- Seit 2012 PostDoc BGBM (Freie Universität Berlin): FG Diatomeen
- 2011-2012 Forschungsstipendium an der Masaryk-Universität Brno (Tschechien) und der Universität Paris-Sur (Frankreich): Cytologie und Chromosomenevolution der Brassicaceae und Asteraceae
- 2009-2011 PostDoc BGBM (Freie Universität Berlin)/FB Mathematik Philipps-Universität Marburg: Langzeitspeicherung von Biodiversitätsdaten
- 2005-2009 Dissertation/Wiss. Mitarbeit am BGBM (Freie Universität Berlin). Titel der Arbeit: „Molecular Phylogeny and Character Evolution of the genus Crepis L. (Cichorieaea, Compositae)
- 2000-2005 Diplomstudium der Biologie an der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Titel der Diplomarbeit „Morphologische und anatomische Untersuchungen an Conopholis americana (L.) Wallr. (Orobanchaceae)“
- Phylogenie und molekulare Taxonomie der Diatomeen
- DNA Barcoding von Diatomeen
- Biogeographie der Diatomeen
- Phylogenie und Karyologie der Asteraceae
- Providing Access to the Phytoplankton Biodiversity of Northern Adriatic Sea (DAAD, with Institut Ruder Boscovic, Rovijn, Croatia)
- Genome evolution within the Crepis neglecta Komplex (DCPS, with Prof. Reinhard Kunze (Freie Universität Berlin) and PD Dr. Gernot Glöckner (University of Cologne))
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
Mohamad H., Mora D., Skibbe O., Abarca N., Deutschmeyer V., Enke N., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J. & Jahn R. 2022: Morphological variability and genetic marker stability of 16 monoclonal pennate diatom strains under medium-term culture. - Diatom Research (Published online 02 Dec 2022; 22 pp.) https://doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2022.2141346
Mora D., Abarca N., Proft S., Grau J.H., Enke N., Carmona J., Skibbe O., Jahn R. & Zimmermann J. 2019 : Morphology and metabarcoding: a test with stream diatoms from Mexico highlights the complementarity of identification methods. – Freshwater Science 38: 448-464. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/704827
Enke N., Kunze R., Pustahija F., Glöckner G., Zimmermann J., Oberländer J., Kamari G. & Siljak-Yakovlev S. 2015: Genome Size Shifts: Karyotype Evolution in Crepis section Neglectoides (Asteraceae). Plant Biology 17 (4): 775-786.
Zimmermann J., Glöckner G., Jahn R., Enke N. & Gemeinholzer B. 2015: Metabarcoding vs. morphological identification to assess diatom diversity in environmental studies. Molecular Ecology Resources 15 (3): 526-542. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1755-0998.12336
Stachura-Suchoples K., Enke N., Schlie C, Schaub I, Karsten U & Jahn R. 2015: Contribution towards a morphological and
molecular taxonomic reference library of benthic marine diatoms from two Arctic fjords on Svalbard (Norway). Polar Biology. DOI 10.1007/s00300-015-1683-2
Woelfel J., Schoknecht A., Schaub I., Enke N., Schumann R. & Karsten U. 2014: Growth and photosynthesis characteristics of three benthic diatoms from the brackish southern Baltic Sea in relation to varying environmental conditions. Phycologia 53: 639-651.
Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Enke N., Skibbe O., Kusber W.-H. & Jahn R. 2014: Taxonomic Reference Libraries for Environmental Barcoding: a Best Practice Example from Diatom Research. PlosOne DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108793. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0108793
Abarca N., Jahn R., Zimmermann J. & Enke N. 2014: Does the Cosmopolitan Diatom Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing have a Biogeography? PLoS ONE 9(1): e86885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086885
Enke N., Thessen A., Bach K., Seeger B., Bendix J. & Gemeinholzer B. 2012: The User’s view on Data Sharing. Ecological Informatics 11: 25-33.
Bach K., Schäfer D., Enke N., Seeger B., Gemeinholzer B. & Bendix J. 2012: A comparative evaluation of technical solutions for long-term data repositories in integrative biodiversity research. Ecological Informatics 11: 16 -24.
Enke N., Gemeinholzer B. & Zidorn C. 2012: Molecular and phytochemical systematics of the subtribe Hypochaeridinae (Asteraceae, Cichorieae). Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 12(1): 1-16.
Enke N., Fuchs J. & Gemeinholzer B. 2011: Shrinking Genomes? Evidence from Genome Size Evolution in Crepis L. (Cichorieae, Compositae). Plant Biology 13(1): 185-193.
