), [Festschrift] Dedicated to Dimitrios Phitos on the occasion of his 70th birthday. – [Bot. Hron. 13]. | |
71 | Greuter W., Georgiadis T., Constantinidis T. & Kamari G. (ed.) 2000: [Festschrift] Dedicated to Dimitrios Phitos on the occasion of his 70th birthday. – [Bot. Hron. 13; 484 pp.]. | |
70 | Greuter W., McNeill J., Hawksworth D. L. & Barrie F. R. 2000: Report on botanical nomenclature – Saint Louis 1999. XVI International Botanical Congress, Saint Louis: Nomenclature Section, 26 to 30 July 1999. – [Englera 20; 253 pp.]. | |
69 | Greuter W., McNeill J., Barrie F. R., Burdet H. M., Demoulin V., Filgueiras T. S., Nicolson D. H., Silva P. C., Skog J., Trehane P., Turland N. J. & Hawksworth D. L. 2000: International code of botanical nomenclature (Saint Louis Code) adopted by the Sixteenth International Botanical Congress, St Louis, Missouri, July–August 1999. – [Regnum Veg. 138; xviii + 474 pp.]. | |
68 | Greuter W. 1998: The early botanical exploration of Greece. – Pp. 9–20 in: Tsekos I. & Moustakas M. (ed.), Progress in botanical research. Proceedings of the 1st Balkan Botanical Congress. – Dordrecht, Boston & London. | |
67 | Greuter W. & Zimmer B. 1997: Valerianella orientalis (Valerianaceae) in Griechenland. – Pp. 291–300 in: Vitek E. (ed.), Festschrift 90 Jahre Karl Heinz Rechinger. – [Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, B, 98, Suppl.]. | |
66 | Greuter W. 1997: The form of names. – Pp. 82–87 in: Hawksworth D. L. (ed.), The new bionomenclature: the BioCode debate. – [Biol. Int., Special Issue 34]. | |
65 | Greuter W. 1997: Agrostemma, Silene (p.p.), Vaccaria. – Pp. 238–295, 302–318, 333; maps 467–568, 583–603, 605–608, 641 in: Phitos D., Strid A. & Snogerup S. (ed.), Flora hellenica, 1. – Königstein/Taunus. | |
64 | Greuter W. & Pirker B. 1997: Silene subg. Conoimorpha. – Pp. 319–323, maps 610–618 in: Phitos D., Strid A. & Snogerup S. (ed.), Flora hellenica, 1. – Königstein/Taunus. | |
63 | Greuter W., Hawksworth D. L., McNeill J., Mayo M. A., Minelli A., Sneath P. H. A., Tindall B. J., Trehane P. & Tubbs P. K. (ed.) 1997: Draft BioCode (1997): the prospective international rules for the scientific names of organisms. – Pp. 8–36 in: Hawksworth D. L. (ed.), International Committee on Bionomenclature. Report to the 26th General Assembly of IUBS, Taipei, 17–21 November 1997. – [Egham]. | |
62 | Greuter W. 1997: Biologische Nomenklatur im Umbruch. – Pp. 13–14 in: Manitz H. (ed.), 100 Jahre Herbarium Haussknecht – JE. Symposium über botanische Systematik und Pflanzengeographie. – [Haussknechtia, Beih. 7]. | |
61 | Greuter W. 1997: Botanical nomenclature and the developing world. – Pp. 67–77 in: Fortunato R. H. (ed.), VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica. Conferencias. – Kew. | |
60 | Greuter W. (ed.) 1997: Proceedings of the VII OPTIMA Meeting. Part two: poster presentations. – [Bocconea 5(2); pp. 395–931]. | |
59 | Greuter W. (ed.) 1996: Proceedings of the VII OPTIMA Meeting. Part one: symposium lectures. – [Bocconea 5(1); 394 pp.]. | |
58 | Hawksworth D. L., Greuter W., McNeill J., Mayo M. A., Minelli A., Sneath P. H. A., Tindall B. J., Trehane P. & Tubbs P. K. 1996: Draft BioCode: the prospective international rules for the scientific names of organisms. – Paris [42 pp.]. | |
57 | Phitos D., Strid A., Snogerup S. & Greuter W. (ed.) 1995: The red data book of rare and threatened plants of Greece. – Athens [xlvii + 527 pp.]. | |
