2012- present at BGBM, Freie Universität Berlin.
2007 at Bonn University, Bonn; 2008-2012 PhD thesis in “Freier Universität Berlin”. Biology, Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Faculty. Research topic: “Phylogeny and Sytematics of Chenopodium L. and its allies.” Berlin-Germany (Since September 2006 DAAD-Scholarship for the PhD Thesis).
2005- 2006 “Speciality in Forensic Sciences” in Mayor San Andres University, La Paz, Bolivia. Pharmaceutics and Biochemical Sciences Faculty. Research theme for the project: “Quality and quantity of DNA from human feces”.
2005 “Postgrad Diploma in Education for University degree” in Mayor San Andres University, La Paz, Bolivia. Humanity and Educational Sciences Faculty.
2004 “Postgrad Diploma in Forensic Sciences” in Mayor San Andres University, La Paz, Bolivia. Pharmaceutics and Biochemical Sciences Faculty
2002- 2004 “Degree in Biology” in Mayor San Andres University, La Paz, Bolivia. (Diplom- Thesis: “Characterisation of genetic variability of Chenopodium quinoa Willd. with isoenzymatic and RAPD analysis”).
1997-2002 “Bachelor in Biological Sciences” in Mayor San Andres University, La Paz, Bolivia.
- Phylogeny and Evolution of vascular plants.
- Biogeography of vascular plants in the Caribbean
- Molecular systematics.
- Taxonomy of Chenopodiaceae.
- “Phylogeny and Biogeography of Model species in the Caribbean islands”
- “Origin and evolution of the Andean crop plant Chenopodium quinoa Willd.”
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
- González Gutiérrez, P., Fuentes-Bazan, S., Di Vincenzo, V., Rankin-Rodríguez, R., Berazaín-Iturralde, R., Borsch T. (in prep). The Miocene diversification of Caribbean Buxus started in Cuba and is connected to ultramafic substrate endemism and Ni accumulation. New Phytologist.
- Castañeda Noa, I., Fuentes-Bazan, S., Borsch, T. (in prep) Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Coccoloba. Plos One.
- Cervantes, A., Fuentes-Bazan, S., Flores Olvera, H., Ochoterena, H., Borsch, T. (in prep).Testing the monophyly of Bernardia sect. Bernardia (Euphorbiaceae): towards a better understanding of the genus based on molecular and morphological evidence. Systematics and Biodiversity.
- Falcón Hidalgo, B., Fuentes Bazan, S., Berazaín Iturralde, R., Borsch, T., 2020. Phylogenetic Relationships and Character Evolution in Neotropical Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae), with a Focus on the Cuban and Caribbean Taxa. International Journal of Plant Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1086/706454.
- Torres-Montúfar, A., Borsch, T., Fuentes-Bazan, S., Gutierrez, J., Ochoterena, H., 2020. It is not a disaster: molecular and morphologically based phylogenetic analysis of Rondeletieae and the Rondeletia complex (Cinchonoideae, Rubiaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 306. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00606-020-01630-6
- Falcón-Hidalgo, B., Fiallo-Ruiz, J.L., Gómez-Hechavarría, J.L., Medina-Morales, B., Fernández, D. de V., Leyva-Díaz, L.M., Moreira-Pérez, A., Fuentes-Bazan, S., 2018. Redescubrimiento del endémico cubano Phyllanthus formosus (Phyllanthaceae): caracterización morfológica completa y evaluación actual de su estado de conservación. Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional 39: 97-102.
- Falcón-Hidalgo, B., de Vales Fernández, D., Fuentes-Bazan, S., 2018. Variabilidad morfológica en seis poblaciones de Phyllanthus orbicularis (Phyllanthaceae), especie endémica de Cuba / Morphological variability in six populations of Phyllanthus orbicularis (Phyllanthaceae), endemic species from Cuba. Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional 39, 13–27.
- Torres-Montúfar A., Borsch T., Fuentes Bazan S., Clase T., Peguero B., & Ochoterena H. 2017. The new Hispaniolan genus Tainus (Rubiaceae) constitutes an isolated lineage in the Caribbean biodiversity hotspot. Willdenowia 47: 259-270.
- Falcón, B. Gómez Hechavarría, J. L. & Fuentes-Bazan, S. 2017. Phyllanthus phialanthoides (Phyllanthaceae), a new species from northeastern Cuba / Phyllanthus phialanthoides (Phyllanthaceae), una nueva especie del noroeste de Cuba. Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional 38: 1-6.
- Cervantes, A., Fuentes-Bazan, S., Gutiérrez, J., Magallón, S. & Borsch T. 2016. Successive arrivals since the Miocene shaped the diversity of the Caribbean Acalyphoideae (Euphorbiaceae). Journal of Biogeography 46: 1773–1785.
- Falcón, B. & Fuentes-Bazan, S. 2016. Phyllanthus urinaria (Phyllanthaceae), first record of an alien species naturalized in Cuba / Phyllanthus urinaria (Phyllanthaceae), primer registro de una especie exótica naturalizada en Cuba. Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional 37: 11-13.
- Fuentes-Bazan,S. & Borsch T. 2016: International cooperation with a long tradition: Caribbean plant diversity in the focus of research. Pp. 32-37 in Grotz K. & Fuentes Bazan S. (eds.), Green Treasure Islands. Botanical discoveries in the Caribbean, Berlin
- Hernández-Ledesma P., Berendsohn W.G., Borsch T., Mering S. von, Akhani H., Arias, S., Castañeda-Noa, I., Eggli, U., Eriksson, R., Flores-Olvera, H., Fuentes-Bazan, S. et al. 2015. A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. Willdenowia 45: 281 – 384.
- Verdecia, R., Gutierréz, J. E., Falcón, B., Fuentes-Bazan, S., Köster, N., & Castañeda, I., 2013-2014. Apuntes sobre la flora y vegetación de La Isleta, Manatí, Las Tunas. Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional 34-35: 91-93.
- Lack, H.W., & Fuentes-Bazan, S. 2013. The discovery, naming and typification of Chenopodium quinoa (Chenopodiaceae). Willdenowia 43: 143-149.
- Fuentes-Bazan, S., Uotila, P., & Borsch, T. 2012. A novel phylogeny-based generic classification for Chenopodium sensu lato, and a tribal rearrangement of Chenopodioideae (Chenopodiaceae). Willdenowia 42: 5-24.
- Fuentes-Bazan, S., Mansion, G., & Borsch, T. 2012. Towards a species level tree of the globally diverse genus Chenopodium (Chenopodiaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62: 359-374.
Other publications
Posters and Presentations
2008 Poster : “Finding the next relatives of Chenopodium quinoa – insights from a plastid phylogeny of Chenopodium (Chenopodiaceae)” in the 10th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik and 18th International Symposium “ Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology” of the German Botanical Society, in the Göttingen University (Göttingen, Germany).
2009 Presentation: “Origen and evolution of the Andean crop Chenopodium quinoa Will” in the XXX Anniversary of the Ecologic Institut, in the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia).
2011 Presentation: “Towards a species level tree of the globally diverse genus Chenopodium: Five isolated lineages within Chenopodioideae (Chenopodiaceae)” "BioSystematics Berlin 2011", Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum, in the Freie Universität Berlin (Berlin, Germany)