Enke N. 2009. Contributions towards a revised infrageneric classification of Crepis L. (Compositae/Cichorieae). Willdenowia 39: (229-245).
Enke N. & Gemeinholzer B. 2008: Babcock revisited: new insights into generic delimitation and character evolution in Crepis L. (Compositae: Cichorieae) from ITS and matK sequence data. Taxon 57(3): 756-768.
Enke N., Kilian N., Nemomissa S., & Gemeinholzer B. 2008: Afro-alpine Dianthoseris actually a congener of Crepis s.str. (Compositae, Cichorieae, Crepidinae). Botanische Jahrbücher 127(3): 389-405.
Other publications
Lohrmann V., Enke N. & Gemeinholzer B. 2012: Mit welchen Methoden arbeiten Taxonomen? In: Lohrmann et al. (Hrsg.). Taxonomische Forschung in Deutschland – Eine Übersichtsstudie. Netzwerk-Forum zur Biodiversitätsforschung (NeFo). DOI: 10.5075/taxo-studie-01-2012
Enke N., Abarca N., Zimmermann J., Skibbe O., & Jahn R. 2013: Gomphonema parvulum revisited: A critical assessment of the taxonomic concept. Biosyst.EU 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Enke N. 2011: The user’s view on data sharing. Workshop “Data repositories in environmental sciences – concepts, definitions, technical solutions and user requirements“, Rauischholzhausen, Germany.
Enke N. 2011: Do scientists want depositories for biodiversity data? Biosystematics 2011, Berlin, Germany.
Enke N. 2011: Ergebnisse der Studie zum Thema Langzeitdatenspeicherung und Datenverfügbarkeit. WissGrid Workshop „Virtuelle Forschungsumgebeungen aufbauen“, Göttingen, Germany.
Enke N. 2010: Manual on Field Recording Techniques and Protocols: Organizing specimen and tissue preservation in the field for subsequent molecular analyses. ECBOL 2, Braga, Portugal.
Enke N. & Gemeinholzer B. 2008: Karyotype Evolution and Speciation in Higher Plants: The Genus Crepis L. (Cichorieae, Compositae). Botany 2008, Vancouver, Kanada.
Enke N. & Gemeinholzer B. 2008: Mechanisms of Speciation: Hybridisation and Karyotype Evolution in Crepis L. (Cichorieae, Compositae). Systematics 2008, Göttingen.
Enke N. 2008: Molekulare Phylogenie und Morphologie: Der lange Weg zu einer Neugliederung der Gattung Crepis L. (Cichorieae, Compositae). Invited Talk at the Colloquium of Organismic Biology, Phillips-University, Marburg.
Enke N. & Gemeinholzer, B. 2007: First Insights into Speciation Processes in Crepis L. (Compositae). GfBS Jahrestagung 2007, Wien, Österreich. (Award for Best Student Presentation).
Enke N. & B. Gemeinholzer B. 2007: Contributions Towards a New Generic and Infrageneric Classification Delimitation of Crepis L. (Compositae). Young Systematists Forum, London, England.
Enke N. 2006. Character Evolution within Crepis L. (Compositae) – First Insights. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Schottland.
Pfannkuchen M., Godrijan J., Maric Pfannkuchen D., Droege G., Kusber W.H., Zimmermann J., Enke N., Abarca N., & Jahn R. 2013: Access to the planktonic biodiversity of the northern Adriatic. Biosyst.EU 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Oberländer, J., Enke, N., Kunze, R. 2012. Genome Evolution in Crepis L. Botanikertagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland.
Enke, N. & Gemeinholzer, B. 2009. Speciation and Karyotype Evolution in Higher Plants: The Genus Crepis L. (Cichorieae, Compositae). Botanikertagung 2009, Leipzig, Deutschland.
Enke, N. & Gemeinholzer, B. 2009. Crepis L. (Compositae) – a paraphyletic taxon? Evidence from molecular, karyological, and morphological data. Systematics 2009, Leiden, Niederlande.
Enke, N. & Gemeinholzer, B. 2008. Possible hybrid origin of Asian/American alpine genus Askellia W. A. Weber (Cichorieae, Compositae). Xth Symposium of the International Organisation of Plant Biosystematists, Strbske Pleso, Slovakei.
Gemeinholzer, B., Enke, N. & Jahn, R. 2007. Establishing DNA-Barcoding Methods in Diatoms for Diversity Assessments. Biodiversity Infomatics and the Barcode of Life, Aarhus, Dänemark.