56 | Greuter W. 1995: Bupleurum kakiskalae Greuter, Carlina diae (Rech. f.) Meusel & Kästner, Nepeta sphaciotica P. H. Davis, Phoenix theophrasti Greuter, Silene holzmannii Boiss. – Pp. 106–107, 136–17, 371–373, 412–413, 466–467 in: Phitos D., Strid A., Snogerup S. & Greuter W. (ed.), The red data book of rare and threatened plants of Greece. – Athens. | |
55 | Greuter W. 1995: Extinctions in Mediterranean areas. – Pp. 88–97 in: Lawton J. H. & May R. M. (ed.), Extinction rates. – Oxford. | |
54 | Greuter W. 1995: Origin and peculiarities of Mediterranean island floras. – Pp. 1–10 in: Quézel P. (ed.), Connaissance et conservation de la flore des îles de la Méditerranée. – [Ecol. Médit. 21]. | |
53 | Greuter W. & Hiepko P. (transl.) 1995: Internationaler Code der botanischen Nomenklatur (Tokyo Code), angenommen durch den Fünfzehnten Internationalen Botanischen Kongreß, Yokohama, August–September 1993. – [Englera 15; xxi + 150 pp.]. | |
52 | Greuter W., Barrie F. R., Burdet H. M., Chaloner W. G., Demoulin V., Hawksworth D. L., Jørgensen P. M., Nicolson D. H., Silva P. C., Trehane P. & McNeill J. 1994: International code of botanical nomenclature (Tokyo Code) adopted by the Fifteenth International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, August–September 1993. – [Regnum Veg. 131; xviii + 389 pp.]. | |
51 | Greuter W., McNeill J. & Barrie F. R. 1994: Report on botanical nomenclature – Yokohama 1993. XV International Botanical Congress, Tokyo: Nomenclature Section, 23 to 27 August 1993. – [Englera 14; 265 pp.]. | |
50 | Greuter W., Brummitt R. K., Farr E., Kilian N., Kirk P. M. & Silva P. C. (ed.) 1993: NCU-3. Names in current use for extant plant genera. – [Regnum Veg. 129; xxvii + 1464 pp.]. | |
49 | Greuter W. 1993: Lists of names in current use and their possible role in a global plant species information system. – Pp. 109–119 in: Bisby F. A., Russell G. F. & Pankhurst R. J. (ed.), Designs for a global plant species information system. [Syst. Assoc. Special Vol., 48.] – Oxford. | |
48 | Greuter W. (ed.) 1993: NCU-2. Names in current use in the families Trichocomaceae, Cladoniaceae, Pinaceae, and Lemnaceae. – [Regnum Veg. 128; 152 pp.]. | |
47 | Greuter W. (ed.) 1993: NCU-1. Family names in current use for vascular plants, bryophytes, and fungi. – [Regnum Veg. 126; 96 pp.]. | |
46 | Danin A., Greuter W., Raimondo F. M. & Valdés B. (ed.) 1992: Results of the Second “Iter Mediterraneum” in Israel, March–April 1989. – [Bocconea 3; 250 pp.]. | |
45 | Greuter W. 1991: La nécessité de conservation des ressources génétiques. – Pp. 12–19 in: Anonymous, ed., La conservation des espèces sauvages progénitrices des plantes cultivées. – [Cons. Eur. Collect. Rencontres Environnem. 8]. | |
44 | Greuter W. 1991: The need to preserve genetic resources. – Pp. 12–19 in: Anonymous, ed., The conservation of wild progenitors of cultivated plants. – [Council Eur. Environm. Encounters Ser. 8]. | |
43 | Greuter W. 1991: Merxmüller’s legacy and the NCU principle. – Pp. 209–215 in: Hawksworth D. L. (ed.), Improving the stability of names: needs and options. – [Regnum Veg. 123]. | |
42 | Greuter W., Raimondo F. M. & Valdés B. (ed.) 1991: Results of the First “Iter Mediterraneum” in south-eastern Spain, June–July 1988. – [Bocconea 1; 364 pp.]. | |
41 | Greuter W. 1991: Botanical diversity, endemism, rarity, and extinction in the Mediterranean area: an analysis based on the published volumes of Med–Checklist. – Pp. 63–79 in: – Phitos D. & Greuter W. (ed.) 1991: Proceedings of the VI OPTIMA Meeting, Delphi, 10–16 Sept. 1989. – [Bot. Hron. 10]. | |
40 | Phitos D. & Greuter W. (ed.) 1991: Proceedings of the VI OPTIMA Meeting, Delphi, 10–16 Sept. 1989. – [Bot. Hron. 10; 987 pp.]. | |
39 | Greuter W., Burdet H. M. & Long G. 1989: Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries, 4. Dicotyledones (Lauraceae–Rhamnaceae). – Genève & Berlin [cxxix + 458 pp.]. | |
38 | Greuter W. 1989: Urticaceae [Appendix]. – P. 190 in: George, A. S. (ed.), Flora of Australia, 3. – Canberra. | |
37 | Greuter W. & Hiepko P. (transl.) 1989: Internationaler Code der botanischen Nomenklatur, angenommen durch den Vierzehnten Internationalen Botanischen Kongreß, Berlin, Juli–August 1987. – [Englera 11; xvi + 120 pp.] | |
36 | Greuter W., McNeill J. & Nicolson D. H. 1989: Report on botanical nomenclature – Berlin 1987. XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin: Nomenclature Section, 20 to 24 July 1987. – [Englera 9; 228 pp.]. | |
35 | Greuter W., Burdet H. M., Chaloner W. G., Demoulin V., Grolle R., Hawksworth D. L., Nicolson D. H., Silva P. C., Stafleu F. A., Voss E. G. & McNeill J. (ed.) 1988: International code of botanical nomenclature, adopted by the Fourteenth International Botanical Congress, Berlin, July–August 1987. – [Regnum Veg. 118; xiv + 328 pp.]. | |
34 | Greuter W. & Zimmer B. (ed.) 1988: Proceedings of the XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin, 24 July – 1 August 1987. – Königstein (Taunus) [479 pp.]. | |
33 | Wildpret de la Torre W., Greuter W. & Zimmer B. 1987: XIV International Botanical Congress, Excursion No. 35. The phanerogamic and cryptogamic flora and vegetation of Tenerife (Canary Islands). Excursion guide. – Berlin [54 pp.]. | |
32 | Greuter W., Zimmer B. & Behnke H.-D. (ed.) 1987: Abstracts of the general lectures, symposium papers and posters presented at the XIV International Botanical Congress Berlin, July 24 to August 1, 1987. – Berlin [495 pp.]. | |
31 | McNeill J. & Greuter W. 1987: Botanical nomenclature. – Oxford [20 pp.]. | |
30 | McNeill J. & Greuter W. 1986: Botanical nomenclature. – Pp. 3–26 in: Ride W. D. L. & Younès T. (ed.), Biological nomenclature today. – [I. U. B. S. Monogr. Ser. 2]. | |
29 | Greuter W., Burdet H. M. & Long G. 1986: Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries, 3. Dicotyledones (Convolvulaceae–Labiatae). – Genève & Berlin [cxxix + 395 pp.]. | |
28 | Mayer E. & Greuter W. 1985: Aristolochia merxmuelleri, ein neuer Serpentin-Endemit aus Südwest-Serbien. – Pp. 321–327 in: Grau J., Hiepko P. & Leins P. (ed.), Festband Hermann Merxmüller. – [Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 107]. | |
27 | Greuter W., Burdet H. M. & Long G. 1984: Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries, 1. Pteridophyta (ed. 2), Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones (Acanthaceae–Cneoraceae). – Genève & Berlin [c + 330 pp.]. | |
26 | Voss E. G., Burdet H. M., Chaloner W. G., Demoulin V., Hiepko P., McNeill J., Meikle R. D., Nicolson D. H., Rollins R. C., Silva P. C. & Greuter W. 1983: International code of botanical nomenclature, adopted by the Thirteenth International Botanical Congress, Sydney, August 1981. – [Regnum Veg. 111; xv + 472 pp.]. | |
25 | Greuter W. & Voss E. G. 1982: Report on botanical nomenclature – Sydney 1981. XIII International Botanical Congress, Sydney: Nomenclature Section, 17–21 August 1981. – [Englera 2; 124 pp.]. | |
24 | Greuter W., Burdet H. M. & Long G. 1981: Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries, 1. Pteridophyta. – Genève & Berlin [xxii + [32] pp.]. | |
23 | Greuter W. & Merxmüller H. (ed.) 1981: Proceedings of the Tercentenary Symposium of the Botanical Garden in Berlin. Research progress in botanic gardens, on the Balkan flora and on the genus Bromus. – [Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 102; 567 pp.]. | |
22 | Garbari F., Greuter W. & Miceli P. 1979: The “Allium cupanii” group: a preliminary taxonomic, caryological and leaf anatomical study. – Pp. 459–480 in: Moggi G., Raffaelli M., Arrigoni P. V., Garbari F. & Nardi E. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd OPTIMA Meeting. Comptes-rendus du 2ème Colloque OPTIMA. Firenze 23–29 May/mai 1977. – [Webbia 34(1)]. | |
22 | Greuter W. 1980: The endemic flora of Crete and the significance of its protection. – Pp. 91–97 in: Antipas B. (ed.) Praktika sunedriou prostasias panidas-hlôridas-biotopôn. Athênai 11–13 Oktôbriou 1979. – Athênai. | |
20 | Greuter W. 1979: Mediterranean conservation as viewed by a plant taxonomist. – Pp. 87–99 in: Moggi G., Raffaelli M., Arrigoni P. V., Garbari F. & Nardi E. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd OPTIMA Meeting. Comptes-rendus du 2ème Colloque OPTIMA. Firenze 23–29 May/mai 1977. – [Webbia 34(1)]. | |
19 | Greuter W. 1979: The origin and evolution of island floras as exemplified by the Aegean archipelago. – Pp. 87–106 in: Bramwell, D. (ed.), Plants and islands. –London & New York. | |
18 | Stafleu F. A., Demoulin V., Greuter W., Hiepko P., Linczevski I. A., McVaugh R., Meikle R. D., Rollins R. C., Ross R., Schopf J. M. & Voss E. G. 1978: International code of botanical nomenclature, adopted by the Twelfth International Botanical Congress, Leningrad, July 1975. – [Regnum Veg. 97; xiv + 457 pp.]. | |
17 | Charpin A. & Greuter W. (ed.) 1978: †Mouterde P., Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie, 3(1). – Beyrouth [112 + (3) pp.]. | |
16 | Greuter W., Phitos D. & Runemark H. 1976: Greece and the Greek islands. A report on the available floristic information and on current floristic and phytotyxonomic research. – Pp. 67–89 in: Anonymous, ed., La flore du bassin méditerranéen: essai de systématique synthétique. – [Colloq. Int. C. N. R. S. 235]. | |
15 | Charpin A. & Greuter W. 1976: Données disponibles concernant la flore du Liban et de la Syrie. – Pp. 115–117 in: Anonymous, ed., La flore du bassin méditerranéen: essai de systématique synthétique. – [Colloq. Int. C. N. R. S. 235]. | |
14 | Greuter W. 1975: Die Insel Kreta – eine pflanzengeographische Skizze. – Pp. 141–197 in: Dafis S. & Landolt E. (ed.), Zur Vegetation und Flora von Griechenland. Ergebnisse der 15. Internationalen Pflanzengeographischen Exkursion (IPE) durch Griechenland 1971. Band 1. – [Veröff. Geobot. Inst. ETH Stiftung Rübel Zürich 55]. | |
13 | Greuter W. 1975: Premier Colloque OPTIMA en Crète – septembre 1975. Guide aux excursions. – Genève [34 pp.]. | |
12 | Greuter W. 1975: Floristic studies in Greece. – Pp. 18–37 in: Walters S. M. & King C. J., ed., European floristic and taxonomic studies. – [Conf. Rep. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles 15]. | |
11 | Greuter W. 1975: Ptilostemon Cass. – Pp. 415–419 in: Davis P. H., Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, 5. – Edinburgh. | |
10 | Greuter W. 1975: Historical phytogeography of the southern half of the Aegean area. – Pp. 17–21 in: Jordanov D., Bondev I., Kožuharov S., Kuzmanov B., Palamarev E. & Velčev V. (ed.), Problems of Balkan flora and vegetation. Proceedings of the first international symposium on Balkan flora and vegetation, Varna, June 7–14, 1973. – Sofija. | |
9 | Greuter W. 1973: Monographie der Gattung Ptilostemon (Compositae). – [Boissiera 22; 215 pp.]. | |
8 | Greuter W. 1972: The relict element of the flora of Crete and its evolutionary significance. – Pp. 161–177 in: Valentine D. H. (ed.), Taxonomy, phytogeography and evolution. – London & New York. | |
7 | Greuter W. 1972: Betrachtungen zur Pflanzengeographie der Südägäis. – Pp. 49–64 in: Strid A. (ed.), Evolution in the Aegean. Proceedings of a symposium held at the Department of Plant Taxonomy, Lund, Sweden, on January 22–24, 1971. – [Opera Bot. 30]. | |
6 | Greuter W. 1972: Floristic report on the Cretan area. – Coimbra [72 pp.]. | |
5 | Greuter W. 1971: L’apport de l’homme à la flore spontanée de la Crète. – Pp. 329–337 in: – Miège J. & Greuter W. (ed.) 1971: Actes du VIe Symposium de Flora Europaea. Genève et Nice, 24 juillet – 6 août 1970. – [Boissiera 19] | |
4 | Greuter W. 1971: Bromus caroli-henrici, eine verkannte ostmediterrane Graminee. – Pp. 83–89 in: Bachmayer F. (ed.), Rechinger-Festschrift. – [Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 75]. | |
3 | Miège J. & Greuter W. (ed.) 1971: Actes du VIe Symposium de Flora Europaea. Genève et Nice, 24 juillet – 6 août 1970. – [Boissiera 19; 350 pp.]. | |
2 | Greuter W. 1970–1974: Exsiccatorum genavensium a Conservatorio botanico distributorum fasciculus primus [secundus, tertius, quartus, quintus]. – Genève [84 pp.]. | |
1 |
Greuter W. & Rechinger K. H. 1967: Flora der Insel Kythera, gleichzeitig Beginn einer nomenklatorischen Überprüfung der griechischen Gefäßpflanzenarten. – [Boissiera 13; 206 pp.] |
Journals, not peer reviewed
12 | Böhling N., Greuter W. & Raus T. 2001: When plants tell of their environment. – German Res. 2000(2–3): 28–32. | |
11 | Böhling N., Greuter W. & Raus T. 2000: Wenn Pflanzen über ihre Umwelt Auskunft geben. – Forschung 2000(2): 28–32. | |
10 | Greuter W. 1998: The nomenclatural impediment. – SABONET News 3(1): 21–24 | |
9 | Greuter W. 1998: Forschen für die Vielfalt. – FU/Nachrichten 1998(7): 12–13. | |
8 | Greuter W. 1998: Frans Antonie Stafleu (1921 – 1997). – Biol. Int. 36: 43–44. | |
7 | Greuter W. 1991: Horst Risse (1948–1989): – O.P.T.I.M.A. Newslett. 25–29: 60–61. | |
6 | Hawksworth D. L. & Greuter W. 1989. Improvement of stability in biological nomenclature. – Biol. Int. 19: 5–11. | |
5 | Greuter W. 1981: Probleme des Naturschutzes im Mittelmeergebiet. – Beih. Veröff. Naturschutz Landschaftspflege Baden-Württemberg 19: 155–158. | |
4 | Greuter W. 1972: A propos de Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. subsp. insularis (Req.) Greuter comb. nova var. reverchonii (Rouy) Greuter comb. nova. – Bull. Soc. Echange Pl. Vasc. Eur. Occid. Bassin Médit. 14: 58. | |
3 | Greuter W. 1972: Note sur Lamyropsis microcephala (Moris) Dittrich & Greuter. – Bull. Soc. Echange Pl. Vasc. Eur. Occid. Bassin Médit. 14: 57. | |
2 | Greuter W. 1969: Citoyens nouveaux de la flore genevoise. – Mus. Genève 93: 2–5. | |
1 | Greuter W. 1968: Le dattier de Théophraste, spécialité crétoise. – Mus. Genève 81: 14–16. |
Other publications
17 | Greuter, W. & Rankin Rodríguez, R. 2016: Espermatófitos de Cuba: inventario preliminar. Parte II: Inventario. The Spermatophyta of Cuba: a preliminary checklist. Part II: Checklist. – IBSN 978-3-946292-09-8; http://www.bgbm.org/de/bgbm-press/other-publications/cuba/Espermatofito… [doi: 10.3372/cubalist.2016.2] |
16 | Rankin Rodríguez, R. & Greuter, W. 2016: Conocer para conservar – la exploración botánica y la Flora de la República de Cuba. Pp. 28-33 in: Fuentes Bazan, S. & Grotz, K. (ed.) – Islas del Tesoro verde. Descubrimientos botánicos en el Caribe. – http://www.bgbm.org/sites/default/files/islas_del_tesoro_verde.pdf [doi: 10.3372/Islas_Tesoro_verde] |
15 | Greuter, W. & Rankin Rodríguez, R. 2016: Espermatófitos de Cuba: inventario preliminar. Parte general. The Spermatophyta of Cuba: a preliminary checklist. General part. – IBSN 978-3-946292-06-7; http://www.bgbm.org/de/bgbm-press/other-publications/cuba/Greuter-Ranki… [doi: 10.3372/cubalist.2016.1] |
14 | Troìa, A. & Greuter, W. 2015. Isoetaceae, versione 1.0. – In: Peruzzi, L., Cecchi, L., Cristofolini, G., Domina, G., Greuter, W., Nardi, E., Raimondo; F. M., Selvi, F. & Troìa, A. (ed.), Flora critica d’Italia. Firenze [40 pp.]. – http://www.floraditalia.it/pdf/Isoetaceae.pdf |
13 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2014: Base de datos de especímenes de la flora de Cuba – con mapas de distribución. Versión 10.0, Septiembre del 2014. – http://archive.bgbm.org/BioDivInf/Projects/Floraofcuba/ | |
12 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2014: Base de datos de especímenes de la flora de Cuba – con mapas de distribución. Versión 9.0, Febrero del 2014. – http://archive.bgbm.org/BioDivInf/Projects/Floraofcuba/ | |
11 | Domina, G. & Greuter, W. (ed.) 2013 (regularly updated): OPTIMA. Organisation for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area – http://www.optima-bot.org/ (link is external) | |
10 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) [2005–]2013 (regularly updated): Base de datos de especímenes de la flora de Cuba – con mapas de distribución. Versión 8.1, Agosto del 2013. – http://archive.bgbm.org/BioDivInf/Projects/Floraofcuba/ | |
9 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. 2011: Base de datos de especímenes de la flora de Cuba – con mapas de distribución. Versión 6.0 en CD-ROM. – Berlin. | |
8 | Greuter W. & Raab Straube E. von (ed.) 2006+ (continuously updated): Compositae. – In: Raab-Straub E. von & al., Euro+Med PlantBase. The information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. | |
7 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2006: Base de datos de especímenes de la Flora de Cuba. Versión 4.0 en CD-ROM, Febrero de 2008. – Berlin. | |
6 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2006: Base de datos de especímenes de la Flora de Cuba. Versión 2.0 en CD-ROM, Febrero de 2006. – Ruggell. | |
5 | Greuter W. & Rankin Rodríguez R. (ed.) 2005: Base de datos de especímenes de la Flora de Cuba. Versión 1.2 en CD-ROM, Agosto de 2005. – Berlin. | |
4 | Méndez Santos I. E. & Greuter W. 2005: Propuesta taxonómica y editorial para la familia Lamiaceae en la Flora de la República de Cuba. – In: Méndez Santos E. I. (ed.), IX Encuentro de Botánica ‘Johannes Bisse in Memoriam’ del 20 al 22 de enero. Memorias. – Camagüey 2005 [CD-ROM]. | |
3 | Greuter W., Raab Straube E. von & Berendsohn W. G. (ed.) 1999: IAPT Registration of Plant Names Database [online]. – http://www.bgbm.org/registration/QueryForm.htm/. | |
2 | Greuter W., Zimmer B. & Berendsohn W. G. (ed.) 1997: NCU-3e. Names in Current Use for Extant Plant Genera Electronic version (1.0). – http://archive.bgbm.org/iapt/ncu/genera/. | |
1 |
Greuter W., Müller A., Güntsch A. & Berendsohn W. G. (ed.) 1983–2008: Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries. Interactive Web Presentation. – http://ww2.bgbm.org/mcl/home.asp/. |